Q Modules Experiences

guys what happens to the aura if you combine subs with multiple aura’s in it?

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If your energy system can support it then it becomes a mix.Its possible to overload on auras and get none instead though.


ive run fearsome for 4 months and i have to say that it isnt just “assholes will fear you” like i thought it would be, it literally makes u understand fear a bit better, and develop it as an ally in your psyche and personality. I can honestly say that i developed a deeper understanding of fear, to a degree that I realize just how powerful it is when used against others, and when understood and stood up to as myself.

also it does make people afraid of you if theyre bad, the other day a girl called me scary and because of this module i knew she wasnt good, because it states “those who wish to harm you feel bone chilling fear at the thought of you” since women usually love me this was a sign, many have said that online and i started to know their intentions, not just towards me but in general.

#1 anti MOG/ I MOG YOU module in the store
#1 edgelord module (REAL NOT FAKE)


i had this in my first ever custom. I felt really handsome I know that sucks as a review but i felt like my lips were delicious my eyes my face, i bit my lips a lot more, and i got the specific compliment “handsome” a lot more, usually on khan ill get sexy but with this i got both.

its a feeling module, your sensuality will make you appear more handsome as your entire body language will be like a rugged sailor or a pirate


Thank you @Yazooneh

I have included it in the custom i ordered, however I suspect it to be in Renaissance man. It gave me utter relaxation in my body and melted away tension.

I found an old post from hermit about it:


If you like to share, what did you notice from the module „Courage Reclaimed“ so far?

@mvargo, @AlexanderGraves, @Leandros, @AlexanderGraves, @Tobyone

Only had it in my custom for a week, so too early to tell

I have it in a custom since 3 weeks and today was the first time ( what a coincidence) that I saw myself slide into victim mentality. After 3 seconds I was so disgusted that I yell (not angry) to myself : what am I doing in this shit, it’s useless

So far so good, I wonder how it’s gona be when it’s pushing me into a healthy state forever.

Just to let you know: Divine Self Image, that one I felt very powerfuly and since then my self image is solid and healthy


Would you be so kind and elaborate on that because I planned to put it in my next custom.

Do you have fortune favorite in a main sub and how has it been for you, have you won any big bets?

Still have high hopes for the potentiality of this module. However, I have only done three loops so far because of unexpected circumstances, and also a desire to focus more on my wealth subliminal for a while. Will report back if I notice anything.

I have a Dragon Reborn ST4 custom and I put Courage Reclaimend and Divine Self image in.

During my 4th loop suddenly I saw/felt myself very large and made out of white blue light, very powerfully shinigh like a star

I tryd for 40 min to give this state a name, but I failed miserable until I said : I am God


and I merged with this new divine feeling in full acceptance

Ich bin Göttlich

Then all old unhealthy self images plopped out of me


It’s in my maintenance/productivity/business custom.

For me it doesn’t have much effect on its own, but everything else in the custom (business opportunities, contacts, puctual organisation) just, well, falls into place.

Maybe most important as everything runs well oiled the need to procrastinate pretty much vanished.


@AlexanderGraves could you please give me a small review of the module „The Wonder“?

Does it help you to just go out and do exciting stuff? Like sometimes we all get caught up in our work or self improvement and forget to just „live“, go out and explore the city, do some crazy things like skinny dipping or just just meet for a round of billiard with strangers etc. Does this module help with that?

Can you differentiate it to Yggdrasil? How would you say it differs?

Sure :grin::grin:


Haha thanks but I know your journal :wink:

Specifically, would you say that the Wonder helps you to take a break from work (I know you are a hustler yourself) and just go out of the house physically and do something fun?

Also, would you say that the Wonder helps you achieve the above effect? Feeling alive and transferring it to other people?

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Hmm, not really. Then again my hustle IS fun for me, so I might be biased there.
I mean, when I go out, for example meeting with people, I do enjoy it definitely more then before, where my thoughts were always on the hustle.

So I guess it keeps you more joyful in the current moment.

YES, absolutely. You don’t care about rules or social stigmas, you just enjoy your life. The zest for life is truly powerful. And, yes, that energy is contagious. Especially for women because they are suckers for male energy.

I phrased that this way intentionally.

The Wonder is one of my all-time favorite modules and I didn’t even run it for long. But it was noticeable in one of my big customs. It stood out.


Thank you very much - I greatly appreciate your insights.