Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

@Pacman since you’re so focused on the healing aspect, why not go for DR?

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Maybe is just how stage 1 works.
Maybe @Lion explain more on how stage 1 works. From what i have heard stage 1 is meant to be nasty for some…


I dont want to go so deep on healing for now…
And DR is little pricey for me to afford for now. I just want to make the most of the Khan Multistage.
Did stage 1 work for you this way that im explaining in my journal?

It must be two months your on Stage 1 now

outside of any logic or time frame you set for yourself

Do you feel like it’s time to move on to stage 2 in any way?

I don’t know if it’s the same but I’ve been on Khan Stage 1 in a custom this will be my 6 month.
I feel ready to move onto stage 2 lol

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Thats the tricky part @Azriel
Is it recon or is it time to move on?
Do i go deeper with stage 1?

Don’t think about it, ask your gut
they’ll be lots of doubt and analysis if your doing the right thing because your so committed to your growth, you want to make sure you do it properly
You can always decide logically after, this doesn’t bind you in anything.

But take a leap past the thinking and just see what your intuition, gut says.

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How about adding stage 2 with stage 1? My reason for that is what ever blocks stage 2 brings up then stage 1 will clear it also?

Stage 2 with rebirthU

there is a mechanism in khan to let you know when to proceed to the next stage. You will get the answer if you listen to it. I don’t say this to be cryptic. People could likely run khan stage 1 for a year+ and still be getting at stuff. I would do stage 2 with stage 1 if your sensing/craving a change. You can also run RebirthU. whatever the case you’ve run stage 1 more then the recommend amount of time, I think you qualify as prepared for stage 2. It’s really just up to you.
Some people run stage 1 through all 4 stages.

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Your journal has been really interesting to me because you’re having a very similar experience to my self. It’s like confirmation that the subs do work.

I’m a month into stage 2, when it was time to move on from St1, I knew it, and you will to with out any doubt. If you said 3 months, stick to it.

You’re just going through a tough period where you question everything and doubt your self and your choices. It’s not a good idea to change your plans when going through a tough patch.

You didn’t ask for it, but that’s my advice. Lol


I really appreciate all your responses on my journal. Please continue to provide really good info buddy.

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After one loop of stage 2 i feel fucken alpha.
No one can break my eye contact. Just one loop !!
Seems like i was ready for stage 2


The confindence that i feel on stage 2 is insane!
Never have i felt this kind of confidence before.
Lots lots lots of stares from female strangers.
One lady in the monring as i am on my way to work looks at me from her car and doesnt break eye contact lol like she saw a ghost…wtf.


There was a post that @fire mentioned that one will feel something missing when the rubbish is removed. I do feel that in some situations. Its a little difficult to explain it i will try my best.

What others say to me doesnt matter anymore…what i want matters…
When ever i talk others used to over ride my suggestions…now when i talk people just accept and dont respond …just nod to agree. I miss having people to over ride my decisions…lol
Thats the best i can explain and thats just one situation. There are many more situations in that i find this happening.


Resisting the allure of DR is difficult. :grin:

Kudos to you for sticking with Khan!

One of the ideas I keep in mind when running subs is the concept of familiarity and grief. Grief can happen over the loss of an idea, rather than just death or loss of a relationship.

BTW I’m not implying you’re experiencing grief, but something familiar may be gone. Gone are some bad habits. Gone are some ways of thinking and feeling that you consciously or subconsciously wanted to chuck in the bin.

With great freedom comes great responsibility. Or something like that, sort of. :spider:man


Yes something is def removed. I feel lighter now. When i run my loops as welll i dont get head pressure and all those negative feelings anger etc…
I will be keeping stage 1 throughout my journey to deal with any blocks that do come up on the way.

Yes you can say that again.

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Could you please say more about this? Do you plan on listening to stage 1 for more than 30 days?

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Yes infact i already passed 30 days of listening to stage 1…

The reason why i would like to keep it there is that some blocks will take a long time to be removed. Especially negative programming from society. As i go to the other stages blocks will come up again.

Example if im on stage 3 a block may come up which i will not know about. So thats when stage 1 will remove that because it came to the surface. Also with the constant action there will be more blocks coming up which will be removed by stage1.

Basically like having Regeneration in a stack. :sunglasses:
What would you say?

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your welcome

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:+1:I think your reasoning is sound and solid!

I’m also a bit biased but I’ll say it anyway… I’d encourage you to think about getting DR at some point. @Brandon is running Khan and DR. Perhaps he could give you a few comments and insights.

Here is a start:

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Stage 2 Khan makes me feel very bossy and in control. I want to show my freedom off. I look for other males to challenge me but its not happening.
I cannot keep quite about anything that doesnt make me happy. I speak my mind out and fear no one.
I feel like a god amongst men!