Q Modules Requests

A monetizing module - Be able to monetize literally everything.
Like know what steps to take to monetize your idea. May it be a lemonade stad or a million dollar app or buying and selling pens for a profit

A module that would complement secret source , trail blazer etc.




I think @mecharc has a good idea aboveā€¦

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A module for assessing people, their situarion etc and understanding what they want.

There is All Seeing and Eagle Eye.

What features or benefits would you like that are not included in those?


Reality Distortion Field Module

The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand. Amazingly, the reality distortion field seemed to be effective even if you were acutely aware of it, although the effects would fade after Steve departed.


I second this one!

I believe it can be achieved with some modules from StarkQ and EmperorQ , especially Tyrant.

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Synesthesia development module. Being able to perceive scents, sounds, taste and colors from numbers, letters and concepts. A Mindā€™s Eye evolution.


Financial confidence

Financial literacy

Financial foesight : being able to see how your current actions with your wealth will affect you down the line and make the right decision


How about a module for animals or natureā€¦

Maybe something like an animal tamer or feeling some type of way with nature

maybe like a libertine or love bomb type thing with animals so animals get attracted to you in a loving way not a sex wayā€¦ tf

Like Dr. Dolittle the animals are attracted to pheromones so you would give off loving pheromones or something along those linesā€¦ or a module for someone who wants to work with animals

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Like Dr Dolittle ? :slight_smile:

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I belive that is illegal in many countriesā€¦


I do not think Saint would be happy with engineering a sub to ā€œromanceā€ animals.

You took what i said totally the wrong way lol

That is not exactly what i meant ā€¦ you can love animals or have animals love you without it being sexualā€¦ you took what i said the wrong way lol animals can be attracted to you and your vibe without it being sexual lol

love isnā€™t always romance i mean you love your parents, or job, or family, or pets ā€¦ do you love them in a romance type way? maybe a gf or wife you would but not your friends or siblings or job or pets

I know what you ment, and I think that it is a great idea. I love nature and animals!

The right way, of course!

I know mate was just sharing some banter :slight_smile:. Agree you can love every living creature on this planet.

A program Weapon X program to integrate, understand, and make use of Divine Laws ā€“

  1. Law of Perpetual Transmutation
  2. Law of Vibration
  3. Law of Cause & Effect
  4. Law of Gender
  5. Law of Rhythm
  6. Law of Polarity
  7. Law of Relativity

These are the keystones to having complete and utter control over oneā€™s reality. As everything operates under Laws and the Laws of fixed, exact without any alterations.

Including scripting to make use of oneā€™s Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual capacity to magically bring about desired outcomes using the Divine Laws above. Mindā€™s Eye and Faith Unyielding to capitalize on our higher faculties and Faith which symbolizes trust in the Divine as we have an understanding of its modus operandi (Divine Laws) which are exact.

A few examples of how these can be used constructively ā€“

Whenever a thought arises with a negative polarity, instantly shift it to its positive polarity; ā€œI canā€™t do that, Iā€™m not capable enoughā€ ā€“ ā€œI can do it, Iā€™m capable enoughā€. We all know Thoughts change the Emotions in our body and the Emotions change our behavior in the Physical, which includes ā€“ scent, body language, voice and tonality, movement, firmness of our body, and a thousand other things.

Another example would be using the Law of Relativity to have a positive outlook on a subjectively negative situation. The Law of Relativity basically depicts that nothing (subjective) can be measured unless you relate it to something else.

So, whenever something ā€˜badā€™ happens you relate it to something worse and it becomes something good. Most people always use this Law destructively by looking at the so-called greener pastures of others unknowingly that they have been watered and treated more carefully (law of Cause & Effect); input is output and you always get back what you put in (energetically).

Really understanding these Laws and their practical use may give one complete power over any situation and become a beacon of Light by inspiring others as to what is possible. Only if Humans, were to live in accordance with these Laws, would our planet ascend fully to the 5th dimension. The problem is that people do know of them but do not use an emotional impact or spaced-repetition to embed them within the subconscious which is our source of action in our daily lives.

In other words, a subliminal would be one of the greatest tools in programming these beliefs in our subconscious which should of be done so in school.

If one would realize that whenever he or she is in a negative emotional frequency any action would have an equal and opposite reaction to that frequency, then none would ever act out of a state of anger or anguish and instead use a spiritual tool to transmute those lower density frequencies. If one is in a state of Love he or she can only attract outcomes on that frequency which are always beneficial. God does not choose favorites, God is the Law, and it treats everyone equally under that Law.

We can use the Law of Vibration (attraction) and the Law of Cause & Effect to manifest any desired outcome, event, or experience in our life. We can neutralize any negativity, simply by understanding that a big smile (a result of positive frequency) dismantles any darkness (negativity) projected at it, in a similar fashion no darkness can be found anywhere near the Sun as it shines so much Light.

Understanding that Life has Rhythm and making use of those Rhythms in conjunction with the other Laws to bring about an unbelievable manifestation, simply by sailing with the beneficial winds of Life is just beyond the human comprehension of Life. It can also be seen as the Flow of Life.

These are the basic mechanisms of Reality and without them, you have no way of winning the game of Life. It would be like playing a game on a console without understanding which button attributes to which cause in the game. Without understanding the game and its controls, you can only dream of winning.

Nikola Tesla ā€“ if you want to understand the secrets of the Universe; think in terms of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.

I would also like to add this Program can be used as a filter for ones Thoughts, subconsciously filtering out anything which is incongruent to Divine Law and therefore enabling oneself to be attracting ONLY positive things in oneā€™s life.

What does this mean to the frequency oneā€™s body vibrates in? Major up-liftment and even Soul Illumination.

@SaintSovereign, this would be a really simplistic, compact yet astoundingly powerful Title that only a fool would exclude from oneā€™s stack.

Can we please get this Title if thereā€™s enough enthusiasm? Iā€™m even thinking about opening a fundraiser so we can get it constructed by Subliminal Club in reward for a fair payment.

This Subliminal Program is going to be realized, even if I have to do it myself, but itā€™ll come.

With Gratitude,


+1 on that