PLEASE READ: Banned Member

Well, I did hear of a guy that bought a car and followed advice from Youtube on how to remove the speed limiter so he could go insane speeds just like the guy on YT did. He then ran over a 7 year old and a 5 year old walking home from school.

The parents of the children tried to sue, but people said to just let him be.

But hey, at least he was able to express his individuality without silly terms and rules. Just like the guy on Youtube.

Did I forget to mention the guy on Youtube was a professional driver who only did it on an actual race track where it was safe. And only after signing a waiver so that the car’s manufacturer was in no way responsible? And that he only posted it on Youtube because he thought people would be smart enough to not do this at home and to realize they should build up to it just like he did?

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As far as I know it’s a forum suspension, not a store suspension. So the custom should still be delivered once compiled. As would any future ones.


thats on the guy. not the guy who uplouded the video or the profissonal guy

you cannot just protect the whole world, its not possiable to make everything safe for everyone

chewing too many gums would kill you if you didnt follow the recommndations, same princiaple we cannot just monitor everything for everyone, people has to own their mistakes and problems and face it

unless were talking about kids, my main point is about adults

life isnt so much fair, but thats how it works, sorry to hear about the incident


wait do you mean the parents tried to sue the guy who ran over their kids or the guy that uploaded the youtube video?

Is it wrong of us to assume that your intuition has grown just as much as the other aspects of you and that you are able to calibrate to the people you’re communicating with. To assume that you feel like a guide or parent and feel responsible that everybody, including the beginners, gets a positive experience?

I have censored myself many times from sharing certain things on the forum because I could not be certain how they would be perceived. When in doubt, I would rather not. Even if I am bursting at the seams to share.

As far as the Laws go, we can only wish that one day we could all live in a world where no human will ever attempt to take advantage of or manipulate another. For now, it seems that we are not there. It is not entirely clear to me how this relates to these series of events however, and I have studied both the Laws and Machiavelli, so I would expect to be able to see it.

Tell that to the parents of those kids.

The point of my fictional example is that somewhere somebody has to take the responsibility. Either a government (through speed and punishment laws), the car manufacturer (though that limiter), Youtube (who would only act after the accident and then start systematically removing every video like it) or the content creator (who thought people would be smart enough to not do this at home).

Why? Because it is obvious that people often need to be protected from themselves. Even as adults, we still sometimes look at a power outlet and wonder if the shock we’d get is really that bad.

Subliminals are still considered a fringe/pseudo-science. It is in every producer’s best interest to ensure that every user has a positive experience. Because then they start spreading the word and society can start to accept it as mainstream. There’s even a certain level of dialogue between subliminal competitors to ensure this, because it is in all their best interests.

If people start getting nasty experiences and spreading that word instead, it will damage the future of subliminals.

So as SubClub we take that responsibility seriously. We put in crazy amounts of work to err on the side of caution, to ensure that everybody’s experience is as good as we can make it.

We wait for a bit, monitor a situation to see if people take responsibility. Just like we do when moderating, hoping things will correct itself and we don’t have to act.

But at some point we have no choice but to take that responsibility if nobody else does. We don’t like it, but we do it for subliminals as a science, for SubClub and most of all, for ALL of our users.

What you’re proposing is the perfect world where everybody is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves in all areas, where everybody’s moral compass is perfectly aligned and where parents spend vast amounts of time raising their kids correctly without any incorrect ideas or influences.

Maybe after the entire world has run Quantum Limitless at Q++ levels every human will know themselves well enough to realize what they can and can not do. Until then, if it is clear nobody else takes responsibility to avoid subliminal “bad trips” we have no choice but to.

That’s the way I see it anyways, I am not proclaiming Saint, Fire or RVC’s opinion here, only my own.

I’ve been around long enough to realize how often I have had to use those Laws that Hermit dislikes in order to protect people from themselves and help them achieve their goals while thinking it was all their idea to begin with. People often need help in life even if they do not always realize it or dare to ask for it, and it feels good to know that I can be there for them when they do.


Thank you.


Yeah, sorry. You’re trying to help them fix their feelings by blaming someone else. Because:

You missed the one that IS responsible. The guy driving the car. Everyone you mentioned has zero responsibility for other people’s behavior. You CAN try to make things safe for others, and if you do so, go right ahead, but trying to put this on the government, YT, or the content creator is INFANTILE.
Because the guy driving the car made the decision. It was HIM and HIM ALONE who decided to go full speed.

Did he not have all the information to make the correct judgment? Maybe.
Do I feel for the parents? Of course. But blaming any of the three you mentioned is WRONG (summoning remarkable), because that takes responsibility away from the person responsible.

HOWEVER, I am well aware in what kind of a society we live where everyone points fingers at others at all times. I actually think Hermit was - despite recon - pretty insightful and introspective, not blaming QV2, just stating his own experience. The actual key issue is this:

You are trying to play the car manufacturer and taking responsibility for every single car accident that happens. Yet, you only provide the tool.

Brings me to the hammer. You can either build or destroy with a hammer. The tool itself is immoral. The person swinging it makes the decision.

This is where the issue lies imo because you CANNOT, regardless of how many measures you take, make the world of subliminals fully safe. As Saint mentioned many times, the instructions are everywhere, disclaimers and notes about being careful and listening is everywhere, and YET people don’t do it.

And this, I think, is where your responsibility ends. You give out all the warnings, all the info, try your best, and you should. But what the person does in the end is not in your hands. Does this potentially mean bad word about your company? Of course.
But what you are overlooking is the bad word you might NOW get for banning users sharing their experience. Or people being reluctant to do so going forward, self-censoring. Or WORSE, taking the learning experience from people.

Much like a child NEEDS to fall on its nose, otherwise it will NEVER learn how to be careful while walking, I needed to learn the power of the subs myself. I read it everywhere, I STILL thought I can brute-force it. Now I understand. But it was THIS experience that made it happen.

No, what we’re proposing is a world were people need to LEARN THEMSELVES what they are capable off.

Humans already have a method for this. Making mistakes. Failing forward.
Q++ QL won’t show you what you are capable off if you never take action and fail while doing so. Business 101. Make mistakes, learn from them.

Btw, I know this is a very “judgy” post but I am just trying to give a different perspective, k? :wink:

Disclaimer: I am not telling anyone what to do with his company, just giving my STRONG opinion.


I do agree with @Budewr and @AlexanderGraves regarding their interpretation of the car analogy.

Having said that, @DarkPhilosopher is still right about his (and Subclub’s) right to suspend/ban members based on their rules (rules that are in-line with the data they have collected and what they know is in the subliminals they create as well as forum rules).


true that, everyone wants you to be responsible these days for their own feelings imagine that hahahha , if you offend them its your problem not theirs

that goes to gen z, i am myself gen z but im dragon ball z typa gen z

they get hurt, boom ur canceled :joy:

thank you so much, you litreally said what i wanted to say

but my english isnt that good, sometimes i cant make proper staments that backs up my belifes since english is not my first language

thank you my friend

Okay, enough about that. Maybe I did not get my point across correctly (that senior members and staff should in my opinion feel responsible for the other users even if it is not required of them), maybe I was just plain wrong.

But enough with the car analogy and the analysis of it, please.


of course at the end its their concern, but i would really really love for subclub’s forum to be a place for sharing your honest precpective and not be so scared of getting banned and censored


You’re right, my bad. Was very offtopic.

Up until this point I actually liked your elaborations above and making your point. However, you should now act a man, make your point and wait for a response from the founders.

And if that never happens, then take the L like a man.

Now playing the victim card is not how I imagined your mindset and not really the mark of a Khan, is it? :wink:

Still, I hope to see you around and we can keep talking and discussing.

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@AlexanderGraves … expressing what @DarkPhilosopher was saying within the Libertarian/Objectivist framework (where I assume/feel you’re coming from) …

It is in the selfish interest of the auto industry to make it compulsory for vehicles to meet certain safety standards; and to punish those that may make the statistics uncool. :sweat_smile:
(“No more driving license for you, you naughty boy!”)

It is in the selfish interest of the subliminal developers to make it compulsory for users to meet certain guidelines standards; and to punish those that may make subliminals uncool. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
(“No more forum posts for you, you naughty boy!”)


@DarkPhilosopher can you private message me I have to ask you for a favour?

Hermit was banned.

(insert_real_name_here) was not blacklisted.

It’s all good. :wink: :+1:t2:

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I can direct-message you, not private message you. :wink:

Seems pretty straightforward.

in a nutshell:

The tone of your posts favors a grandiose, declarative style that is easily experienced as authoritative, especially by those new to subs or by those who may be vulnerable to doubt or hopelessness.

Not a crime, but you need to learn to use that tone with more self-awareness. Apparently it was influencing people too much and interfering with the accuracy of their learning processes.


watching grown ass men fight like this is _____ :rofl::rofl:

The decision was made and it is final.

Conversations with Hermit was made via PM and in public. You can search the board and find them — one as recent as a week or two ago when he “left” the board because Qv2 was so powerful that the higher spirits or whatever wouldn’t jive with your stack.

On two occasions myself, and also with @Fire. We asked him to stop with the overbearing spiritualism and conspiracy theories, we asked him to stop with the pretending that he’s an expert on our technology.

He even messaged @fire when he returned and I shit you not, started telling Fire that reconciliation isn’t real, it’s actually “resistance,” and began telling him what he was getting wrong about his own products.

Here’s a quote from @RVconsultant just a week and a half ago where he asked Hermit to stop after receiving complaints:

Hermit didn’t listen. Instead, he continued with the same behavior. Here he is offering to be someone’s spiritual guide:

Here’s another thread where I asked Hermit to stop: Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions - #832 by SaintSovereign

This time, he went full on Hermit, leaving the forum because Qv2 is too strong for humanity until we evolve, etc.

It’s a pattern of behavior that he just wouldn’t stop. We gave him more chances than we give most people. Everyone who has been here awhile knows that I am stern, but very fair. We don’t ban many people. We barely even do edits. When everyone in the mod team has asked you to stop doing something and you continue, you’re asking for trouble.

The first time I messaged Hermit and asked him to chill, over a year ago (because he was going on rants about how Donald Trump was a “light warrior” and posting Q Anon stuff), his response was to post publicly that he is being “stifled” by “weak minded people who couldn’t handle the truth.” I let it slide. I kept letting it slide because I liked Hermit. Then it hit me:

He has never respected our wishes and continued the same behavior without regard to how it affected this business. That’s not something a friend, colleague / whatever would do. And I’ve learned that you must excise those people out of your life, because they will continue to find ways to hurt you and then make it your fault.

Even now, he’s not respecting our wishes. His store accounts aren’t banned. He could’ve messaged support stating his case, telling us that he understood our position and wants to make amends. Instead, he evaded the ban and continued to play innocent and make false claims that we never messaged him, as if I don’t have proof of everything.

As far as I’m concerned, the right decision was made. Hermit, ban evading isn’t helping your case. Humbling yourself and showing self awareness and taking responsibility for what you did MIGHT.

This is not the case of the “elites” or whatever stomping on the poor proletariat. You just kept breaking the rules.