Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

To me it seems Q is running for more than 2 days.
When i run loops every day that is one loop a day i feel numb the second day. No emotions etc. Its either the sub is super dense or over exposure.
I am experimenting with one loop every two days. So far it seems like my sweet spot.
Im not going to touch ultimas for now up until im used to Q. My guess will be Ultimas will process for a week. My experiments will provide more acurate data in that.

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Hey @pacman, of course, subliminal’s process for more than 2 days, especially Ultima and Terminus. But that is not necessarily a bad thing, as the scripting is really benevolent for example with Ascended Mogul – you’d be feeling highly productive for two days with one loop.

I’m assuming you’re running Khan Stage One? Well, that one is another story, it is breaking you down, which is not really a pleasurable experience. What I’m noticing is that you want to get rid of those effects immediately by taking breaks. Just run two or three loops a day, taking weekends off until you reach the 3 months mark. If it makes you feel terrible, which is not overexposure persĂ©, you can always run Sanguine Ultima alongside it, that one is really pleasurable all the while mitigating most of the emotional turmoil from the breaking down process.


Yes u right @Hermit
As soon as i take breaks those effects (bad effects) subside.

I did read this on some thread
but not certain.
Is Khan core scripting in all Khan stages?

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Yes that’s the case


I recall @hermit and some others mentioned that i will compete with other khans if and when i do meet one. I dont think real life khans will come close to ones createe by subclub. Real life khans are accidentally made. Subclub is intentional scripting,masterminded and perfected scripts.


@pacman think you will jump on Dragon Reborn anytime soon?

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Nope just trying to make the most of khan and other healing subs
elixir etc.
Why do you ask?

This is exactly why. You’re very healing focused and Dragon Reborn would replace every other healing sub I can think of.

To me it the scope of healing can be put into an analogy.
Limitless is to Quantum Limitless as (Any other Healing Sub) is to Dragon Reborn.

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Once you reach maximum Khan
-niness you’ll just probably ignore other amogs. Keep going man you’re on a roll too.

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Riding the dragon means putting khan on a hold. I came along way with khan for me to stop now.


Don’t stop Khan bro, I wanna how more it’ll affect you. Stay with for 6 months and see. Khan is next for me after DR. That won’t come till about September though. Too many users jump way too fast to other subs. I think the most prominent results a user will see if he uses a sub for a while to see the most effects.


Thats my plan

I also have been jumping around alot in the past.

Learning to effectively compete is part of the training process - the journey of Ascending to Khan.

Both, real life Khans AND stage 4 Khans are pretty chill dudes.

AMOGs only bully wannabes. They steer clear of real men.

You’ll see. When you get there.



How do you explain when someone steps in your way intentionally??
How about someone consciously trying to drag you down?

How would I know 
 I skipped stages 2 and 3. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m just saying these things don’t happen on Stage 4. :+1:t2:

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Why doesnt it?

Because you stop projecting the desire to compete/dominate.

You already know that you’ll win. No longer any need to prove yourself.



Aaaaah makes perfect sense.
Im going straight to stage 4

I wont fight with you anymore lmao

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