PLEASE READ: Policy Updates to Quintessence Customs

Mismatched Names:

Going forward, the name listed on a custom order must match the name on the account. We’re getting a lot of orders with names that are completely different from the names individuals used in the past, and because we are unsure if you’re attempting to expose someone to subliminal audio without their consent, we will no longer fulfill these orders.

As there are no refunds on the Q store, if we receive an order like this, we’re going to change the status to “On Hold – Name Mismatch,” and you will have to contact support via ticket to send us the proper name.

Core Restrictions:

If you are building a custom with stage 4 of a multistage title, there’s no need to add the other the stages. In all the multistagers, stage 4 contains a very streamlined and focused version of all the stages. Adding the others will only lead to overload and reconciliation.

If you add stage 4 and the other cores, your custom may be assigned a status of “On Hold – Core Restrictions,” and you will have to contact support via ticket to remove the core and replace it with another module.

For now, we have not made a determination if we will take the same course for adding stages 1, 2 and 3 to create a makeshift stage 4, but remember that you run the risk of creating a custom that’s too dense. It’s easier to just invest in stage 4.


What do you mean by focused? Please elaborate

It’s designed to focus as one cohesive program, rather split into multiple parts. This means we can cut some extraneous scripting and hyper-focus the scripting because it’d be redundant. Did you all think that we just took all three stages and slapped them together?

This is why those on KB St4 (who have went through all the stages) are reporting that it feels like an enhanced version of St. 1. It’s an enhanced version of all the stages, but you still need exposure to the earlier stages before jumping straight in.


Would it still be acceptable to have two different ST4 cores in a custom? Or does it just depend which 2 one is looking at?

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I did not. I was asking for clarification


Sorry to derail this thread but this is hyper relevant to me and of a similar vein.

I was planning on running Khan ST1, ST2 and ST4, but skipping ST3 because I figured I’d mostly get it during ST4,

I wanted to skip the hypersexuality of ST3, I’m in a monogamous relationship.

In general, is this an OK strategy? Are my fears unguided?

And an even more off tangent question but very related, would KB (even just ST1) help me guide the sexuality of ST3 so that I control the sexuality instead of having the sexuality control me?

Yes there are probably misguided fears in here but that’s why I ask :slight_smile:

Proceed at your own risk with this one. What we’re specifically discussing for now is individuals putting Stage 4 in a custom along with stages 1, 2 and 3. No need for this, lol.

I mean, you’re still going to get that scripting if you run stage 4. If you want to avoid something in any of the earlier stages, you have to skip stage 4 also.


Possibly. It’s built to help you consciously control sexual energy.


That’s the plan. I want to integrate that scripting without hyper focusing on it. I can consciously control it, especially if I taper it to be medium intensity exposure for a long time, opposed to short term & high intensity.

Thank you!

@SaintSovereign Do customs take away from the progress of new or upgraded titles or scripts?

Nah. All of our upgrades are built on older tech. We very rarely toss things, only refresh and update. Qv2 to ZP is the only exception to that rule, but even then, we brought lots of lessons. With ZP v2 MAX to v3, you probably won’t even need to wash out unless you want to.


@SaintSovereign I recall you saying something about how ZPV3 will be about becoming whatever it is a person is working towards or something similar. Is that what’s known as Identity Shifting that is discussed in the book Atomic Habits , online, and on YouTube?

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The “identity shifting” idea is just the idea of mental alchemy being repackaged and resold with terms the mainstream can handle. Just like “The Secret” was little more than the law of attraction rebranded and the Wim Hof Breathing Method is Pranayama where you make yourself cold to prove that it works. In other words, it’s what you’re attempting to do with subliminal audio right now.

We’re being tight lipped about ZP v3 right now since we know people are watching and trying to steal, but when it’s out, we’re going to be completely open and transparent about how it works. But, I’ll give a very vague hint:




All of my information is cloaked for obvious anonymity reasons. This is kind of a rough change. But I understand the safety in which you’re doing it.

The only information you would need would be first name, correct?

Might this apply to rest days also? Or still recommend keeping up with those?

Just the first name. Nothing else necessary.

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I’m still suspecting that you will need rest days. But we’re aiming to reduce listening time as well. Possibly.


I’m confused. Isn’t this regarding the name on the custom matching the name on your credit card account? Why would that be a rough change?

I think it’s regarding the name associated with your SubClub account, not the card you use.