Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

I have no idea what that means

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Eat food.

Then let it digest.

Useful parts of the food become your body.

Other parts you let go.

Digestion works better if you’re not continually pushing in more food.


It means during that period you integrate the scripts massively since your mind has enough room for that. I concluded that after each loop you should observe yourself and those alchemical changes occurring in you and run the next loop when you feel/know/intuit that “you’re ready to go”. Actually, what Saint said before sounds very similar to “my” conclusion.


What @SaintSovereign said makes it seem like a person should resolve the trauma or conflicting beliefs first. I could be misunderstanding what he means

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You understand it right, the more shit you kick out using the Dragon the easier it is to integrate other scripts. I would run the Dragon along with LD.

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Here’s more abut the need for taking alchemical days.

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@Sub.Zero I feel we take for granted how quickly our lives can change

Now they can and really fast. Six loops of a program within three weeks and one week for a washout and you have a new identity.


Do a one-two weeks washout and you shall see by yourself.

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Ok. I will do that

On a somewhat related note @James, I’m going through a small shift in my thinking. May possibly be relevant here. Not sure.

Last year, I reconciled myself to patience and slow process. I’d chosen to run many programs at the same time (in order to prepare for running just a few programs this year). I read that this meant that results might come much more slowly. Felt okay with that, so I just downshifted my time expectations.

Now, this year, with Qv2 and a much more compact stack, I’m realizing that the pace of integrating subliminals is likely to pick up a whole lot.

  1. I’m running much fewer programs, so it’s a lighter stack

  2. Qv2 has the alpha programming in the cores removed, so we’re dealing with a ‘higher-potency dosage’

Today is my last day of a 12-day non-subliminal period and my subliminals have continued processing for all 12 days.

Others have said this already, but now with this experience, it’s more obvious to me:

They’re not actually rest days

If you wake up at 8 AM one morning, and then from 8:30 AM to 9 AM you proceed to drink 3 high-potency cups of coffee…

The period of time from 9 AM to 9 PM (i.e., after you’ve stopped drinking the coffee) is definitely not a ‘rest period’.

That’s kind of what we’re dealing with. (And I’m patting myself on the back for finding the friendliest drug-related analogy I could think of.)

But the biggest shift I’m starting to come to is:

Other than ‘Rest Days’, the other change we’re going to need to adjust to is a faster change process and faster pacing of results.

These ‘rest periods’ are going to be correlated with faster processing, not slower. I’m still trying to fully understand this. But I can feel it.




or you could just put it concisely. :joy::rofl:


So what ? Three or four loops a week for three weeks then a week off? There is no way a sub is that powerful to create an entire new identity in that little use

I’m thinking that rather than ‘rest day’ or even ‘washout’, the image that makes sense to me is one of a ‘launch’ or a ‘release’.

Like when you’re using a slingshot, a bow and arrow, or a catapult. You pull or crank back the strings to add tension. You aim. And then you release, or launch, the projectile.

Exposure to the subliminal is the first part: adding tension.

Stopping exposure is the release or the launch.

How many targets will you hit if you never release the arrow?

(It’s not a perfect metaphor. Subliminals can partially execute even with continuous exposure. But it’s a useful one for me right now.)


I experienced that before when running RM. I needed around one week only to integrate its script massively and to the point where I felt and saw my shadow (Joker) being elicited and integrated with my thinking, emotional and behavioral patterns. The shift was so strong that I just couldn’t believe it and I ignored it. Only after what @Hermit said about that did I realize that was it.

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That’s correct. It may be like with eating you mentioned before. You shall “eat” only when you’re “hungry”. Meaning we will have to learn how to intuit/sense when it’s the right time to run the next loop. When you’re “hungry” (you need it) for real since you see your body is in the state of readiness so you have an adequate energy/power level to do so. That’s something what @Hermit was trying to convey I believe.

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Another fun metaphor for Qv2 execution power:


His ‘exposure’ time to the ground (or, contact with the ground) is very limited. Most of the time he’s ‘resting’ in the air.

It takes about 3 brief ‘exposures’ to the ground for him to reach his destination. Because when he’s not on the ground, he’s basically flying.



I think it’s the exact same process.

It’s just that one aspect of it is more painful and the other aspect is more pleasant. So we separate them in our thinking.

Like surfing. You’ve got to swim into position (Recon), and then you can catch the wave (Integration).

You can’t just do the wave part.

:rofl: Reminds me of my little cousin (now a big man).

When he was 5, his mom got him really excited about the first day of school. New clothes. New bag. New lease on life. He woke up early did it all the right way. And had a great day of school.

Next day, his mom tried to wake up him up for school and he wouldn’t get up.

She said, ‘It’s time for school. Don’t you love going to school?’

He said: ‘We already did school yesterday. You mean I have to go back?!’

Rude, the heck, awakening. Literally.

(at some point after that, they had a frank and more detailed (and probably pretty disappointing) discussion about just what would actually be involved in this new arrangement.)


@Malkuth @Sub.Zero I’m not excited to do it this way but I will take the next week off then three loops a week , so probably one loop every other day for three weeks then take a week off. Sound good?
My only question is does that mean I should drop down to one stage of EOG and R.I.C.H? That’s what I’m running at the moment although with our discussion it feels like I should go back and run Dragon Reborn in its entirety which I do plan to do at some point. Am I hurting myself by not running Dragon Reborn first?

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