Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Riding the dragon means putting khan on a hold. I came along way with khan for me to stop now.


Don’t stop Khan bro, I wanna how more it’ll affect you. Stay with for 6 months and see. Khan is next for me after DR. That won’t come till about September though. Too many users jump way too fast to other subs. I think the most prominent results a user will see if he uses a sub for a while to see the most effects.


Thats my plan…
I also have been jumping around alot in the past.

Learning to effectively compete is part of the training process - the journey of Ascending to Khan.

Both, real life Khans AND stage 4 Khans are pretty chill dudes.

AMOGs only bully wannabes. They steer clear of real men.

You’ll see. When you get there.



How do you explain when someone steps in your way intentionally??
How about someone consciously trying to drag you down?

How would I know … I skipped stages 2 and 3. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m just saying these things don’t happen on Stage 4. :+1:t2:

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Why doesnt it?

Because you stop projecting the desire to compete/dominate.

You already know that you’ll win. No longer any need to prove yourself.



Aaaaah makes perfect sense.
Im going straight to stage 4

I wont fight with you anymore lmao

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This is why I’m bothered by the likes limit. I asked Simon about this before and sure enough he highly suggests Khan ST4 for me as well, and @pacman you have far more direction than I do. I could probably direct Stark to how I want it to be, with Khan when the time comes.


Hows khan 1 and khan 4 together??

Yes you are correct @Apollo

A. meet strength with strength and risk controversy, until your internal strength is indisputable- I don’t recommend this unless you really know how to fight.

B. keep frame-step out of the way and move on because you’ve more important things in life then whose walking turf that square foot of space is- I like this one

C. stay indoors until Khan stage 4- could be tricky -but doable :thinking:

D. Act handicap ’ and say really loudly SORRY MISTER

E. Act crazy, start scratching your skin and screaming ‘ANTS’ no-one wants to fuck with crazy


If you wanna master the K2 dominance game, check out Barron Cruz on youtube.


Damn his videos are awesome! Thank you for sharing Simon


I enjoy the dominance in stage 2…
But its the real deal. I just dont want to have haters all over. Then they will shoot me one day lol…


hit em with the Modi handshake


Those few videos i watched changed my mindset already…

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I guess my anger etc from stage 2 was more of incorrect Alpha traits. The media shows alphas as fighter type aggressive men…and after watching those videos by @Simon…its the total opposite of what i had been thinking.
Khan will bring out all those aggressive parts of me and create challenges for me to remain calm in those situations. Certain people will irritate me so badly that i want to kill them but i need to handle them the way the alpha will.


Man, you learn fast! :clap:t2:

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