PLEASE READ: Qv2 has reached EOL status

I don’t have changes, still with Q, Qv2 and Ultima

Is Ultima part of Qv2?

I checked my downloads and it’s cleaned up. However beyond limitless has Ultima and Supercharger files.
Paragon used to have Ultima and zp. Now it’s just zp

Is this correct?

I have been using Paragon ULTIMA for the past two weeks, so it’s not like I lost anything but I’m just confused as to why the Ultima version is no longer available?

I was going to quote this the Second I saw this quote and even looked it up, it’s literally a direct quote from you, but I didn’t want to sound negative towards you, hence I didn’t post my comment.

But seeing you arguing against fires perfect, transparent and detailed explanation and you just going on, oh man. No words for that.

This is what you consider as ‚serious‘ testing?


Many tears will be shed :frowning: goodbye QV2 we had great times together i know we had our moments but i recall the good times.


Ultima has been replaced by ZP (ZPT ZPT2). Saint said those are superior to Ultima.


I was just one of the testers for the ZP technology. There were many of them both from the forum and offline. And this is what SaintSovereign meant by data. Not based on only your estimation of what works or doesn’t work.


Now you don’t have a problem with ZP. So what’s the problem? Removing Qv2 files before you could download them? So why can’t you just ask SaintSovereign and Fire to extend the date instead of raging as if they haven’t given you enough time to leave planet earth before they rain fire and brimstone on it?

As it is, we all knew that ZP was going to replace Qv2 eventually. Why? Because we listen. But you are stuck in your echo chamber and you can’t listen. Which explains why you can’t understand SaintSovereign, Fire or anyone else.

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He said he wanted to buy additional titles in Qv2 format.

His interest, tactlessly expressed, is in being able to independently compare the build methods.


Saint said long time ago already that he will remove Qv2 once ZP leaves testing phase so I already purchased the titles, that I was interested in, long time ago in order to also get them in Qv2 format. The Qv2 removal did not come as a surprise. I actually thought it would be removed much sooner.


All this talk about the Qv2 being removed from your downloads. When I’m 100% convinced that if you open a ticket and ask customer service to send you this or that module they will send it to you if it’s inyour purchased library.
So much energy wasted on…


He wants to independently confirm all the build methods I guess too. Like New Dawn, PrimalTech, Q, Qv2, ZP, ZPv2, ZP+, ZP Ultra, Quantum Point, Quantum Pointless, Void Point, Void, Nothingness, etc

He doesn’t understand how businesses have to make a call on what tech stays and what has to go away.

I think he is arguing without understanding what he is talking about.


@SaintSovereign in my downloads I have still :
Beyond Limitless Ultima
The Elixir Ultima
Regeneration Q and Qv2
Daredevil Q and Qv2
Aura Q

The Executive and Limitless Executive have no ZP format so they are still in Q in my downloads

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They haven’t been converted to ZP yet.

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@Avengers68 - I think the BL, LE and Executive titles are a bit a challenge to convert to ZP for some reason or the other. Which is why it’s taking awhile.

Maybe SaintSovereign and Fire want to make them as boosters and its a bit tricky to get it right with ZP. Am only guessing though.

I enjoyed the QV2 version of these titles but in ZP it will be phenomenal !

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But first I will focus on a ZP T square ! I will test this monster :ok_hand:

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I do wonder what will happen if one of us makes a custom from Executive, LE or BL in ZP (T TSquare) format.

Do you plan to do that?

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Oops ! Maybe only one of these 3 as a core … 2 cores will be a killing :rofl:

The one I am making is calm and productive under the storms

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I get your point and the diatribes are tiresome.

Nevertheless, the rants are basically about comparing Qv2 to ZP.

Do I need or want that? Nope.

I just like to see people’s points represented accurately.


I just hope I will not be sleeping for 3 days :rofl:

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