PLEASE READ: Qv2 has reached EOL status

@LION excellent round up of ZP products as you can see Lion is one of the more intelligent and smarter members of the community.


Hey Pako how you been matey ?

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All all good good
And how about you?


did you do any actions?
I read a post where it was told that the user didn’t do anything but got physical shifting results regarding his body.

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He eat buckets of whey protein :rofl:

I got physical shifting results and didn’t work out lol. I am sure if i had actually took action and worked out i would have had 10x better results.

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Well I workout 3x a week and I take whey protein every evening, yes.

But this was the case before I started with Wanted. But WITH wanted these changes happened. If anything, I was eating MORE on Wanted. It is very energy consuming.


Looking at you, I think WZP doesn’t work for me as good as for you. Well, looking at y’all, I still think such about subs in total.
Can it be because I’m not an English speaker?

Because each and every time someone mentions they prefer certain aspects of older tech, the majority jump on the bandwagon of “NO! You are WRONG”

It’s goddamned annoying. Especially as much as we all here supposedly are enlightened enough to allow others to have their experience as they have it.

ZP is amazing tech. Don’t get me wrong. I myself am spoiled now on the 15-minute aspect of it.


Man I never said it removed all of my results. Results were just so more profound with me on my qv2 experience. I still had results but maybe I was so spoiled with my qv2 results and expected zp to blow those outta the water. Bottom line is I felt more in control with qv2. And used way more condoms.

Like I also said, I will be moving back to zp and give it an honest shake for longer than I did the first time before I scrapped it. I’m a believer, but I need to feel like I’m gaining instead of losing. Time will tell.

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@Luther24 Many thanks for spending time doing a great job of explaining things to me, I truly appreciate it!

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I was going out with a lady tonight when I suddenly got into a fight with TWO fucking drug dealers.

They were both high on hard drugs, one of them being extremely violent getting physical…

Gonna write down all the details in my journal tomorrow…

I am not joking. This could have ended really badly for me - I am so thankful I have Fearsome and Fenrir in my custom, this might have literally saved my life tonight.

If I were @bombayduck I would go ahead and claim that my custom which I have run 2 days ago actually manifested the fight and almost got me killed. But I am Friday and instead prefer to look for the more likely cause which is that this was a coincidence and that the custom actually helped me to survive this shit. If I were still thinking it might have been caused by the sub, I would approach it scientifically:


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There are multiple “questionable” things about this hypothesis. I am actually wondering why @MadaraUchiha isn’t chiming in, picking these things apart is his speciality.

First, is there any scientific evidence that WantedZP does raise testosterone? @SaintSovereign do you have performed any studies? To my knowledge, THERE AREN’T. So we have actually no clue if Wanted can indeed perform measurable increases in serum testosterone.
Experiencing effects that subjectively feel like „testosterone increases“ might not stem from an actual increase in testosterone but could come from a variety of factors. Further to assess, we would need to know by what extent WantedZP could increase testosterone (if even possible) and if Anako is even a responder to that.

Secondly, let’s assume Anako’s testosterone got raised (which I doubt for multiple reasons, one of which is his behaviour here on the forum), would that likely cause an acne breakout?
After taking the time to read a few papers on testosterone and acne, I would say NO or not necessarily.

The current understanding is that testosterone stimulates the production of sebum. An overproduction of testosterone (as seen in steroid abuse) may lead to excessive sebum production, which, in turn, may increase the risk of inflamed sebaceous glands, which can trigger an acne outbreak.
See: An update on the role of the sebaceous gland in the pathogenesis of acne - PMC

The important part is the increased risk. And the question of what actually causes the inflammation?

Even in people taking steroids (or other forms of synthetic testosterone) only 34% have reported acne.
See: Moderate-to-Severe Acne and Mental Health Symptoms in Transmasculine Persons Who Have Received Testosterone - PMC
That is far lower than I expected from people actually often using beyond physiological levels of testo.

Another factor to include is that synthetic testosterone taken orally is not the same as NATURALLY PRODUCED testosterone which would be the case for Anako.
Besides that such anabolic substances are heated, chemically processed, filtered, and often contain fillers that actually can promote breakouts on their own, taking such doses orally can out-lever the body’s natural preventive measures to balance out the hormones.

So in a nutshell, it seems to be more unlikely that WantedZP caused the breakout or at least through the testosterone pathway.

Now the question arises are there other potential causes for the breakout?


In medical school, we have the saying “common is common, rare is rare”. We are not immediately assuming that a patient has acute intestinal bleeding caused by a massive tumour only because he visits us with abdominal pain.

As advised, check out other more common causes first! Here is a little inspiration: 10 Common Causes for Acne Breakouts | Forefront Dermatology

Reddit is also a great platform to connect with mind-liked individuals who have the same problem and have found its cause.

But most importantly, like with pretty much all health issues, consult your doctor. Especially in this case, he can help you find the cause which you might not find on your own as it can be tricky.

And if you want to proof that it is caused by Wanted, do the scientific approach:

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Everyone you’re comparing yourself to has had the same thoughts. Best not to worry about it too much.

They work. They’re subconscious. You don’t need to notice anything or to “feel” special.


  1. Listen
  2. Journal
  3. Pursue the life of your dreams

You will be surprised. Everyone else who’s reporting results…guess what? We were surprised too.

That’s just how it works. Not just subliminals. Subconscious change, itself.

If you knew what to expect and how it was happening, that would be Conscious (not subconscious) and these would be Superliminal programs (not subliminals).

Just play them as prescribed, forget about it, and live your life.

The surprises will come later.


Don’t worry about this , If you can understand English speaking and sure you can read and you can have acceptable conversation skills you are safe. One of the funny ways recon happened with me first time I used subliminal club is the thought . “I don’t understand English” to beat this I just opened YouTube videos and listened to it (to remind myself that I am able and I was able to understand English speaking years back). In the third time this thought faded and I met the real reconciliation :rofl:. Enjoy your journey :blue_heart:


Let’s really understand Wanted ZP for a second.

What does it do? It’s a physical shifting subliminal that basically communicates to your subconscious mind in a way that makes you irresistibly physically attractive to women.

It turns you into the dreamy, mysteriously hot guy that women drool over.

So how does that manifest? Well, what are physical traits that increase a man’s sex appeal?

Symmetrical face, masculine dimorphism (commonly… square jawline, hunter style eye area), fitness (muscles, low body fat), clear glowing skin and thick hair (health indicators), height, frame, etc. I’ve also read somewhere about the maxilla (upper jaw) being an important part of the face in relation to beauty.

Anyways, it’s no secret that men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades.
If you’re out of shape, low sex drive and listen to Wanted ZP… Your hormones are going to adjust or experience a change.

There is absolutely no way that your hormones remain untouched throughout the physical manifestation of Wanted ZP.

It’s a fully comprehensive physical shifting sub and I recall Fire saying that everything you can think of is in there.

Believing that there will be zero activity related to your hormones throughout the entire process of the physical shifting, would make zero sense.

Especially if you understand how interconnected everything in your body is.

So if hormones are going to be affected, how? What would make the most sense?
This is not rocket science, lol.

What kind of physical shifting are we doing here?
Testosterone is going to increase… lol.

Saying that Wanted ZP increases testosterone, is far too logically sound and adds up too well, to the point that I wouldn’t even be mad at myself if I bet on it and turned out to be wrong.

My “questionable hypothesis” is really just basic common sense.

Now, the acne part… It could be sebum in the skin’s oil glands due to the increase in hormone production, or it could be a detox of the skin.

Wanted ZP affects hormones and you know… hormonal acne is a thing. Most people know that from puberty… My partner used to have breakouts due to some birth control pill because it messed up her hormones, lol.

Anyways, there are 3 people off the top of my head that have reported acne, in direct correlation to listening to Wanted ZP.

A consistent biological reaction like that in connection to a niche domain like subliminals + small sample size of the forum…
You’re grasping for straws by confidently stating that it’s not the subliminal.

Also, when I mention “anyone who has long-term experience with subliminals”, it’s not for no reason.

I have personally experimented in the past with hormonal type of subliminals such as Testosterone increasing ones on YouTube (they all suck by the way), using the exact style of scientific method you’ve proposed and experienced increased sebum production and acne. Furthermore, I can bring up probably thousands of examples in the form of YouTube comments where people have experienced acne and symptoms aligned with testosterone increase or at least hormonal offset in direct response to using those types of subliminals or frequencies.

I’m not sure why you keep taking passively aggressive shots at another forum member throughout your post.

Next time just get straight to the point, if you want your point to even be taken seriously.


I am from Germany :wink:

So, no.

My wife doesn’t even speak proper English. Just VERY basic conversational English, and she gets results. Maybe not the best, but still.

There are two things imo:
a) how throroughly you believe that they work
b) your flow factor

Mine is actually not that high. I listen to 3 minutes of a sub and take 4 days rest, otherwise I am overloaded lol
@Invictus for example can listen to 3 subs a day or what and gets SICK results right away.

We all respond differently.

Plus, body composition when it comes to physical shifting. I don’t know the medical term but my body grows muscle and burns fat SUPERFAST when I set out to do so.
I also gain weight super fast.

Some are physical hardgainers also, they might also have issues with physical shifting. Saint imo also said that my body results on Wanted were exceptional, so it’s not exactly a benchmark.

Don’t be discouraged!

Physical shifting is a long game!


How do the 3 min compare to 5 min you’ve previously run?

Very interesting. As Saint said, it takes 1-2 hours until you actually notice something, but then it SEEMS like they work even better. Like, stronger. More pronounced, with zero recon so far.

Now this wasn’t all bad on 5 minutes, but 3 seems to be even better. For me at least. I am guessing you only get the scripting once. My mind has ALWAYS been very receptive to receiving information.

It’s actually an issue I need to tackle going forward, that not every information I receive is immediately to be taken for gospel. But for subs it’s good. Idk how this works for other people.

I enjoy the “lightness” of 3 minutes.

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Your friend hermit said after listening to emperor version 2 he beat up 3 guys in a fight using his bare fists :slightly_smiling_face: very interesting.