Putting Emperor to the test!

Simple. Sitting down won’t bring results. Sitting at home won’t bring results.


Very wise indeed :wink:


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I agree.

Action is the last and most important part for something to be manifested in the physical world.

Having thought and emotions focused on one and the same goal, with the according amount of time needed, which is directly proportional to the action you take. Is inevitably going to manifest that goal for you.

So, No, nothing manifests out of thin air. Physical energy has to be used in alignment to the desired goal for the manifestation to come forward.

  • Law of Attraction

Not true. I think this is a clever truism used to blame people when they don’t achieve the results those books promised.

  • I know depressed fuckboys who have slept with 100s and 100s of women.
  • I know very negative, very very rich men.
  • I know some very kind and romantic guys, who adore women yet are virgins.
  • I know some very positive and honorable people who barely have money to buy food.

Your theory doesn’t hold up to reality. So please prove it. But it does sound poetic :slight_smile:


You’re denying the laws of the universe which are way greater than the perception of your reality which is solely based upon results, not taking into account what has brought to the surface that particular result.

For things to manifest into the physical with thought and emotions takes time. Otherwise we could be thinking of planes and they would be instantly manifested out of thin air and it would be pure chaos. Our world is not created for instant manifestation as we have yet to master control over our thoughts.

There’s a difference between an action and the manifestation that let to an action.

Being depressed doesn’t mean you can’t visualize and feel the positive emotion of sleeping with a women.

Being born rich doesn’t mean you’ve manifested it. Nor does taking action without visualizing the results and feeling the emotions to have the universe work into favor of your actions.

Oh this is a good one. Women don’t like guys who are to kind and all about them? Yet you would think this is law of attraction right? In fact it’s the guy standing in his own way to manifest the romantic relationship.

I’m going to leave it here. No need to start a debate over your perception of reality which is purely focused on results rather than understanding behind the process. We’re only receivers of reality which go through or filter of perception, each one of our realities are truths but which truth is more pure? All is consciousness…

The higher you raise in consciousness, the more chakra’s are opened up, the more layers of ‘fake’ consciousness will be peeled off.

You’re leaving time out of the equation. The baseline emotional state doesn’t determine the manifestations nor does the state at which the guy or girl is at present. Same goes for thoughts.

We’re living in a world where time is still apparent for things to manifest.

You need to open your third eye to get the ability to see what is hidden. But it’s not necessary, I’m sure you prefer results without the understanding of how you’ve got them. You’re much of a result based person. Understanding is not a necessity :blush:.

It’s like the story I told about the 7 floor building. An idea or concept gets discussed on the top floor once it has reached the first floor, it’s been gossiped by different people on the different floors, each one of which changing the story around a little bit. This is exactly how are chakra’s work. Opening each one of the chakra’s raising your consciousness higher and higher, peeling away layers of false truths.

Everyone is on their own path :heart:


So the moral of the story.

You disagreeing doesn’t mean it’s ‘not true’. It’s not true in comparison to the perception of your reality and viewpoint of the world.

But which one is more true? :slight_smile:

I find this discussion very insightful and have some questions to you @Hermit but let’s stop spamming @KingR’s thread with that. Let’s move this to Consciousness Exploration or another thread in Emperor’s Lounge.

Sure! Looking from different perceptions is always interesting and insightful.

This is not a discussion nor a debate though rather many different people searching for the truths of reality. We should make a thread to talk through these kinds of topics.

Feel free to use mine Consciousness Exploration - Project Disclosure 2020

Although much of it is wasted time though. Rather many of us should focus on taking action and going after there goals. Wasting time debating over things on this forum is not going to pay the bills nor achieve you success.

So it look like I have been listening to Emperor for about two weeks now.

I usually listen 2x masked and ultrasonic at work so could be anywhere between 3 to 5 loops depending on the day.

My goals mid to long term with my sub listening:

1- Secure a promotion at my current place of work. I work for a big company and my department operates as its own business unit spaning HR, operational, customer relationship management, strategising, etc
2- Starting investing in real estate in my own country which is France
3- Moving into a nice flat closer to my work at a great rental price
4- Dating multiple women and make them walk with a constant quiver.

I don’t want to make this thread too long so I will straight to the biggest realisation or change so far.

Until I started running emperor v4 I kept having thoughts about where I am today compared to where I should be and compared to where my peers and friends are. These parasitical thoughts would bring me down and would be hard to shake off. With Emperor, no more. Now I also seems to have made peace with the present and started grinding towards my future. The past two weeks I have put in close to 50 hours at work while i am only getting paid 35h just because I have been given the keys to the house so to speak. I have been entrusted to running the show for 3 weeks while my boss is on holiday and I am doing whatever it takes. I have no fear to be calling upon clients to confront and solve issues, talking to top management on an equal foot. I learn everything that I can that can make me better at my mission without even really caring about where all of this is going.

So on the flip side yea i am less into chasing women or I spending less time mobilising mental energy on it. But I am actually pretty glad because what is the point. I can’t be dedicated to both when one area of my life which is my financial and material confort is so fucked up that It spills insecurities into the other ones ( which include my romantic life). I am not saying that one cannot be successful with women and be broke at the same time but one also has to know priorities and a basic foundation of material confort will help.

Either way those are the changes. I like the way it is going and i am glad I have chosen Emperor.

Have a great rest of the weekend my subbudds!


Some may deny it completely, but this is what prevented many from truly succeeding. You may fuck 1000 women/ladies/girls, but the catch is, is that what you truly desire? I know fuckboys whom are broke, the ones whom had 100+k salary a year, and the ones whom made it with their parent’s inheritance. There aren’t of a stark difference between these groups. When it comes to wealth, they are irresponsible and less accountable to it in terms of managing wealth. The smart ones? Percentage wise, 1 - 3%, a very minuscule minority.

Food - Money
Entertainment - Money
Water - Money
Internet Bills - Money
Car - Money
Fuel - Money
Rental - Money
Marriage? - Money, for sure

Some people that I came across, loved to play the victim mentality to the extent, I got rid of them by not answering them.

Their questions are ridiculous, here’s a sample of the many few I came across: Such as, money is evil, I don’t need to chase money and it’ll come to me eventually, I just need to visualize everyday and sit at home, I just need to wait for it and the time would come.

Yeah, continue waiting and see what happens right after. You’ll be thrown out to the street, good luck starving and yeah with the food stamp.

Take actions, be accountable, and fucking MAN up when needed. That’s my advice.


So it is coming up 19 days on Emperor!

I have essentially and mostly changed at work I would say. Although work is the sole part of my life I am putting any kind of focus at the moment. I have been working extremely hard, really delving into the realm of anything that touches what I do for a living.

Despite that, I am only human and I have made a few mistakes along the way. I am doing 50 hours+ weeks getting paid 35 and while I stay at work until 9pm every night, my only colleague who was supposed to provide me guidance and who has been there three times longer than me, is now literally receiving orders from me.

Like at this moment, I notice having very little patience for time-wasters. They all want to grab my attention about this coronavirus bullshit and I am like “look I have real work to do”. You want to warn all workers, do it yourself, here is the email list. This isn’t going to change my bottomline. That is all I am thinking right now.

I am though feeling anxious that when my boss returns they will make me an offer that won’t be sufficient financially. I will expose clearly what I want and if they don’t accept I will tell them to fuck off! I am still close to nowhere I want to be, still broke, still no flat, still no sex…I have got the blues today!

But I keep plugging away!


20 days on Emperor!
Still working 50+ hour week. My productivity has slowed down this week.
I am in a very challenging situation at work. I have been entrusted the day to day operations of a business unit spanning 5 or 6 cities through the south eastern quadrant of France. Everything is disorganised and there are quasi-no system in place. I am uncovering little by little all of the inefficiencies of the business in the way that it has been run so far by my boss ( who has gone on a 4 weeks vacation). I am doing quite well considering that I have received no training for what I am doing now and facing a high level of pressure.
What I have noticed is that I take full responsibility for things. I am confident in speaking to people and don’t tolerate bullshit from them and really feel compelled to speak my mind.
I am also realising my self worth. I even noticed that my voice is getting even a bit deeper and commanding. I still have to work on maintaining eye contact though. Oh and when I walk I feel like the Maire in town.
I have added the Commander to my stack and I really like listening to this supercharger.
I am dedicated to Emperor and really want to come out on the other side glorious.

Keep strong yall!

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The last week, although I have had a hard time every now and then getting rid of the brain fog ( I know that I would have a certain number of task to get done but would get overwhelmed with getting started) I have felt a need to organise things, files, put systems in place. I do it slowly but surely.

Someone else has mentioned it on anther journal with Ev4, one day I feel on top of things and then the next I get frustrated because I haven’t been as productive.

It’s like the subliminal is pushing me or putting me on autopilot to “grind” as many have been describing it but yet I can feel an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction or even resentment. I come home at night around 9:30pm and although I feel proud to have put the best effort forward and holding down the fort so to speak…I feel lonely and I wish I had a sex life to be completely honest.

Maybe it is only temporary I don’t know, only time will tell. So far I have been feeling more stressed than serene. The socialising aspect as well is worth mentioning. I only grind and grind at the moment. My goal is to move in my own place and then work on my sentimental life again. I am good looking, masculine and dominant but right now the grind is taking 90% of my life.

Questions that I ask myself ( for you hip hop fans out there youtube.com/watch?v=u0TUHksKj38)


So I thought this would be a good time to pick this journal back up as I have made a commitment to myself about 3 weeks ago to run Emperor Q until at least the end of 2020 alongside with the Executive Ultima and Libertine Ultima.

My current rotation is as follow:
2 loops per day of Emperor Q
1 loop per day of The Executive Ultima
1 loop per day of Libertine Ultima

So far what I can say after running about Emperor Q for 3 weeks that I am getting a lot of reconciliation. I know that the sub is digging deep! My subconscious is fighting and my deep seated fears are being stirred! I tend to sometimes “act out” and abuse substances. The context we are all going through with the lockdown and the sanitary dictatorship is posing challenges as well of course as a lot of time is spent in the company of oneself!

Emperor is helping me stick to my workout routine for starters. I have read that on others’ journals as well and I feel more powerful in my body the more I listen to it. I compulsively do pushups, pull ups, sit ups throughout the day even if I have already done my workout routine for the day. I am also prone to making better food choices. Two days in the row now have I stuck to my late morning green-juicing which, although may seem small, had been a pain for me to do in the past as I would be tempted to sit down for a big lunch and regret it when I get the afternoon slump.

I am squeezing the shit out of Emperor Q as I have made the decision to go on my own after having worked as an employee most of my adult life with little to no success. I have yet to really crystallize the idea of what my own business will look like but I have learned to let the “how” up to the universe ( or god).

As far as women is concerned, I am somewhat developing attraction going forth and back with a girl I have met not so long ago ( maybe a month). We are going forth and back on the phone whilst on lock down. I am appreciating things in her such as good conversation, her voice, it is very smooth. I find myself acting like a prospecter looking for the gold in her, evaluating this girl, if she would be a good fit. It is an approach that is new for me.

Anyway, also Emperor is helping me say no to poor choices such as smoking cigarettes for instance. Someone has reported the same thing in the forum. It is definitely effective I would say as the sub I can feel is strengthening my will.

As far as the Executive is concerned. I find a pattern when I listen to it. The first 15 minutes nothing really happens and then as I move past that mark, my urge to get moving and getting shit down is building up and compounding to the point that by the end of the track I want to literally jump up and get on with the stuff I need to do right away. It is like it is building the urge to spring into action. I love it and it’s effect definitely lasts about 4 to 5 hours for me.

As far a libertine Ultima v2 is concerned, I have noticed that when I go to a get together, the women around me are engaged with me at a higher level than they previously were. They find themselves enthusiastically conversing with me, I can see glimpses of attraction in their eyes, getting more tactile as well. I am looking forward to building momentum with this sub as well.

So here is my early progress report. I will keep updating with more precise day to day events. Take care everybody!


Awesome to hear your progress on Emperor Q!

How would you say Emperor fairs in comparison to Ascended Mogul for work and financial goals and the drive and competency of your own entrepreneurial endevours?

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Ascended Mogul I didn’t have but I started on Ascension and overall the subs made me erupt in bouts of alphaness. I was getting in conflicts with assholes at work, my bigdickswingingness did not fit the corporate world after a while .
I kept calling out all of the budllshit and put up strong boundaries and that’s part of why I’m here!

Outside of the corporate world I feel like Emperor now is taking care of many aspects of my life at once and that is what I like about the sub!! I can feel myself get more self reliant in many respects. It is changing my self image. I feel smarter on it and that is probably due to Quantum limitless lite also sex and mastery is giving me sexual reassurance.

As far entrepreneurial endeavours so far Emperor hs felt as it is giving me a solid core going forward. It reduces the gap between ideas and actions while feeling confident! I like the sub!


well said, I feel similarly. It covers a lot, not everything, but a lot for powerfully launching in life!


You know it well that Emperor is the real deal. None beats EV4 out of the park.

Hmm? I thought he was using EQ? is EV4, EQ?


Righhht, there it is. I knew it was EQ that’s helping me quit smoking. I wasn’t even intending it to happen and I just suddenly lose interest in them.

What a sub, that benefit alone is astounding. Cheers man

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Hi! I confirm that I am using the Q version of Emperor alongside with alternating Commander and Executive.

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