Purified by Fire (Dragon Reborn/Paragon/R.I.C.H.)

Effects of RICH

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Fell asleep listening to Dragon and I woke up totally burned out… its been like 45 minutes and I cant shake the tiredness away.
I think its time for a couple of days off subs


I just wrote this in the RICH forum

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Ive tried, but Ive failed… I just cant stop using Paragon… it feels so good, its got me hooked man

This might be an Ultima effect. When I first tested Ultima, I felt kind of addicted to it for a week or 2. Then that “addictive” or craving effect just vanished.

I’d encourage self-discipline and limiting. Gradual increases. Prevent burnout. Live long and prosper.

I appreciate your advise my friend… I should have specified that my comment was ment to be taken as a joke :joy:

After 1 month using Paragon I get nothing but benefits, in my mood, energetic levels and body sensation wise. So why quit if its working is what I say.

You are welcome. And I do give advice about jokes.:grin::sunglasses:

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RICH is amazing!! And how it intertwines with Agni (Stark + money modules) is superb!

Today idea met opportunity and if it continues to manifest in the right direction it has both the chance to make my business grow a lot and at the same time give me a pretty decent alternative income.
Now I need to manifest the right person.

Whats also super cool, is that I feel unrelentless motivation to do it and the certainty that I will make it awesome!

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:bowing_man::sunglasses:What more can I say?

So my ex was all chatty today, after a week or so without any contact, she wrote and told me she needed to tell me something really important.

She ended up saying that she had sex with someone and is considering a relationship and she didnt want me to find out from another source. Isnt she kind? :joy::joy:

Then later she called me drunk saying that she loves me and wants me to go home.
Honestly the news pissed me off because her speech is always I love you and I want to be with you, now she comes out as a total mess.

Fuck her!! I dodge a major bullet leaving.

I demanded that she never tells me she loves me again, because that and fucking other people kinda dont go together in my world and ask her to keep her private life, private. Its of no interest to me who she fucks.

Of course the real reason she told me, was to try and make me jealous, even though it caught me off guard, dragon helped me to see through it and see the manipulation.


Its definitely a major shift for me the way Im handlig this situation and all the emotions that are coming to the surface.
In the past I would have been devastated, jealous, mad, insecure and desperate to win her back, even though I ended up the relationship.

This is very close to what happened some years ago, that ended up with me sick with gastritis and an arthritis crisis.

Thats how I behave myself then and never really forgave myself for behaving like that, for a couple of years I thought I was angry at her. Even though I was, it didnt compare to how angry I was at myself, how much I dispised myself for being such a lame excuse for a man. Thats what I felt.

Now Im breathing new fresh air. All this cemented the decision I made to leave her. I realized I was still attached to her due to my own wounds… I just spend some time healing myself up from all the painful experiences Dragon helped me uncover.

I feel really calmed and fully accepting the fact that some decisions are painful even though they are the right thing to do.

Ive also noticed that having the chance to repress the anger I felt towards her, like million times before in my life. I chose not to repress it, I chose to express my feelings the best way possible.

That is such a relief.

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I now understand that when we are hurting we are capable of things that seem unacceptable tp other people, but in our own hurt it feels totally justified, it feels as the obvious thing to do.

I forgive myself, I forgive my ex girlfriend. We did nothing wrong, it wasnt our fault. We just carry a lot of hurt inside and do what we can.


My new Motto…


I like the new motto. Remember that there are some things under your control. However, this motto might give you time to breathe and emotionally regroup so you can dominate your reality!

I did read your other posts above. :trophy::+1: What more can I say?

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Yes thanks, I know… I meant it in a surrender to a higher power kind of way… In trusting that theres something more important, something bigger than what we can percieve in any given moment.

Sometimes words are not necessary, I value the place you are coming from, I value your time and care.

Listening to Dragon right now… like a balm to the soul, very soothing.

Now I understand that all the anger, sadness, Ive been feeling since yesterday news are because I felt like all my relationship with my ex was a lie. It broke my trust in her and made me feel that everytime she said she loves me, wasnt really true. I cannot trust her.

It hurts a lot… but as soon as I realized that, I began to feel better.
I accepted the fact that I hated myself and began to do some emotional release techniques.
Im in a much better place now.

I allowed myself to feel angry, sad, dissapointed, betrayed, guilt and whatever I felt. Without excuses, without justifications, without avoidance. Deep diving inside, learning to feel and express in a healthier way.

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Hang in there man!

This is my thought “When you think the :dragon: is trying to buck you off, it’s really just an abrupt change in direction to take a more efficient route to a better place.”

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Just before waking up the dreams are over.

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I listened to my stack in the morning… Im gonna rest till monday.

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So… today I feel different in a very profound pleassurable way, I cant point to it exactly, but its a very obvious feeling.

Different as a person, more grounded, lighter, happier, but thats not it, I dont know how to describe it.
I guess I love myself much more and a heavy weight was been lifted.

Tomorrow I resume listening to my stack.