Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Your journal has created a lot of awareness for me and put lots of things into perspective. :+1:

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Keep journaling you are educating the masses brother :+1:


approaching and game is a skill,
I have respect for anyone looking to improve their life, themselves, or there competencies in areas that matter to them.
it’s easy to reinforce the same mistake(s) over and over but if someone has awareness and can continue to improve its a great thing to master. I personally believe there are much higher leverage things for success with woman. But if someone is drawn to approach until they breakthrough to consistent success, power to them.

As far as QV2- I’ve noticed the same with the action oriented QV2 programs- the healing, emotional and physical ones, are not as strongly as much of a recon issue in my experience.

On QV2 I feel the mental and emotional component less strongly, and the recon -even if subtle often superseded the results quite often. After basically running 1 loop in 6 weeks I’m starting over and things seem smoother.

I noticed with WANTED personally, and from what I am hearing about SG, that the tech is likely improving as the obvious self effects and results look to be superseding the recon.


Good to hear from you, I am still running ascension with pcc. Want to go for emperor but my subconscious always says no - not ready(I am nowadays into conversing with my own subconscious)


hi @Azriel - please share your insights/perspectives.

I recently read in david deida’s book (Awakening Your Sexual Essence):

Virtually every woman agreed that foremost among the qualities they wanted in their man were:

  1. Presence
  2. Intelligence
  3. Strength
  4. Passion
  5. Direction
  6. Humor

When I was doing QV1, it was pretty smooth for me. I’ve thought about the differences between the two version. I’m on QV2 now, exclusively. This is the first time I’m actually not tired on a 1/2 listening schedule while doing QV2.
I like to imagine that doing QV1 for 2 months helped in my transition. I might be wrong. What do you think?

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How’s your level of nervousness when you approach a woman? I suspect it would be all but gone by now…

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Yes you are right , but still there is scope for improvement.

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wow i had never thought from this POV.

I got introduced to subclub and then immediately Qv2 came around…

never got much chance with Qv1…

I’ll experiment this next week with Qv1 only and see f anything feels different

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Try it and see if it works bru.

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How is it going, mate? Any insights into your progress maybe?

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Building lots of new habits. Listening to podcasts and reading a lot.
My friend circle has to change since I am out growing then in many ways. Same thing is happening at work.

Btw thanks for asking buddy :+1:

How’s your journey going ?


So far so good but I’m considering decreasing the amount of exposure. On the other hand I read it didn’t work for you. I’m getting profound results but it looks like it might be too much (the amount of exposure, that is) and by decreasing the exposure I could get more out of it when it comes to immediate, superficial results like those we used to get back on V1.

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Yes definitely.

I was definitely over exposing myself. I have now decided to cut back drastically on the amount of loops I use and there seems to be a significant difference.


Glad to hear that. :slight_smile:

It’s in accordance with what Saint has said recently.

Aslo, what program you run I feel is important too. Some I can run at higher exposure without any problems, but another I resist like crazy and get crazy recon from very little exposure. It’s a tricky thing, but my experience is that it pays of to start slow if unsure and build instead of too much too soon and then stepping hard on the brakes.

Like if you always drink too mych you always get too drunk without any awareness. If you drink more slowly but still a lot, at least you’re more aware of what it’s actually doing to you.

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What is this, good metaphor day. You and @Budewr are both on fire with the good metaphors. Gonna have to use these someday.


Haha, might have been because today I did both, and both with awareness :wink:


Genuinely laughed.

Pacman is a fucking beast. No one has made me feel like this on the forum.

Getting off Khan was a mistake.


This is LEGIT
ALL the self-help is instinctually within us.
We just need information, those who are past the self-help phase, they read informative books on tech, real science, markets etc.