Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Man, the dominance and raw sexuality of Khan is something :ok_hand:

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I didnt believe peopleā€¦but this is one powerful subliminalā€¦
The best part of this all is i dont even provoke people. I be busy on my own beat. When they look at me they push they cheat out and stare at me WTF.


Those are most definitely the effects of Stage Two you are still experiencing, do you feel kind of bolt right now? I believe Stage Four is softer or more gentle and playful in a way. I can only imagine the way you are feelingā€¦ On Stark, the complete opposite happened to me I was treated like a celebrity by policemen and easily turned them to my will.

Looking at Masculinity, which is highly embodied in Khan it is divisive energy, whereas Femininity is a more uniting one. A bully always gets put into place by a bigger bully, and so on. Whereas Feminity is nurturing and magnetic, Masculinity is conquering and electric.

Make sure you are the biggest predator in your area or someone else will come and hunt you down, lol!


I feel charged up!
Like i had a pre workout.

You joking about itā€¦it feels just that way @Hermit :laughing:

Thatā€™s not a joke, even though it was said jokingly. It just is that way in the world of Masculinity; it is always a competition of which guys are the toughest, biggest, most powerful. But as a Khan you probably already stand-out so much with your personal values, people can smell it on you and once you meet another Khan youā€™ll be competed with.

You probably walk in a store, unconsciously acting like you are about to smash it down and put a shopping center there. Same for the policemen, they feel threatened to get fired if they mess with you, lmao.


For long i struggled to explain what you have just did.
Khan feels exactly like that every line every word that you used!


Haha I wish. Just as vain thoughā€¦ bahaha! :rofl:


I agree with @Hermit man. I was laughing imagining you slamming down your groceries at the cashierā€¦ :joy:

But seriously, careful out there. Carry a big teddy bear or something just to augment the cuddly vibesā€¦


I like this ā€¦well said bro

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Imagine if Khan is combined with someone who doesnā€™t waste his energy (aka semen retention/preservation of your life force) ā€¦men would be probably twitching around that kinda person. I already have some who are around me twitch and keep on looking left and right and trying to look at me wondering why they feel intimidated. After my DR journey and if I get results and freed from my traumas, limiting beliefs, nice guy syndrome. Khan will be calling me :wink:

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Hope we dont fight on the forumā€¦since me and u will be Khanā€¦:smiley:


Aha I donā€™t think so ā€¦ fighting on the internet forum is low life thing for Khanā€™s :wink:


Ahaā€¦ so there will be a Kurultai eh? Haha :rofl:

Nah, you guys would be awesome Khans. Enjoy

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Now that you mentioned it, the past week my girl was complaining that I donā€™t drink enough waterā€¦ now, a minimum of 4 glasses a day, itā€™s so weird cause Iā€™ll make coffee and a sandwich, then pour a glass of water on the side. And after taking a sip of coffee, Iā€™ll immediately drink water.

Even now, ima get out of bed to pour water cause Iā€™m so thirsty, not sexual thirsty thou, I just had my fill.

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There is only one khan in this forum. Never forget it. :wink:


Only one Khanā€¦of many on this forum my brother :kissing_heart:

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This is something Iā€™ve noticed too. So would this mean that weā€™re burning more calories listening to Subliminals because my body is changing. I know Iā€™ve been exercising more and eating a bit better (still eating junk) but considering subs make me eat more Iā€™m assuming weā€™re also burning more calories in effect?

Hopefully this makes sense, it does in my head haha.

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Yes you right i eat alot now.
And when i dont eat enough i feel extremely fatigued. Its simply that these subs require energy to process them. So yes you need more food for more energy.

I have tried the one loop a day then skip one day routine.
The day i ran the sub i felt charged up. Basically i felt the sub. The next day which is now the break day i felt extremely fatigued. I also felt very irritated and angry. Those feelings also didnt last long. So yes i think the sub is processing on rest days. To me one loop seems to be processing for more than one day. I did feel little recon but it didnt last long.
As of now which is almost evening in my country i feel much better and clear minded.
I will be sticking to this routine for now.


When I first started using Q, I had the subjective sense that the subliminal was still running in my head, even on rest days. Please keep us posted with how your new schedule is working.