Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

This is what I should have done. 3 months per Stage but I’m far too impatient as a person to stick to that. Meh. Maybe soon.


Will def stick to that…


You can always doit now

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I’m already on Stage 3 of Khan and did just over a month per stage of each stage.

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9 months and counting. :slight_smile:


Thought you would find this useful regarding number of loops and Khan. Seems like he got great results with just one loop a day, @pacman. Might do this for Dragon Reborn:


Thank you @Lion
Really helpful info.


Khan stage 1 is one hectic journey!
Feel absolutely crap this week…no apparant reason. I also feel like stage 1 is doing nothing and that i should go bak to ascensionQ.
Feel as if i need to speak to someone…like scared for something


You’re being broken down like you would not believe it and you feel like it is doing nothing because you have been under the influence of its scripting for a great amount of time. Once you stop listening you will notice how badly it is affecting you.

Just keep going for a little longer, if you really cannot keep up then move forward to another Stage, but let me tell you – you will be so renewed once you rewire and rebuild yourself on Stage 2 after going through a 3-month clean-up.


You asked me yesterday in private how to make Stage 1 work. @Hermit’s advice is exactly what I would give you. Keep it up, stay strong! You will soon rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

By the way, are you trying to remember your dreams when you wake up? Doing so will give you great insight into what your subconscious is working on. After writing them down, ask yourself “What I can learn from the dream? What is it teaching me?”.


Completely agree with @hermit and @friday. I finished my 3 month stint on Khan st1 and RegenQ just over 4 weeks ago, and had the same experience. Although I didn’t write down dreams it’s probably a good idea. My dreams were so random though I’m not sure they meant anything.

Keep going @pacman, finish the 3 months. Go through the crap stage thoroughly now and you’re less likely to need it later.


Thanks guys i will keep going!

How would you explain a tender lymph node on one side of the neck? Reason im asking this is that saint mentioned that stage 1 changes pheromones etc in the body…

I rarely get dreams and if i do its difficult for me explain or understand why

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Alexa, play Kenny Rogers - Danger Zone

My parents are similar

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I have no idea mate, the only physical problem I had was a really tight neck down my right side. But it clears up as I work through my stack.

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Yes i feel that also lol

After feel down and lost im feeling bits of huge confidence boosts. One minute i feel like a king and can do as i please next minute im all lost…


Hello Darkness, my old friend. A darkness called Reconciliation.


Stage one is constantly chipping away old and faulty beliefs about yourself, anything and everything you believe about yourself that is withholding you to become a Khan is being reframed – this process may be harsh, because of the ups (once you reach another plateau in your evolution) and downs (everything a belief is being broken down). Just hang in there, soon enough this process will be over and you will be profoundly grateful for having gone through it.



So last night i had so many dreams and will explain the ones i recall.

  1. Dream about my partners mother
    Very short dream. She was telling me something i cant recall what exactly. But she was in my face.

  2. Dream about work
    I was at work and went to the wrong room. I was kind of lost and confused. When i entered that room people looked at me and i heard someone asked 'hey,who is that? And someone replied my name.

  3. Dream of my partner cheating
    This was the longest dream of all and the most clearest one to recall. I went through my partners phone and found that she had been messaging other guys and flirting. We ended up arguing fighting etc. I was really angry and fustrated at what had happened.

There is something else im noticing…time is going very slow. Its like i finished all that i need to do in the day and it feels like its afternoon but its still before noon. Like my day is extended. Strange!

Yesterday was my day off subs

All comments welcomed :blush:


This thread finally made me decide to buy some choline and see what it does for subs. This is the first time I’m trying out a supplement for the express purpose of helping out subliminals, though it’s not the first nootropic I’ve tried.