Present your custom and the results you've got

I apologize, this was actually a good idea.


@Invictus @Palpatine @Fractal_Explorer @Leandros @Sage_Ninjistic @friday @COWolfe @Malkuth @Brandon @Billions
If you were so kind as to share with us.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Of course, everyone who is using (or has used) any custom is welcomed.


I wonder if Sanguine in your custom is really also “core strength” not “module strength.” I thought the dual titles were all cores now regardless of appearing on dropdown box.


It’s very possible. I ordered it the day ZP customs released and was able to order using Sanguine module. I think now it creates an error message.

But you’re right, it’s very possible I was running 4 cores without knowing, hence the density.


But even if you’re in fact running four cores unintentionally, clearly you’re getting fantastic results mitigating the density at
1 loop per week! A brilliant workaround.

I own the module versions of many titles and didn’t want to take the risk.



I will be returning to this one. I was planning on looking at custom results I’ve had anyways so I didn’t respond right away.

I’ve had several customs and had great experiences from each and every one of them buuuuuuut, I’ll have to go back through journals to determine what my stacks were at the time to filter out experiences that aren’t directly from that custom. Which will be difficult, since my stacks tend to be complementary…

But I shall return.


Awesome! Ive just oredered a custom with those 2 modules. Im gonna put results here too once I start listening to it.
Chosen of Venus is in there too!!


I’m gonna be real with you all. I hit a wall hard with this custom. It didn’t turn out how I wanted it to at all. I knew going into it I was being ambitious. Word of advice which I’d tell anyone building a custom. Don’t let hype interfere with your module selection. By all means it’s ok to be excited, but don’t make decisions from an overly excited hopeful state if that state isn’t a common occurrence. I’m not trying to be a buzz kill, but it’s easy to overlook things and potential challenges when you’re feeling good. And then if your mental state dips below that you’ve got a hell of a lot to reconcile with. Not to mention I started to feel like I was failing on this custom which wasn’t a good feeling. A win or lose mentality when running these subs is the fastest way to feel awful.

This custom gave me bits and pieces of what I was looking for in small windows. But it was very stop and go, not all that efficient, and way too much I loaded on my own plate. Which again didn’t seem like it at the time.

For example, I put gloryseeker in this. When I did that I just thought to myself “no biggie, I’m just a little insecure I can push past it”. Yeah well turns out I fucking hate attention of any kind. The idea of attention seems fun, but my actual emotional response to it is really extreme. And this module didn’t even bring about any attention, it’s just that I could feel this expectation that people would notice me and I really did not like that.

Furious ascent, same deal. It’s about pushing comfort zones and taking risks. Did I like the idea of becoming a risk taker? Of course. Was it something I was ready for? No. I would have been much better suited working with a module that is less aggressive and leaned on making me feel safer vs taking risks. My whole life has been fear, the last thing I needed was more fear stacked on top of that by jumping into the unknown. In hindsight I realize the decision to choose this was based in insecurity. We live in a world where the common advice is to just push past fear, ignoring the fact that it can easily retraumatize and make things worse. Especially those with an insecure attachment style who’s childhood was met with constant unpredictable events and upsets.

Ultimately your greatest enemy building these customs are the insecurities and emotional hurt you carry with you. Instead of building something that helps you grow, you can end up just doubling down on avoiding what you really need by just mirroring the same criticisms towards yourself you’ve faced in life.

So I’d say when choosing modules you have to really ask yourself. What am I looking to fulfill with this and is this a choice that’s bringing me further away from myself or closer? Sometimes the stuff that brings us closer to ourselves can be expressed as disinterest or even disgust. It’s not always fear.

A lot of you won’t deal with this. I’m just posting this here in case anyone else has. The unfortunate truth is sometimes how your subconscious responds to something is wildly off from how you think it will. And you won’t get anywhere ramming your head into the wall trying to bust through. What you consciously perceive as the challenge might not even be in the realm of what your subconscious perceives. A 7 ft dive into water for your conscious could be the equivalent of a 200ft cliff jump for the subconscious. Unless you have a way to bridge that gap and figure out a way to get it to jump, you’re just gonna be spending a lot of time trying to convince it to do it without any actual result.


I felt that to be the case after I received my custom, though I don’t regret making it, I was very hasty in my module selection. I think that people should spend more time when making a custom and realize that it isn’t the be all end off subliminals, your life doesn’t hinge on its results or any other subliminal results for that matter.


Would you please go to your journal and post side by side what you put in your custom, and then now based on what you discovered what you wished you had put in your custom. Don’t purchase anything yet. Just post please.


Went back to my original custom because something piqued my interest in it (It worked so well but I dropped it because of experimentation):

Stark Core
Wanted Core
Technological Prodigy
Machine: Action
The Streams
Submodel Alpha
Carpe Diem Ascended
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Deep Sleep
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
Ethereal Presence
Lifeblood Fable
Sexual Manifestation
Gorgeous Manifestor
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Productivity Unleashed

I will list the results I got as small pinpoints:

  • Approached two girls at the gym (One was my gym crush) which I haven’t done in 2 years had a lot of anxiety when doing it though not gonna lie

  • More matches on Tinder, from girls I find attractive

  • For me this is the big one, physical shifting was taking to the next level. My body started looking sexier, my face more chiseled and I think I got a bit taller.

  • Strangers starting talking to me out of nowhere and people that I just met want to know what’s happening in my life and who I am.

  • More focus and energy to get more wealth

  • Better, deeper sleep that makes me feeling fresh when I wake up (Though I still have some insomnia when trying to fall asleep so I drink my cocktail that puts me asleep in 10 minutes which is 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 1 cup of hot water, 2 pills of magnesium blend and 1 pill of GABA).

Overall pretty exciting and it’s only been the first week with it:)



Primal Seduction Core
Daredevil Core
ASP hair
Male Enhancement
Height Inducer
Voice Master
Ethereal Presence
Furious Ascent
Ebon Maneuver

My hair is healthier, thicker, and fuller. My junk is bigger. I do believe I’m taller, but I refuse to measure. My voice (suffered for years from strain) is consistently getting clearer, healthier, more attractive. I’ve been told to my face numerous times in the last week that I’m magnetic (Ethereal Presence and Elegance). I’ve successfully navigated social drama that could have broken a past version of me with a degree of elegance and grace that I didn’t think possible (Ebon Maneuver), oh finally, my social status and romantic abilities have sky rocketed in 6 weeks (Furious Ascent + Daredevil + PS).


How long have you been using this?


2 cycles now. About to start a third. Stacking with Wanted and Emperor.


Can you elaborate more on both Ebon Maneuver and Furious Ascent? Did Ebon Maneuver reveal the hidden truth/dirty plan behind the drama? How did Furious Ascent guide you toward more risk taking?


I did find these three models rather quite similar to what they should do.
Ebon Maneuver, Fenrir, Fearsome, and still do not know with which one to go.


I got these last week and started them friday. I know it has only been a few days and i haven’t really pushed the boundary for seeing significant results just yet but i have noticed a fw things… I am sure after a month or 2 maybe even 3 my results will be pretty crazy and significant. My problem will be being consistent and not switching lol

So a few things i have noticed

  • I have been sleeping better since i started listening, even if i only sleep for 4-6 hours i wake up feeling good ready to start the day.
  • I have started to be more productive at work which is huge for me bc i am often easily losing track of the day doing non productive things.
  • I have got a sense of wanting to learn more about a number of topics and subjects.
  • I have been trying to tidy up my apartment and work place a lot more than i used to.
  • People have been seemingly nicer and seek me out to start conversation.
  • I have been interested more in figuring out what i really want in life and working on breaking the bad habits i have clung to the past few years.
  • I haven’t started to workout again yet but i can clearly see my body trying to change, i have also started IF this week and my body is adjusting to it very easily.
  • And more lol

Yes and no.

So with Furious Ascent, I feel like I’m just rushing forward, making progress toward my goals as quickly as possible. My goals are mostly romance and social life. I have a better understanding of when the time to strike is right. In the past I would make friends and partners very, very, very slowly, now I can kinda sense when somebody is ready and I’ll just make the move.

I’ll invited them out, ask for the number, whatever it is. I get the impression that Furious Ascent is more of a general results enhancer to help you take action toward your goals.

For Ebon, I have two examples.

Example 1, coworker that was being rude toward me. I was the new kid, he seemed not to like me as a result of that, and one day I got the random intuition to gossip about him subtlety. Nothing cruel or malicious, just a few pointed comments around the water cooler about his behavior to the right people and boom, his attitude changed and we like each other.

Another example is work place dating. I’d been feeling the waters with several of my female coworkers and was slightly concerned about how it might effect my reputation. Somehow (this is where the “no” comes in) I’ve been able to navigate bring the office playboy gracefully and people seem to like me more.

I also ended things with a few girls and turned some potential enemies into friends and I attribute Ebon to that. I feel that Ebon has also helped me sense and remove potential enemies from my life without any serious drama or mess.

I can only guess that Ebon works well as part of a social focused stack as a social protection module. Everything in life is risky, dating and friends are risky, so Ebon helps me navigate the possible risks.

Most of the results from Ebon have been intuitive and I believe that it’s synergistic with dating and social subs.

If it helps, I’m very much interested in keeping the peace and harmony in my life and the lives of those around me. Ebon seems to help with that as part of my wider stack.


@praisetheurdtree Thanks man. I have to say your examples weren’t what I was expecting in a nice surprise way. For some reason I had this expression on these modules that they worked in a hostile way while the examples were cushiony if it makes sense.

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Well, conscious guidance plays a huge role in all this and my desire is to be a diplomat and spread peace. So it’s possible that the subs align with that deep desire of mine. :smiley: