Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

This was similar to my reasoning for deciding to re-add Mogul after initially removing it. I was viewing Mogul as more of a foundational core that might have created some interesting synergy and results between Stark and HoM. Then of course, R.I.C.H was released and I thought it might be able to give me that boost/synergy I was looking for without making my custom extra dense by adding a third core.

Like I said, I know I’ve been overthinking this one. The opportunity to supercharge my custom with R.I.C.H has me excited and rethinking some modules. I have a little more clarity now after sleeping on it :slight_smile:

Thanks for your thoughts @Malkuth

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I’m not updating my journal on here as much so I’m going to use the main threads to keep posting experiences I’m having.

My boyfriend has gone from having about 8 or so people in his company to 20 people in his company since we’ve used R.I.C.H and that’s about 3 times? I play it once a week x4 loops for my Ultima and routine test.

Ya’ll know, if you read my journal, that I struggled with coming up with ways for making money. Well last week, a couple days after using R.I.C.H, I got 8 (I got 9 but one would take a bunch of time) different ways to make money all at once. I wrote them down and am taking action on them now.

Some of them active and some of them passive.
8/9 different ways and they’re freaking great ideas too.

Multiple sources of income.


Same here money opportunities arising from all possible angles, I’ve neglected four of them as I’m looking to streamline my focus in two businesses at a time (they are interconnected though).

@Brandon, what’s your listening pattern, do you mean that you’re listening to R.I.C.H 4 times, once a week?

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That’s awesome @Hermit.
I’m currently listening to 4 Ultimas as an experiment.
All majors.

My set up is 4 days a week.
One Ultima for each of those days.

All x4-5 loops.


Ive been using RICH for 5 or 6 days, just once a day. Most obvious effect? I spend all morning doing work on my notebook for my bussines (Email, Social media campaigns, talking to clients, etc) Things I wasnt doing before RICH.
Whats even more impressive is that as soon as Im done I get the feeling that Im not doing enough to make even more money, I just cant do things I did before to pass the time, cause now I feel strongly that they are a waste of time and money.

When it comes to things that are not money making related, as long as its something that I define as useful I can do it, like playing guitar.


R.I.C.H. & Paragon are the most potent subs I came across so far.

R.I.C.H. feels more focused than most other business subs, which kinda works similar to a journal as progress is always tangible. I’m very focussed & productive right now, but also questioning status quo and happy to revise everything necessary.

Maybe even more important: It links this productivity/wealth theme closely to a delightful kind of decadence. Linking it clearly to the reward center makes it incredibly powerful.



I just got a RICH manifestation.

I tend to be in it for the long-haul. I don’t want to be overly swayed by momentary ups-and-downs.

But you’ve got to call it what it is.

It was just a quick text from someone to the basic effect of: “I’ve told some other people about how I appreciated working with you, so you may be hearing from some people”


Edit: My boyfriend has gone from having about 8 or so people in his company to 20 people in his company since we’ve used R.I.C.H and that’s about 3 times!



Sounds like RICH is working.




This morning I decided to triple my investment in marketing, not only that but also diversify my campaings. Different services and into my online community.
Different amount of money in marketing according to the possible maximum income of every service.

Decided not to rely only on organic but to pump it up with money so I can reach way more people.

Everything seems common sense now, I wonder why I didnt saw it before :joy::joy:.

Next step, to record some quality products to sell online.

RICH + Stark and Money Customs rules!!


Manifestion with RICH is probably so strong because even small things are mostly happening in the outer world (finding new clients, business ideas, better contracts…) and are therefore always tangible/visible.

I’ve no reconcilliation (listening to 4 loops Paragon and 4 RICH per day) besides a deeper and longer sleep (which is actually nice), but it take up all my “bandwidth”. Normally I listen to subs during the day and 1-2 hypnosis track before sleep. Right now it’s just Paragon and RICH, no hypnosis.


Paging @Fire @RVconsultant @Azriel @SaintSovereign

Does anybody know if RICH has an aural component? Like an aura of being successful or wealthy.

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I don’t know. This would be a @SaintSovereign @Fire question.

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Yes, there’s an aura.


Cool. Thanks. :grin:

Running R.I.C.H. for the first test run
half way through as of now.
Running on computer speakers first before trying on headphones next week.
Feeling extremely confident in myself and in making things happen, very logical as well.
I get the sense of success in my veins, and it feels like I will stop at nothing to make what I want to have happen, happen. I paused to take a work call and the person said something to me that occurred like I might be being dishonest about something, he said it in passing but it’s not true and normally would be distressing but I find myself with a strong conviction to simply stop working there or make them so much money they have nothing to say.

There is a sense of the rates I am charging are far too low and I can’t afford to waste time anymore with emotional uncertainty and issues around work.

I also feel a sense of decadence, like I’m working with all my expensive rings on, and some recon slightly in deserving.


I was wondering since I am listening R.I.CH. if Limit Destroyer would be a good combo? If so, I was thinking about how to play both of these. Which I was thinking maybe get a play list were I listen to R.I.CH. Then Limit Destroyer and just repeat the pattern.

If anyone has a better way of doing it, I am open to suggestions.

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Hello i am wondering if anyone had result with this ultima or not i have same ones