Quantum limitless ST1 Question

ive been running QL Stage 1 for about 1 month and 20 days right now,

ive noticed little results in that time. Not the results i was aiming for, Like fixing my memory issues and some help on my nervous system and other stuff, like with helping with my focus and help me being present more

nothing of that i noticed so much

My question here :thinking:
Should i go for another month of this Stage after i finish 2 months of it, so it would be 3 months of this stage in total ? since results wasn’t so clear or lets say not what i wanted to manifest, or didnt manifest yet ? cuz maybe Qv2 Takes more time to manifest maybe ?

if anyone tried QLST1 did you see results after 2 months?
also what do you think of going for 3 months for this stage :thinking:

also i would have to mention my Stack
its: Limit Destroyer Ultima + Emperor + QLST1 im using the the 1:1 Routine

Some results happen quicker then others but memory issues are a long term fix… That is not something you should expect to have fixed in just a month
It could take a few months for something like that to heal and fix
Actually all those things you described could take months to fix even with subs
Be patient and take action towards making things happen
If i was you i would get the physical change modules from q store and make a 10 module custom to help in your healing endeavors … maybe even use Paragon
Some of those things are also hard to notice a difference in

gonna make a paragon custom maybe after 4 months something like that

even if i only lets say get 2 months of exposure, the effects and the results can appear later for this stage lets say ?

I’ll preface by saying I’m not a doctor, nor do I have any knowledge of the sorcery present in the SC scripts, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. :nerd_face:

The brain is a very very complicated thing. There are a ton of things that impact how it functions. To list a few:

  • Your neurochemistry, which is LARGELY dependent on the health of your gut microbiome as well as the balance of minerals and nutrients in your body
  • Your neural structure, which is affected by things such as systemic inflammation as well as physical injuries
  • Your neural electrical functioning, which is typically treated with neurofeedback
  • Your thought patterns, which are definitely addressed with subliminals, and are also often addressed with more conventional methods including mindfulness training, meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Growing neural connections requires specific things, and if they aren’t present then your body will have a hard time making new connections. It requires certain minerals to have proper functioning, so those need to be present in the right amounts and ratios too. If there is a physical problem, such as inflammation, an infection, a chemical/toxin of some sort, then that also needs to be addressed, as they can all impact proper brain functioning.

Subs are fantastic, but you need to meet them halfway with the proper things. Listening to a healing sub without having the right environment for healing is like listening to Libertine, Wanted, etc but sitting at home waiting for someone to magically appear in front of you.

If your body needs something to heal (certain minerals or vitamins or nutrients, or addressing an inflammation issue that’s causing swelling in part of your brain), then by all means fix those things while listening to the sub.

I can’t see any way that working on addressing the physical/chemical/etc issues that may be present would be detrimental to listening to a healing sub… quite the opposite, if anything they would only help it work better & faster.

I’ve had migraines disappear within 30 minutes while listening to Paragon, and I love it. But I also take supplements to address the causes, as I understand them. And given that migraines used to result in me being stuck in bed with blinding pain for anywhere from 6 hours to a couple of days, I think my current strategy works pretty well.

Nootropics are another thing to look into… I’m partial to aniracetam and phenylpiracetam (must take with choline, I strongly advise supplementing choline for all sub users… makes recon headaches go away!) as well as CILTEP.

And lastly… Dan Hurley wrote a great book on improving fluid intelligence and working memory, and of course Jim Kwik’s book Limitless is a must-read if you want to supercharge your memory. All of which pair very well with healing subs.

Hope this helps!


Excellent knowledge!

Could you perhaps share more about your knowledge sources. I’m interested in boosting brain performance especially with nootropics such as Alpha GPC and Lions Mane. I don’t want to get into the hardcore stuff though.

Even the basic food stuff that are great for brain health would be helpful.

Coconut oil or olive oil :thinking:

I’ve read a ton of books and articles on the subject, the best ones being:

  • Smart Drugs 2 by Steve Fowkes
  • Mega Brain & Mega Brain Power, by Michael Hutchison
  • Mind Boosters by Ray Sahelian

They’re older books, but still worth reading to get started.

I also highly recommend a podcast called Smart Drug Smarts, by Jesse Lawler, as well as the podcast from Natural Stacks though I’m blanking on both the podcast title and host name at the moment.

I also used to hang out at a forum called Longecity, which was the main hub for this topic until Reddit took over… but In can’t stand Reddit so I don’t go there lol.

I know several doctors who work with brain enhancement, so get to hear some advice etc from them. I’m also friends with some of the people who develop and test smart drugs so I sometimes get to hear interesting bits about new things.

AlpaGPC is a great choline source, but in and of itself is not a nootropic. Lions Mane is awesome, I’m not taking that one at the moment (I’m on a supp washout at the moment, only taking a small number of them to tweak my stack) but I’ve used it in the past and it’s great. LifeCykels has a great lion’s mane, as does Natural Stacks. I’d also implicitly trust anything from Paul Stamets as well, he is THE mushroom guy.

I’ve taken stuff that’s used for treating Alzheimer’s Disease in Russia (Noopept) before, I suppose that’s hardcore? lol.

Olive oil is healthy (as long as you’re not cooking with it!) and C8 MCT oil from coconut oil is great, though it boosts your brain indirectly by helping you produce ketones, which are a better brain fuel than sugar. Eating MCT oil with a standard diet won’t do much for you except make you need to run to the bathroom. Gotta pair it with a diet conducive to ketosis.


hey man thanks for the input

i truly believe that it has something to do with health, thats why im not just looking away from that perspective

im trying to heal my gut and retain my stomach acid to its normal status, since if theres no HCA in your stomach your probably wont absorb minerals and vitamins

also i was thinking about the jim kwik course or thing!

thanks for reminding me!

also my water intake was a bit low than the usual, water surly helps and helps with subs in general

but i appreciate the input! thanks

Digestion is only 20% through stomach acid. 80% is through bacteria.

So stack up on that raw milk :wink:

I’ll stick with clinically studied probiotics… :upside_down_face:

2 of my favorites:

It depends on what you need though, and a gut test like the one from Viome will tell you that.

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Yeah but first i have to go step by step, to check all problems first

1- bring the stomach acid back, and learn to chew better

2- heal the gut from leaks and bruises inside the wall of the gut so nothing gets leaked to the bloodstream without being digested
(using glutamine, and quercetin ) for 6 weeks

3- last step, is to take prebiotics and put in some good bacteria and feed those babies :sunglasses:

Thank you my dear friend, very helpful

Humic & fulvic acids are vital for restoring tight junctions in intestinal walls too. I’ve used a product called Restore for this, developed by Dr. Zach Bush. (It’s now called ION, apparently)

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Stage 1 is only for “rebalancing” you. Stage 3 is the one for focus specifically, and stage 2 is the one that actually starts to make you “faster, better, more efficient” in areas like “memory, learning, troubleshooting” etc.

Here’s the full description of stage 2.

"*After re-balancing yourself, the time has come for the activation and development of your physical systems and mental faculties. You can expect thorough, determined development of any physical structure that has an effect on any of your mental abilities, and vice versa. *

This means making your nervous, hormonal, even respiratory system faster, better, more efficient. No part is left behind, creating a coherent, powerful, whole body effect.

Mentally there is again exhaustive advancement of skills and attributes. Creativity, IQ, memory, learning, troubleshooting, pattern forming, understanding, speed reading…"

I’d say skip to stage 2 now. You’ve been there for a month and a half and you’re ready for the next stage!

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yeah maybe ill finish the 2 month mark and move on, not sure though

i sent a support ticket,

**My question : "
ive been running QL Stage 1 for about 1 month and 20 days right now,

ive noticed little results in that time. Not the results i was aiming for, Like fixing my memory issues and some help on my nervous system and other stuff, like with helping with my focus and help me being present more

nothing of that i noticed so much

My question here :thinking:
Should i go for another month of this Stage after i finish 2 months of it, so it would be 3 months of this stage in total ? since results wasn’t so clear or lets say not what i wanted to manifest, or didnt manifest yet ? cuz maybe Qv2 Takes more time to manifest maybe ?

if anyone tried QLST1 did you see results after 2 months?
also what do you think of going for 3 months for this stage :thinking:

also i would have to mention my Stack
its: Limit Destroyer Ultima + Emperor + QLST1 im using the the 1:1 Routine

Answer from support:

Thanks for reaching out to us. Small gains from stage 1 is completely normal. With stage 1 you are basically creating a foundation preparing yourself for stage 2. After about one month of listening you’re ready for stage 2. Your current stack looks great. Move on to stage 2, and after a month move on to stage 3, then 4. After you complete all of the stages you should notice the changes you’re looking for. Also I notice you mentioned you’re interested in improving your memory and nervous system. If I may recommend some modules, check out APS: Head and/or SPS: Nervous System and let us know what you think.

Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out again if you have any other questions.




Maybe consider sharing this in Support Ticket Questions & Answers, sounds like pretty useful info.

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Will post it asap

I ran each stage of QL for 60 days.

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idk if i should just leave stage 1 with 2 months only

or put an extra month and it will be 90 days (3months)

what do you think rv?

What did customer service recommend?