Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

I’ve been having dreams too. I remember bits and pieces. It all fades after 10 minutes of waking up.

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Is a good thing actually. It means you are closer to discovering your true self.

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One thing I noticed With total breakdown, limit destroyer and rebirth more so with total breakdown and limit destroyer because I’ve used those more from time to time, is that total breakdown and limit destroyer do work. When your running them they do dissolve barriers, blockages, limiting beliefs etc but when I stoped running them those blocks, barriers, limiting beliefs etc do come right back up. The issue for me was do i want to always be healing ? because there’s other areas I would like to work on. So for me personally total breakdown, limit destroyer, and rebirth though I’ve had lesser experience with it DO WORK. When I stopped running it though old issues that were removed and blocks started to come right back up which led me to the conclusion healing is a life long process. Maybe healing takes multiple lifetimes but subs are only a tool. Maybe we have to reincarnate multiple times to deal with our blocks to our souls development, because it takes that long who knows. There will always be something that needs healing.
Just my thoughts and experience though With the healing subs never tried regeneration


Healing is life long you right about that…
Also what i believe is that you need to run a sub really long in order to completely over come mental blocks… Sometime all a sub needs is time.
Think about it…if i am 31 years old…a healing sub will never remove all say 20 years programming in 6 months…but it would remove alot in 6 months.
I think @khan is still running stage 1 and i think he ran that from the time he started here.

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I just wanted to drop my personal plan for healing stack. I am going to avoid anything with rebirth, since I disagree with false optimism…

So this excludes regeneration and rebirth. My unconcious scars are there for a reason, I am not willing to “heal”, because everyone else is more healed than I am. So this leaves me with limit destroyer and elixir, as well as the mental strength subs (legacy/commander).

Replacing lost hope with optimism. Accepting what one cannot change, but also willingly perpetuate “badness”, because it is accepted as good.

If one is lost on the moon, do as the aliens do :thinking:

To reference pop culture, its the whole Red Pill ™ stuff, going back to the Blue Pill ™.

False optimism is a regression towards willfull ignorance. here is a clip from The Matrix…


What is false optimism?

@user9437773791397760 I don’t understand. What is lost hope? What is Accepting what you cannot change? What is the determining factor for that?

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Had many dreams last night cant recall all can only recall small bits here and there but those dreams had little fear in them.

For some reason i have noticed that when i run Khan Stage 1 i feel good. When i run regeneration i feel terrible, moody ,angry start snapping at people ,tolerance is low.
I wonder why that happens. When i run khan stage 1 i feel totally opposite…calm ,free, happy etc.


I wonder how you’d feel running KhanST1 with Regen…would it balance out? Could make for worse reconciliation even.

Infact thats how i am running it…
Just last night i was thinking about it…regeneration is like revamping a damaged building wereas khan st.1 is crushing the building completely down and rebuilding…so i would think regeneration with khan st.1 would be pointless.
Any one with more insight ?


They involve two very different mechanisms. I personally wouldn’t combine them. Now Khan ST1 with Rebirth, however…

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You are right…

I will run khan st.1 with rebirthU.


That’s a sick combo. Looking forward to hear how that is. They complement each other very well.
Personally I have found RebirthU to complement Blue Skies as well as the stuff I’ve been doing with Mind’s Eye.


So far from khan st.1

  • i feel very confident
  • i feel incharge
  • i feel a sense of free will…i can do what i want to
  • no fear.
  • i can speak and say what i want without worrying what the other person will say…like me or hate me im not interested long as i speak my mind.
  • i feel in the moment
  • still continue with IF. Im doing 16/8

Thanks for that information :+1:
Makes perfect sense

Personally for me mct really helps process the subliminals and honestly these subs require so much energy its unreal. As soon as i dont have enough energy and the correct source of it i end up with reconcilliation symptoms and backed up processing.
So far im taking some nootropics and they make a huge difference

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I myself will be getting Choline soon. Back when I was playing around with nootropics, I got crazy headaches if my choline levels dropped too low. Nootropics (at least stuff like Piracetam) cause massive uptick in Choline use.

I’m gonna get Choline, not so much to stave off reconciliation symptoms, but more to help my brain process the subs more efficiently. That and plenty of water.

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Let me know how it goes with the switching of subs.

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Break Day

  • libido is very low no desire for sex.
  • some questions popping up…what am i doing? i think im worthy…is this all in my head?..why do i behave in a certain way…?
  • people at work seem to love my presence…

Very interesting post by @Simon that makes perfect sense.

Main Disc. Thread - 12 is here

The alternative could be to run one loop Q and take two days break…continue like that for about 3 weeks