Q UPDATE: Multiple masks are coming to Q and more!

I’ve been tempted to create a few customized ultimas and treat them like “suits” for the occasion.

So there are days when I need to act like a leader, and other days when I need to act like an academic or even a celebrity. I will run the appropriate customized Ultima for the effect.

This will be a fantastic idea.


It’s probably because I haven’t purchased any Ultimas yet, and have only the Executive which I’ve been sitting on so I’m not aware of how good Ultima is, but I’m far more excited for name embedded regular subs than anything else coming up, lol (that has been announced, anyway. I have a sneaky suspicion Saint and Fire are about to hit us with a doozy of a reveal soon enough).

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I love the idea of different suits.

Thinking about it too.

Just have to first find out what the build cost will be… I am hoping under $100.

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Makes sense King i was thinking along the same lines.

It is actually similar to what @mecharc seems to be doing with the regular subs. He switches his stack daily according to his needs.

I think customized ultima subs would be more focused and convenient though for his strategy.


Discussion on Custom Ultimas here: Custom Ultimas Are (Almost) Here!

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Hey Saint! I know custom Ultimas were your main focus for the past couple of weeks.

With their launch, I wonder what are launch priorities next.

I know the two main things in the air are name-embedded majors and multiple masks for customs.

Any note on which of the two are currently the primary focus?

I would love if the majors with name-embedding comes out next --> something for the more lower-budget crowd :smiley:

Nah, he’s gonna finish those stacking instructions. :slight_smile:


YAAAYYYY!!! :slight_smile:


Any plans for Primarch or an iteration of it for public use any time soon?

As for Ultima power, kindly, take a look at my journal on the Commander:
Commander Stark Aura

I tried LibertineU too but only for one day and only one loop. The results were pretty interesting.

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Personally, I would be glad if the more experienced users could share their knowledge on stacking on here. Maybe even one well-written post could serve as a solid base for those instructions. Please. :slight_smile:

Have you read this post? Anything else you learn is basically going to be derived from the points made here.

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Yes, it’s like a general guideline which could be a great context or baseline to some more detailed instructions. I think what almost everybody is looking for are numbers.

I’ll finish that one when I have time, I had started it at some point before but didn’t finish it. Thanks for the recommendation.

Are the multiple masks coming soon?



I don’t know how about stacking Ultimas (two or more Ulimas) but stacking one with a major program gives great results as you can read in my journal and I bet in the journals of many other users who decided to do the same. Actually, I stacked StarkT with two Ultimas once. With the Commander and Executive but I started stonewalling and it felt weird in general so I gave up on listening to the Executive.

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I don’t know if I’d say I’m a ‘more experienced user’ but I’ve run some experiments in my 8 months here :slight_smile:

Here’s what I’ve discovered

  1. Don’t do 2 terminus titles at a time unless they are same core different modules.
  2. Stacking 3 Q subs at 1-3 hours a day each is pushing the limit of seeing the full effects of each
  3. Terminus has to be 1 loop a day if stacked with anything else except Ultima
  4. After you acclimate to an Ultima you can do 2 different titles a day, preferably 6+ hours apart, but Elixer and The Beast WIthin go well close to each other, where as BLU and LIbertine do not
  5. If running 2+loops of terminus a day, must take the next day off from everything except Ultima or 1 loop of Q at most
  6. I can successfully stack 1 loop terminus 3 loops different Q subs, and 2 Ultimas a day, if in action on everything related to all those titles.
  7. I have successfully stacked 1 loop terminus 5 loops of 3 different Q subs and 2 Ultimas a day-but the jury is out on the sustainability of this.

Thanks Azriel! Great guidelines. Saved this post to personal notes for future reference :slight_smile:

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For sure! Hope those help a bit in the navigation until official recommendations.
While we all respond differently, I would bet my experience with those would or will reflect others when running similar protocols.

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