PLEASE READ - Qv2 Recon Tips and Info

same question here i wanted to ask

thanks for asking

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love that movie gonna re-watch it soon with more focus on this scene

im trying to figure it out, questioning and sometimes asking members here, they provide good insights and i come up with conclusions, i honestly dont know whats happening, but sometimes we are all different so more time put into it i guess and things will unfold i believe

i also believe that QLST1 has gone way deep into healing and it almost feels like it overwhelmed the whole stack, thats the only theory i could come up with that can explain whats happening

luckily 5 more days and ill go to stage 2, which will be more profound and more easy maybe?

Journaling in general improves your results. The act of writing engages both the creative and analytical parts of your brain, allowing you to critically look at your results while expressing them in an artistic manner. Remember, your art is full of imagery that emerges from and helps create a personal mythology that you can use as a framework to better see what’s happening in your subconscious. The more you journal, the easier it becomes for you to use this framework to detect and see changes that the subliminal helps induce.

Now, when you’re journaling publicly, your critical mind will sometimes inhibit your expression because you’ll worry about how others will perceive what you’re writing. Public journaling definitely has it’s benefits – for one thing, you may not see the changes, but others might and getting their feedback helps a lot. It’s like when people start to lose weight and they don’t see any changes, but others do. Same concept.

That being said, offline journaling allows you to write about anything and everything without any worry of someone judging you. That’s where the stream of consciousness comes in. This method of writing bypasses all of the critical functions of the mind that will shut down and try to co-opt alchemical process, which could happen if you’re writing normally, even in an offline journal.


One of the reasons I don’t journal is that I want to keep all my f*cked up thoughts to myself :smiley:

I did buy a phone (and a tablet) with S Pen to keep private journals as I don’t feel safe writing anything down on paper either. I just need to build a habit of private journaling, but damn I feel lots of resistance towards it.

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This was happening to me. For my next public journal, I’ll keep a private journal as well.

Usually, this is the result of a fear that someone will see what you wrote. In your mind, right now, tell yourself that your journal is sacred and no one other than yourself will EVER see it. This means, don’t allow anyone in your life to see the journal under any circumstances. Don’t even willingly tell people what you’ve written (unless you’ve gotten to the point where journaling isn’t scary anymore).

You can try another approach also: write the journal entry and at the end of the session, rip out that entry and cut it into shreds. This method won’t help as much for seeing changes, but it’ll help a lot for discharging reconciliation.


Found an exert from my offline journal I wanted to share with you guys so you could see how I do it. Journaling is something i’ve only fairly recently started to do but the clarity it gives to my thinking has been unbelievable.

“Yo, relapse today but this evening I feel amazing. Why? Potentially because i cut out caffeine? I felt EXHAUSTED earlier, like dangerously tired it was horrible. This evening however, so damn good. But, i feel huge urges to swap stack. Why? Because it feels like it’s not working. But is that true when i’m literally saying right now how good I feel? Unlikely, I relapsed and maybe i’m just trying to draw a positive from it by switching stack. Almost as if i’m blaming it on the stack and saying it’s because i wasn’t listening to the right sub. That seems dangerous. That’s not healthy. I relapsed because i dreamt about relapsing and didn’t prepare myself for the urges it would bring.”

It seemed appropriate given the topic of the post but you can see that by being brutally honest and questioning myself about exactly how and what I was feeling, I avoided falling for recon and switching up my stack yet again.

I basically just write down how I feel and then ask why, for some reason physically writing out the word “Why” really seems to help me delve into it. I dont go back and read my old entries, although it might actually help to. I suppose i just use it as a form of self therapy.


damn pretty good

Saint’s been dropping some nuggets recently.


Just a note. Public journaling can also be used in a way to overcome the fear of criticism with your most personal thoughts. A bit like exposure therapy. I’m pretty transparent in my public journal, it’s not always pretty. But by exposing that part of myself it helps break down my lifelong insecurities and perfectionist standards that have blocked my ability to connect with others. By no means does anyone need to force themselves to do the same, but it can help.


Somehow, I think that, that sentence is very beautiful. It almost hums with Quantum Limitlessness
or perhaps it me that hums…

Soo would the Negative Energy Transmutation module deal with that?


Yes, it very well may.


When you said listen to half a loop on off-days to deal with serious recon, do you literally mean listen to the first 30 minutes of the sub, and then stop? (that ought to be obvious, but just checking! I’ve had a migraine this afternoon and everything is a bit fuzzy at the moment…)

And yes I did listen to a loop of Paragon, it helped. Wish I could get Paragon Solace though… the mask is much more soothing when my head hurts that much! :hot_face:

Yep. Exactly.


If I’m running 3 different subs in my stack, which one would I run half of? Or a better question, how would I tell which one is causing recon?

Purely hypothetical question for the benefit of others, I don’t believe I’m experiencing any recon at the moment.


I think it just depends on the flavor of the recon. What I mean by that is, though you asked how can you tell what to play, I think the most simple way is to observe your inner self as best as possible and feel out the possible origin of the recon.

If it’s an insecurity sorta recon, and your stack consists of say Emperor, Spartan and R.I.C.H, my first thought would be Emperor.

If it’s an uncomfortable feeling of incompetence and worthless and one is playing Ascension, Regeneration and Elixir, I feel as if the choice would be up to the individual based off of (again) self reflection and examination of the period leading up to the choice.

That was how I took it when I asked myself the same question, anyways. I look forward to Saint’s reply to you.


For me, and actually PHYSICAL journal has an even stronger effect. This way, thoughts become REAL. They are now in the PHYSICAL world. Not just in your mind.

Technically, writing them online also makes them real, stored somewhere on a server. But for me, on paper it has a different effect. Probably because the subconscious works on symbolism.

Then again, I just started also an extra offline-digital journal today for the stream of consciousness Saint mentioned, simply because I can type much faster than write by hand. Get it ALLLLLL out. Feels good.


Something’s just empowering about striking the tip of a pen over a piece of paper :stuck_out_tongue:


You seem to respond differently to subliminals than me. However I will add something.

Terminus Squared at Q strength worked great for me for 2 months. Then all I got was fatigue. I don’t know why. Also some modules just didn’t seem to be working.

Now keep in mind, I still think childhood can be a factor. Yours was good so you might take well to Terminus Squared.



Your expertise is requested:

Would you please archive each of @SaintSovereign 's posts in here, as well as the following posts:

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