Progress with Seductress & StarkQ

Very impressing story!! Sounds like a great book concept haha

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The young iron claw is now at a new stage in her life !!!. I was picturing you walking down the road with a look of invincibility. A true power ranger !!..a young power puff girl who has the strenght to mould her own reality.

I am off out to have whisky shots to celebrate the progression of young iron claw.


Last days of spending home.

I dare to say that I did all the things I wanted this summer and improved in things I wasn’t even thinking I could improve. School is coming and I’m excited to see how it will be talking to my classmates after the past two months.

Things that changed :

  • I’m getting 7/8 hours of sleep
  • daily exercise
  • quit coffee
  • big improvement in drawing skills
  • healthy diet
  • no stressing around
  • smiling more often :smiley:
    overall very good!!!

Leaving my city in two days. I’m sure the first weekend is going to be a little more complicated as I will have to figure out my daily diet with no kitchen. (our dormitory doesn’t have one) But I’m sure It won’t be that big of a problem! I plan on continuing my archery courses in school months as well.

Joe helped me tons with my improvements and I’m so thankful for that. I kind of regret giving him this name uhmmm TvT I’ll have to think of a better one really soon.

I’m also building my custom and I’m hoping to save the pennies for it asap! It will get very interesting soon :0


Is it going to be Seductress/StarkQ cores?

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Young Iron Claw we are all glad to read about your progress.

The founders and moderators are very proud of your achievements. In fact your name is always talked about amongst the SC team. They were so excited to hear about your progress…respect to the claw !!


Currently building my first custom : Building perfect custom - Need advice :D


Having a sub washout for the past few days before I get my custom :DD

School experience
Coming back to school was nothing like I expected. Instead of talking with everyone I realized that the people that were used to me being around were all kinds of red flags I only haven’t seen before.

I have noticed I was calmer and more quiet. Not saying anything at all costs just to fill out the silence. I liked it more that way. Stopped myself from paying attention and laughing at every joke made in the class and focused on my projects. It was a calm week since by separating myself from one group, I have been in contact with only few students I have known before - kinds of relationships I knew were genuine, pleasant and inspiring to me.

Waking up
I thought my ability to wake up before my alarm goes off was gone since that stopped happening throughout the summer. Last three nights I started waking up from one to three hours sooner - I think my body does this only when it knows I have certain things to prepare myself for that morning - in this case school.
It is nice sometimes to wake up sooner but my alarm goes off at 5am and the night I woke up at 2 was really just stupid honestly :DD I went back to sleep.

Coming home after almost two weeks and I’m very tempted to clean my room. It’s already very tidy but I don’t want all the things in my closet I know I will probably never use again. They have value but not to me. Markers, clothes, tons of drawing supplies even tho I stopped making traditional art years ago. I honestly can’t wait to get rid of them and keep only the necessary,

Started fasting some time back and I honestly love it ( credits to Joe who took the time to explain it to my little brain ). Losing weight week by week. I slipped few days back but I’m back on track again and moving to that goal :DD It’s also very pleasant not having to worry what I will eat every twenty minutes and checking time for the next meal coming along with caring less about my weekly money budget.


Moved schools :t_rex:
Yay isn’t that exciting? New people mean new chances!

Having some trouble with custom order so I will continue my journal here for a little longer.

Meeting new students :
(2020 vs 2021 + subs)

Shy students before - hi (possibly if at all)
student usually getting scared out of fast social interaction - no further interactions in the future.
Shy students now - Hello there little smile - smiles back and looks my direction once I sit
possible short conversation and sharing their art pieces with me.

Male students before - no introduction
Male students now - Had 4 boys get in line and nicely telling me their names while smiling (in a lovely way). Others haven’t said hi yet - suppose I’ll get to know others through group meetings.

Jumped down to nerdy group :DD for some time as I would do before but I got uninterested in them very quickly. Things they were interested in were things I liked five years back and they were too energetic in a silly way to me.

Anyways trying to be careful.
I wrote myself a list few days back on things I want to improve on in the next few weeks :

  • Smile
  • Quit any kind of gossip.
  • Stop telling others about my day - unless asked to do so.
  • Stop small complaints - I’m tired… / Why is this so boring?/ Wish I could just go home.
  • Stop filling up the silent moments in conversations by talking - learn how to enjoy silence.
  • Avoid criticising others in my head. (this one might be difficult)

Improvements :sauropod:

  • More artworks done faster.
  • Hair got more volume.
  • Waking up before my alarm most days - changing my sleep schedules to my likings.
  • Being able to hold and control myself more in social spaces.
  • Haven’t felt sick / unhappy / stressed in weeks.
  • Enjoyed wearing a dress on a family wedding very much.
  • Exercising for few weeks now which is honestly longer than I did ever before in my life - hope to continue doing so.

- Managed to sell my arts online for 400 euros in less than five days - I get commissions usually once every two months but I had a goal to get the money and did so very quickly.

  • This goal was written on 2nd of August. I lost 13 pounds since and will continue this until I don’t hit my goal weight. Was lucky enough to get guidance from Joe on my weight loss and I could not do this without him honestly so big thank you from me.

Joe said my body is looking better. I don’t want to write much about that as that feels like I’m making some things sound bigger than they are but even with my dummy brain telling me I didn’t do much, I spotted some changes as well so it must be there hahaha.


Another day spent in new school.

Didn’t try to talk to anyone I could nor did I close myself completely. If someone wants to talk I’m down for it. I will spend a long time with this class so why push things from my side really. I’ll get to know the ones who will want to get to know me.

I think I have made some teachers happy with my passionate conversations about their subjects.

At this point I enjoy peeking at the reflextions when walking to school. I’m starting to remember specific spots whith lower placed windows. It’s not narcisism. I don’t need to show off to others. I’m just happy with my looks like never before. It’s far from perfect but I just feel really cool.

Joe said we need to get through my list of modules again to pick better ones and oh boyyy I love this. Just writing about it makes me smile. I think we just got a recipe for the best lemon cake and now I’m just so excited to eat it in one go knowing it’s not even baked yet.


Yesterday night went to sleep at half past 7. I wish school wouldn’t make me so tired. Maybe it’s not even school. I should have the energy and this has nothing to do with my health. I have always been having parts of the day when I just wanted to lay my head down on the desk and nap for half an hour. Maybe it’s boredom or just my mindset. I thought it was only coffee. Once I quit that, I felt amazing all day long (in quarantine) however as soon as school started, tiredness was back. It was less tired state but it was still there.

I was writing some personal notes in my sketchbook during the class and the teacher asked me about the letters I was using. I explained to him that I made them for myself and he showed me his own made up alphabet. Really cool having teachers who are weird in the same way.


Thats the infamous branding of R E C O N C I L I A T I O N.

Extreme boredom for no reason other than boredom, it’s your internal mind reconciling your newly found lessons about everything social, and it is growing fast based off of the action of being around people in school.

After reconciliation comes celebration so stick in there


That’s oddly good to hear thank you!

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What is your listening schedule for the next 8 days?

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1 loop Seductress plus 1 loop StarkQ every second day.

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If being tired continues, you could try 1 loop of each once a week.

Your brain is probably processing the subliminals as well as what you are learning in school, and perhaps even continuing to adapt to your “new” environment (people, school routines, etc.)

Also you could add getting 9+ hours of sleep a night. That should help with processing subliminals and other learnings.


Today I will stay at home and take care of my baby sis while the family will go on a trip so I wish to make a lot of progress on my comic chapter. I haven’t drawn anything on my pc for days and I really miss it.

Cleaned my posts on instagram and added some new ones to make them look all pretty. Each row looks like one piece in a way. I try to go there and be little active for the sake of algorhythm. I’m starting to like my profile slowly but I need more content on weekly bases if I want to grow that for sure.

Apparently teachers don’t mind me having airpods in as long as I pay attention to them which is really nice. I can listen to subs or lofi music.


I have been reading your journal and I have some questions:

1 What would you say Stark has been most helpful with?

2 Based on what Stark is supposed to do, are there things that are not happening that you hoped Stark would do by now?

3 What would you say Seductress has been most helpful with?

4 Based on what Seductress is supposed to do, are there things that are not happening that you hoped Seductress would do by now?

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Now, I’m going to give you something else to think about:

What are your thoughts on adding another program?

Here are some ideas:

Ultimate Artist
Quantum Limitless
Ascension for Women

Q store module:

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Ohhh Q&A time fun!!
I tried to write down things as best as I could and I hope it will help!

  • Taught me how to keep my thoughts to myself instead of saying anything that came into my mind right away (which I used to do all the time).

  • Encouraged me in leaving groups of people that I found out had terrible affect on me and pushed me to seek for something better.

(( Getting super exhausted around people I don’t find interesting and way much more energetic than ever around those I like and adore. My body is literally telling me who to seek and who to avoid in any way possible which is crazy!!

  • Started my comic series which may be one of my biggest long term art projects ever - so perhaps more drive to bigger goals.

“We’ve also included scripting exclusive to StarkQ, which helps you become an unrivaled prodigy in any field you desire, and create true wealth from it.“ - SubliminalClub website StarkQ description

  • I was able to earn more money online in less than a week than ever before in months. It wasn’t about the hard work on my artworks as much as the way of getting higher paying costumers.

  • Also waking up few minutes before my alarm goes off - easily changing my sleeping routine. :DD

Hmm well I think stark did way much more than I ever expected honestly but let me check on the description of it again if I could find something.

  • So when I purchased Stark I thought I will become the centre of attention in school. That sounds nice but not desirable to me. I believe I could do that sure but I choose to work on my projects even in school time and socialize with only the ones interesting to me. I choose not to waste time with others just so others know and adore me.
    However I do lead a fairly big Discord art group where I get a lot of admiration, attention and respect from my members as their leader. I like it more online as a digital artist so in a way I could say there was nothing that Stark promised and did not help me manifest.
  • Body changes (hair, skin, weight loss, more sleep, determination to sticking to my diet and exercises, more effective self care routine), unleashing my feminine side and giving me the confidence in myself (less stress - if not on recon ofc).

  • Everything got sweeter in a way. Approaches, relationships, mornings, evenings. moments of joy and silent times of the day as well. I don’t overthink anymore (or only very little) I just enjoy life really.

One thing I hoped for is for Seductress to help me get rid of my dark circles under my eyes. It’s not really a sleep thing I have always had them. Maybe it will still happen in the future. Except for that, nothing.

(( I actually really want to get myself a custom soon but I will try to say something to these lovely suggestions anyway!

Ultimate Artist will definitely go as one of the cores into my new custom along with Stark and Seductress.

Quantum Limitless - Seems like really powerful one and honestly I’d like to keep myself easy on subs and enjoy them. I know it might do some amazing changes but I don’t crave for them. Seductress and StarkQ are both teaching me a lot already and I don 't think I could keep on listening to all three at once.

Ascension for Women would be a good choice but I’m doing my arts for fun only at the moment. ((Maybe some smaller financial goals when I really want to buy something specific but that’s all really)) I don’t want to focus on my career but more on sharing my art with others and skill training.

Rembrandt was actually at first in my list of modules but me and Joe decided to leave it behind as there were more important modules we found that would work for me better. It seems like a very good choice but looking at the list of modules I have now, I can say I have no regrets cutting that sexy bean out. :DD