Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

I went back to Total Breakdown for a couple of days after release to test it out, must say it’s way smoother now, less rough edges and straight to the point.


Honestly bro stage 1 of khan very underrated aspect of game, healing is like cheating in this field


So one loop of Khan Stage 1 QV2 and I had a dream of my ex girlfriend.

The second dream was about being wanted or chased by the police.

Feelings of the dream : fear and anger


I have been teaching this for years now to men.

It took me VERY LONG to figure this out myself. But we do live in a feminized society where we pedestalize women even though THEY HATE THAT.
This is the most paradox thing about it all.

But let’s not get too deep into politics.

Congratulations for recognizing this.

VERY important realization!


Khan Stage 1 QV2
This subliminal makes me very tired.

I can already feel and sense when people are doing things that disrespect me. There is something that is constantly nagging at me to correct it or disassociate with those particular people.

I also hate people telling me what to do. I felt it before but now on QV2 its way stronger.

Noticing lots of stares and attraction :sunglasses:


Yep. I “correct it” by attending to other things or other people. I’m not even thinking in terms of “tests” right now. There is what I want, and that’s it.

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Just realised the Ultrasonic feels way better to me and it feels as if it’s going straight to work compared to masked tracks.

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My uncle who was very close to me from childhood is now starting to irritate me. Everything he says to me gets me angry.
He was someone I always looked up to from childhood because of how successful he was in life. He is a very intelligent and very attractive to women. I guess that’s the reason I looked up to him during my childhood.
Now im beginning to notice that whenever he talks to me or chat to me there is a lot of belittling.

We play soccer together and yesterday he questioned me as to why I came late.! I feel like he wants to tell me what to do.

He stays with his mum and I stay on my own. He is divorced and I have a family. So maybe jealousy is coming in slowly. Or is it that you target the biggest Alpha(Khan).

The above only started happening while running Khan.


I wish they would remove that stupid, 10 characters minimum in order to post… sometimes you just wanna say, “yep”. or even “cool”

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Yes I know about yep and cool but there is fire in me lol

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Wasn’t he doing this awhile back too?

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Cant remember thought but on Khan it’s really making me angry…

“When I Say No I Feel Guilty” by Manuel Smith

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Im finding that people are starting to ridicule me and make fun of me too often now.

It’s like difficult for me to gain control in the situation. Like a loss of respect.
Because of this I am starting to get very angry and irritated.

This has only happened in the past week.
I wonder why this is happening…

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Your attitude on Total Breakdown compared to Khan Complete or Total Reprogramming. Understand that the way others behave towards you is merely a reflection of what you subconsciously believe about yourself.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Observe the Energy you emit wherever you are, especially in situations where you are receiving such disrespect.


Yes I am feeling pretty much fucked up inside. Like a hole in me.

It sucks cause at times I feel like a king and then I’m down. Very depressed feeling.

Take it easy and center yourself this feeling can sometimes drag you down even more so be carefull

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Embrace the suck, my guy. They don’t say pain is leaving the body for no reason.

Remember; we can’t change anything within ourselves without some form of reconciling. This often shows up in tumultuous emotions.

Picture your current struggle as a storm and realize, you are its center. The eye of the storm is and anyways will be you.

Edit: I meant to say pain is weakness leaving the body lol

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A co-worker has some very strange comments…

I guess you guys can help me figure them out.
Firstly we on a WhatsApp group chat…the entire staff. She created a sub division and thus created a WhatsApp for that sub division.

  • she said she tried to add me to that group but she wasn’t able to…she then asked for my number lol fuken strange. How do you add someone without their number lol…

  • she then told me today that she was looking for me to check some work and tried calling me also…there is no miss calls or anything like that on my phone…but the truth is she had work for me to check.

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Sounds like she is either looking for excuses to be around/talk to you… or she’s what they used to call in the olden days “a fking moron!”