Q-Status discussion

I realised that @TheBoxingScientist’s original question has not been answered.

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Curious to hear everyone’s opinion as King has already highlighted, a brain hemisphere balancing module would be great to have. Meanwhile I am wondering whether I should purchase the QL and stack QL stage 1 with my emperor custom. QL stage 1 from what it says on the tin might help balance my brain hemispheres. I could do

1 x QL stage 1
2 x custom emperor

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QL Stage 1 would definitely help with this. There’s significant scripting for it.


Thank you for noticing this.

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Going to mix up my stack a bit to add in QL Stage one so I can become a more open minded balance brain functional idiot


Hi Saint, can R.I.C.H be used as a minor Q module in a Q custom?

Yes. It’ll lose it’s ability to serve as a temporary booster, though.


In that case, can I use R.I.C.H as an external Ultima booster for my custom sub?

I wish there were some way to highlight these responses that you know are going to be relevant over and over again to various question. I bookmark them, but that’s just for myself.

This post lets us know how an Ultima track functions within a Q-custom, and that is definitely going to come up another million times.

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from my understanding not all of them, the one’s that relay solely on state shifting-temporary boosts -like executive would not, I remember reading that but am not certain.

There is something about that immortals blade module it seems to steer me out of harms way its really hard to explain.


I might put it into Messiah (my custom Q+). It looks really appealing but it depends on the other slots.

Right on mate!

When is fully-automated Q going online?

It could be general progress, but since starting custom DR stage 2 with immortals blade, my life overall seems to be getting better and better, like some weight has been lifted.


The other day I was able to walk around a store and feel as comfortable as walking around my own house. Never been able to do that before.


It would be nice to see a single stage product that helps nullify negativity from other people and turns that negativity against them so they give up trying to argue with you or stop the aggressive behaviour. Possibly install love or positivity to them so they realize its futile to continue.


Now this is intriguing!

@SaintSovereign @Fire

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Please mention this again as a possibility for module pack 5.

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I’m thinking of something like a mental/emotional survival instinct although what you’re saying sounds a bit different I realize