Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

I just found out MPMD did talking about subs go check it out:

And I do want it! :heart_eyes:

People have to understand that to decrease the probability of recon they need to do a solid healing (DR, the Elixir etc) and limit destroying (LD, Khan and EoG Stage 1 etc.) before proceeding and they should take action in accordance with their sub goals. To increase their capacity and don’t fall into overload too much they should develop their energy levels (using Alchemist or related modules).

I absolutely disagree with Hermit on comparing mind programming to the regularity of eating or brushing our teeth. Our mind has proven many times to be above physiological processes and their principles and mind programming is the best example of it.


Hot take.

Like it. It seems like, indeed, with Q+ and going forward you definitely need the foundation first. Be it ascension or Alchemist, or any sort of healing/limit destroying first sub before you dive into heavier ones.

That will, however, be tough to tell newcomers.

Then again, maybe Q+ will have EVEN BETTER scripting to reduce recon.
I mean, recon isn’t really an issue for me on QV2. It happens for a day, where I have neck pain and a bit of a headache. But nothing crazy. Results still fire massively.

The real issue is overload when I listen to too much and too many different subs, and this is really my own fault. Then again, it takes me (personally) WEEKS to undo this.

This might be since I never ran Alchemist. Balancing the Chakras definitely helps with the energy levels I can say that!


That’s even tough for some old members like @pacman.


These points are so spot-on. You wrote this about 3 weeks before I started playing my own customs in mid-May. Now it’s the end of June and I am experiencing some of what you described. Thanks for putting them into such clear words.


We all should be praying for it. :blush:

If we want to reduce our inclination towards recon we need to do more healing/limit destroying and act upon the directives our sub is instilling in our minds. To facilitate the process we could build some foundations (both internally and externally) too.

To increase our subliminal capacity to avoid overload we need to increase our energy level by running Alchemist (or related modules) or/and working on it consciously by meditating, eating healthier, exercising, sleeping well enough etc.

But of course the amount of exposure and processing time is key when it comes to integration, reducing recon and overload.


Stay away from DBol bruv

why not stay out of it all @Invictus, try subs first the power of the mind is incredible you can get some huge natural results without even taking any PEDS try that if it doesnt work you can do some peds

I know two people who ended up in intensive care after taking DBOL i mean why risk your health ?

Healing/limit destroying and energetic development are crucial, every change in our brain/mind requires rewiring and energy. The fact that most of us want to save that energy by being passive and sticking to our thinking/behavioral patterns is the main reason there are so many mediocre people and we waste our true potential to such a high degree. The fact that lots of people relive their traumas and live their negativity decreases the chance to rewire our brain in positive way.

We need to work on our energy level, we need to heal our traumas and brush away the negativity in order to succeed not only when it comes to mind programming but also, and in the first place, when it comes to the quality of our life.

Voytek, peace out. :heart_eyes:


I feel you and I do this thing where I’m at lowest volume and my headphones are half on my ears half off to the front


Why don’t you include RM, Ultimate Writer, and Sacred Words?
RM is fine if you only use one Product. I used RM for a week, and I collected ideas little by little, wrote a lot of novels at once, and wrote 10,000 letter per hour. I haven’t published it yet.


And you still get results this way?

Yes bro as long as you can hear the water you’re getting the messages. And lowest volume on iPhone still not low enough for me

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I couldn’t even hear the water yesterday yet I still had the tinnitus

I am already at listening to a sub once a week. I notice new subs are intense overload followed by hard reconciliation that hits you like a train.


Does RM have quantum limitless ?

It’s also fine when you’re using three products in your stack. I’m using it along with Alchemist and Limit Destroyer and I’m getting very nice results when it comes to its core archetype. I haven’t checked my artistic skills (writing poems) yet, however.

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Im more than a full week into a washout and still experiencing overload symptoms… what the fuck this shit is soo powerfull.


I was saying to the same thing…as if the processing doesn’t stop.

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