PLEASE READ: Qv2 has reached EOL status

There really is no point in repeating this point further but I’ll do my best to keep it as simple as possible:

In my 26 years of life, my first breakout in my entire life came when running Wanted ZP for the first time.
Put this into context: I’ve been fat in the past, I never consistently went to the gym/exercised until last year, I used to smoke cigarettes. I used to smoke weed on a daily basis for years, I used to eat a bag of chips a day for literal years and that’s just scraping the surface of the garbage I’ve sifted through in my life. Never had a breakout.

Let’s take that link that @Friday googled up and found as an example: I have had many points in my life where I’ve had as much as 9 of these common causes, and I had never suffered a breakout. I’d go as far as to say that I was proud of my ability to seemingly never get acne. Keep in mind that my lifestyle is radically different now.

But I got a breakout within two loops of running WZP.
The breakout worsened as I continued to run Wanted ZP.
Despite this breakout, I continued to run Wanted ZP because the physical shifting technology was working wonders in a split-second time.
I stopped Wanted ZP to try out Chosen/Stark.
My breakout stopped when I stopped running Wanted ZP.

Can I be completely, absolutely, 100 percent sure that Wanted ZP caused it? No I cannot, FridayUchiha. Can I make logical assumptions and share them with the community as food for thought? Yes I absolutely can.

In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that the entire subliminal space can be based on making logical assumptions and inferences without isolated, measurable scientific data.

Sceptics can dismiss @AlexanderGraves’s claims about Wanted’s effects by citing his commitment to a workout routine and a diet, and consider his use of subliminals a placebo. Sceptics can dismiss users’ claims of generating auras and attracting women at a higher rate to placebo, because of the lack of measurable scientific data. What works one way works the opposite way as well.


Cut what out? I was just apologizing to Friday for hurting his feelings, clearly evidenced by his insults directed towards me in his response to Luther.

@RVconsultant @SaintSovereign
Maybe we could close this thread as it has become way off track and Most people have got the point the Qv2 is gone.


I think most guys dont even realise that ZP is working on them as they respond and write on this thread…

When there is change you will always resist is because you shifting away from your comfort zone.

Like many other users mentioned ZP is from within. Starting from within will never be so easy for most of us. Your sunconscious will seek all avenues to make you stop the process of change such as doubt just to name one.

Adding to this …

In the last 2.5 months, when I mostly ran RM, Khan, or EOG … the time of play didn’t matter – morning, noon, evening, late night.

Now that I’m on December subs again, I get so lethargic all day, that I must play them as close to bed time as feasible. :sweat_smile:

I had completely forgotten about this ZP choose-the-best-time-for-you instruction.

I’m curious …

Was this unique to me (later releases being playable at any time),
or other members have experienced the same?



It’s so fascinating to see you type something that I was thinking about not even 10 minutes ago, however, apart from chosen and WANTED (but then again, I still prefer the testing variants of those), I seem to have a lower appetite on the older subs.

Stark, for example, makes me hungrier than WANTED (the public ZP version).
It will be interesting to see how it affects me when I make the custom with those cores.


I thought I was the only one. I had the same experience. For me if I run Wanted or Libertine I have to run it before bed time because it makes me sleepy however if I run any wealth focused subs (Mogul, Emperor or Stark kind of) then I have to run it in the morning because last time I didn’t it at night I couldn’t sleep all night that day because I had so much energy.


Yes, but those are mostly earlier ZPPs – last to release was Stark around 10th Jan.

I’m saying that the February releases did not require such accommodating in my case.


Obviously, I haven’t run ALL the subs, so I’m wondering if there is any truth to the hypothesis that my subjective experience is generating.

That releases from late January … like after the release of Sanguine, RM, or DR … are significantly recon-free and more flexible to use.


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You have a good MEMORY. :scream:

Reporting the title release with dates and such !!


Not everything is memorized.

If I feel unsure, I can simply look up the first post of the sub’s main thread.


I’m quoting dates to find a cut-off point for which subs could benefit from hotfixes, and which are already perfect.



You have a terrible memory!


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This is true.




I have a… different perspective on health issues lol

I’ll just say that I personally believe that everyone has the power to heal themselves from anything.

Because we’re on 2 completely opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to stuff like medicine and doctors… It’s futile for me to continue the discussion.

I respect your views and understand why you see things the way you do.

You have points that I’m sure others will resonate with and you’ve helped me understand myself a little more.

So yeah… You got it :+1:

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You, specifically are being snarky in your responses in a way that he isn’t. You can counter what he’s saying without all that underlying snarkiness that pervades the Internet.

If you want to present and / or defend your points, that’s fine. But when you start saying stuff like, “I’m just apologizing for hurting his feelings,” which I have seen no evidence of and it’s clear that comment is there just to agitate and get him (or anyone else to act out), that’s where we’re draw the line.

So, everyone. The line is drawn. Conversations can get heated, but if you’re including comments that only serve to hurt someone’s feelings, stop now.

I’ve already deleted a bunch of posts from various people. If I have to do it again, those will come with official warnings in the system. If I have to do it again, there will be bans. Continuing after that will come with blacklisting.


@SaintSpring this is odd. What are you currently listening to ?.

Wanted + Ascension Chamber once a week.

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How long have been running this ? Are you experiencing any dreams as a result of listening ?. Have you caught yourself looking in the mirror more ?

Perhaps you should listen every other day using wanted.

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Yes, I do listen to Wanted every other day.
Well, yesterday I found myself looking better in a mirror. If to be concrete, I liked my body. There are undoubtedly some minor but noticeable changes.
Despite this fact, I don’t remember any case when I felt something after running ZP.

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That biceps and forearm growth in particular is no joke. Incredible.


So would you say that prior to listening to wanted you rarely checked yourself out in the mirror ?. Have you had thoughts about skin care ? going to the gym ? how best to look before you go out ?. Are these thoughts happening after listening to wanted. Wanted can be rather subtle for some people at the beginning. Gradually things ramp up over a period of time.

How old are you if you dont mind me asking ?