Progress with Seductress & StarkQ

@friday probably asked that as most of the subclub products are 18+

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No, I wrote it because I found the word choice of getting to know kids a bit suspicious, depending on your age. Especially if you would have turned out to be in your middle age, like many here are.


Yea that’s a bit sus too :joy:
But then again a lot of Uni students nowadays call each other kids, even in their early 20s, so maybe she used it that way


This IronClaw is tbe female version of Wolverine she shows no fear !! weldone on going out and socializing.

Your new title is Iron Claw the Fearless


In dubio pro reo



I don’t have much to write about but it’s a journal for me so I won’t bother making it look good at all costs. It’s for me at the end of the day. People can take a peek but that’s not really the point. I have to remember this.

I’ll track anything I can track and think could be useful to me in the future when looking back.


  • Watched a lot of videos lately teaching / discussing dating market, life advices, self growth etc.
  • Drinking enough water every day so that’s good.
  • Working on my digital drawings most of the time.
  • I may just put my phone off of my table since it’s so distracting and time consuming for me. It’s pretty scary how days go by without me noticing.


  • I got myself archery courses so I’m excited to go out. First time I got there, I’ve talked to the teachers only. I don’t want to be pushy… I think it was too soon to socialize anyway. This was similar to when our new class opened and nobody talked to anybody the first day or two. I won’t rush things.
  • Groups I approached no longer ask me to hang out with them. Not sure if I should go and try to talk to them or not. I don’t want to chase people. Not having a schedule where we could meet each other seems to be the main issue.

Hi Iron Claw great progress so far for me personally if I reach out to people if they feel a connection or we have commonalities they usually come back to me. If they do not i don;t bother reaching out again. Look at it from a positive perspective why waste time with those who cannot commit time to come back to you ?.

Just keep being talkative and you will eventually meet people who resonate on your wavelenght and they will become friends with you.

Its never too soon to socialise. You decide this on your own terms do not follow the sheep and assume because noone else is being social you have to abide by that.

Remember you are the one and only Iron Claw :slight_smile:


Good advices thank you!



  • Finished my work few days back and now continuing to work on the next comics chapter in unusual speed.
  • Had an argument with my family over my workout routine and broke down on Friday. We’re alright now.
  • Cut off coffee for good. Yesterday went to a forest but did not feel much energy. Head down, eyes half closed and went silent. Took a nap later on.
  • Getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep daily for the past week.
  • Still tired with a lot on my mind but the forest trip helped me a little. I keep on thinking of my work and projects. Every time I go with intention to rest for a while, It’s getting harder to actually do so.

Overall listening to StarkQ and Seductress (( 1 loop each )) every second day.


One big change I have realized yesterday is that every time I walk in the city, I look in every window if I can see my reflexion in it. Same thing for mirrors in my house. I have been avoiding seeing myself for years throughout the days because of the lack of confidence I had.


  • Two days ago, trashed two big bags full of the things from my room I never used. Didn’t matter what it was. If I couldn’t remember picking that thing up in the past three months, it had to go.
  • My PC workspace is clean now too! Took me few hours to delete all the things I no longer needed and put the rest in order but it’s done!

@IronClaws it seems that the subs are doing their magic from the inside. You are growing as a person…you are being a legend !!! weldone.


When I first saw the movie Limitless, I laughed my ass off at the scene where Eddie cleans his entire apartment in a frenzy. “No WAY a pill gives someone the motivation, energy, whatever, to clean all that at once!”

A friend pointed out to me, though, that it’s possible that Eddie always had the motivation, just not the energy. Or had the mindset, just not the motivation, etc. and so on. And that the pill just filled in the gaps. Like how fire needs 3 things at the same time to burn and if you are missing just one of them, no fire.

Now I see how possible it is, esp reading what you said about throwing stuff out. I’m hella impressed with SubClub more and more each day. I also appreciate you journaling your progress to keep lazy bastaards like me motivated :slight_smile:


I’ve never watched the movie but now I really want to see it. I’m guessing I’m not the only one rewatching Iron Man movies when running Stark either haha. Thank you for the responses they really make my day better.


I’ve recently started running StarkT again to help me push past my slump. It got me to reorganize my home office so I can be more like Tony :slight_smile:


Changes :sauropod:


  • Had to get rid of some clothes due to them being just not good anymore. I really don’t know what I was thinking half a year back when buying a suit???
  • Bought dresses I really like. I hated wearing dresses when I was little so it’s a big deal for me. Maybe I could wear them outside? I have no clue if I even could but at least I took the first step.


  • My mom came up to me in the morning to tell me to get some groceries in the afternoon. I agreed and smiled. She freezed and asked me why did I say it that way. I wasn’t sure what she meant. She said I talk weird, gave me a confused face and dismissed it as she left the room. I don’t remember the exact words I used but it really wasn’t unusual. Maybe something in my voice or attitude?
  • Called one of the sellers to buy some extra arrows and noticed my voice got very feminine and my approach sweeter but that might just be my shyness when on a call with strangers. Who knows.
  • Had few conversations with my dad and managed to keep certain opinions that I knew would be triggering to myself. I am slowly learning to be able to tell where the line is and how not to cross it. Maybe StarkQ is helping me learn certain things when it comes to socialization?


  • Sat down with the archery club on a small celebration party - starting to make friends there - turns out we’re all big nerds haha.
  • If I meet someone I like, I’ll stick around… seeking out friends for the sake of socialization does not mean they will be good friends with good influences on me.


  • Become more feminine.
  • Get a circle of friends I like and that could motivate me by their actions.
  • Make colored comics chapters instead of black/white as I think I could manage better!
  • Lose 12 pounds bodyweight.
  • Stop cursing.

All for now! Hope you guys are doing good and to read some more of your motivational journeys as well!


Fuel, oxygen, and an energy source?

(sorry @IronClaws, just wondering if I figured this one correctly.)

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Fuel, an Oxidizer (doesn’t necessarily need to be Oxygen), and heat


Me: what does she mean by arrows??? I wonder if it’s something to do with art.

Also me: oh, she means arrows as in arrows.

Great progress!


My social anxiety is gone for good :hedgehog:

Walking to the store down the street is now a rest from work filled with some nice music in my earphones. Looking around to see the city more clearly, not caring about what flaws people might notice about me, doing a little hand dance gesture when the music is getting really good and overall being calm.
I never thought I would be comfortable going into the city like this in my life.

When I notice myself looking down to the ground, I look up with my shoulders slightly back (this usually happens right before a group of people is passing by)) I try to look in front of me as looking down became a little habit I have to get rid of.

Also stopped checking on my phone while walking when stressed or nervous as I no longer am :3


WOOOOOH congrats.

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