Q Modules Requests

Actually it’s not so simple. As long they are living in society, your friends, relatives and parents are also victims of brainwashing within a wider institutional structure.

So sometimes all you can do is to forgive them for guilt-tripping you. They don’t have any ill intention.

The thing that seriously changing is that wider institutional structure that holds humans back from maximizing their potential.

To those in power, their greatest fear is that the people they want to control know that they are powerful beyond limits.


If you could make a few comments how that would be different from RAIVOK, that might be helpful? What additions or changes would you like?

Very good point about RAIVOK totally forgot about that one. Is this by chance already in emperor core ?

@SaintSovereign or @Fire would have to answer that.

I understand you might be asking to save money or save listening time… or save your ears :grin:

Personally, my thought is that if I want that results, I just get it. So even though The Spotlight and Trailblazer are probably in Stark, I got them any way.

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The reason i ask is at the end of month i will upgrade my emperor core custom with some additional modules one of them might be RAIVOK

Personally, I’d do it! I’d also chuck in Deus. And of course, investigate Module Pack 4.

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Is there a reason for the misspelling?

Yes. The reason for the misspelling is because I make mistakes. If you catch me not being perfect again, please point it out as I tend to be a perfectionist and I like to be more excellent as time goes on.

Yes. And it is especially because of this that I desire something to make it easier for us to live “brainwash-free” despite their agreement to societal-programming

Agreed. It’s easy for me to forgive. But a bit more difficult to escape certain conditions they make like wanting me to live with them

That’s just one example though. There are many more complicated “ties that bind” that make the whole thing a mixed bag of emotions

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Have to be ambitious and strike at the source of all those toxic beliefs.

Perhaps having an Emperor’s reality where you shape the rules would be good.

At least that is something I want to work towards in the long-term.

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That’s not a bad idea. At the same time, I would feel guilty leaving my parents feeling that am abandoning them in their old age to pursue my dreams. It’s not like I won’t visit. I wonder how others tackle such issues

Maybe put these videos into modules lol:

Module ideas:

GuFrQ - Guilt Free life module. Live life without hangups and with emotional detachment

CiBlQ - Circle Blessing module. Have family, relatives, friends (your immediate circle) encourage and support your dreams

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To me, money is freedom and power. When I have more much money to influence others, I can call the shots and make others live life on my terms.

That is one way you could go around it.

A lot of these issues you are facing are less serious if you have more money.

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I agree. I did come to this conclusion in terms of having control over a large part of my life. But it still doesn’t cover family ties

Anyways, the funny thing is that my knowledge is all intellectual. I know it but knowing isn’t the same as doing it. Or should I say true knowing is taking action on what you know. How else can knowledge be power if it is not applied

In a way, if you are able to influence your family to do things your way by making them listen to you, you will be the one shaping the family dynamics.

Agreed. That is why my thoughts about Limitless are that at this point of time, I don’t want to learn for the sake of learning, but to learn in order to achieve my goal.

Pure acquisition of knowledge can come later in my life when I have more important goals covered.

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This is Raikov Module I believe.

Hmm yeah. Although they don’t really listen much even though I have bought up this issue. Maybe that’s exactly where these modules can help

A wise choice :ok_hand:

Dragon Reborn. :dragon: on dude!


Requesting for a

A shrewdness module,

A sales success module.

Since it’s already in emperor : hom

A thinking out of the box module