OnlyGains Q! - journey to mount Olympus

Okay so I’ve realized something, OnlyGains is giving me gains noticeably faster than my previous stack of WANTED and EF st3, which is actually tempting to me to add WANTED with OnlyGains, while keeping Sage Immortal for when I need guidance and self realization.

Anyone remember that one thread I made about feeling lost? If anyone ever feels that way, Sage Immortal will definitely help and guide, at least it does for me.

With all that said, what do you guys think? Should I go for it? (Keep in mind that the realization and temptation only started after using Sage and self reflection)

As for progress so far, I received my custom on a Tuesday 2 weeks ago, it’s Tuesday 4:41 am right now, so 2 weeks and 7 listens later, this is what happened with my arms so far (there’s a .3 inch increase), lemme know if it’s noticeable :grin:

29 july;



Yeah I think you should add it. Follow your intuition, It’s not gonna steer you down a wrong path. A lot of times we end up going against our intuition and regretting it.


I just hope I don’t end up like last time and stop updating as often to be more mysterious :joy:
the plan will be; for the next 2 weeks (7 listening days), ill be doing WANTED, OG and ICQ, 1 loop each, however, I will also test what feels better to listen before working out and after working out, as ICQ is usually the first thing when i wake up, as it works keeps my day filled with social interactions, so will only need to see how to use those 2, but so far I’ve noticed that OG before training increases strength, and after training it speeds up recovery, but muscle growth happens fast either way.

also that arm progress pic might not seem as much, but I’ve only trained my arms twice within that time period :muscle:t4: :grin:


Great progress. The arm in the second picture definitely looks bulkier. I am wondering why are you referring to the imperial system. I googled it and Qatar is using the metric system. But I guess because the majority of members of this forum are from the American continent.

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it :grin:

When it comes to muscle sizes, I’ve always measured them in inches because of the bodybuilding forums I used to surf on before, so I picked up that habit :joy:

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hey guys, sorry for the inactivity the last few days, i honestly blame the 1 loop of wanted after i talked about using it again, but i didn’t continue with it because at the end of that day, i got this very clear message in my head saying “That’s enough from wanted”, i don’t really know WTF was that, but i honestly believe SG just boosted my intuition/inner voice to a whole different level, like i get guidance on every single thing, think about it as google maps for everything you do and action you take, pretty neat, and its back for use after that one loop of wanted.

so updates:


  • much stronger now compared to when i started, and i mean MUCH STRONGER, now i was already above average in strength before as i did used to train powerlifitng style for years, with my 4 plates deadlift getting me a second place at a university powerlifting competition for under 18s back when i was 17, and i do some strength stuff here and there to maintain that strength in my CNS for whenever i want to release everything (like during the workouts on bad days), but now im at a point where just today i have reached the maximum number of plates possible on a machine (the pec fly and tricep push down), while on most other exercises (except some compounds like DB incline press and shoulder presses) i can manage to do my bodyweight for reps.

  • 2 days ago i woke up at 73.4, and that upset me a bit cause i felt like i was losing gains, so i measured my arm and it was 14.9 (from 15.2) which upset me even more, but then i went to shower and OH MY GOD, I feel like the night before i burned about 2% body fat in my sleep or something because of much more defined i looked, like even today during my chest workout, i could see the separation of my pecs becoming more visible than ever before, so i feel like the sub makes me gain muscles for a while, then burns fat, then muscle, then fat, and the cycle continues, but strength is up everyday.

Inner Circle

  • as it is a light sub with the main goal being to manifest people according to your preferences or goals or whatever, I’ve noticed more and more people are becoming friendlier and reaching out, mainly at the gym and social media, which is nice, but also feels like the gloryseeker module in my custom is boosting ICQ as well, as people are reaching out to me like im some sort of a VIP, asking me when i could be free to see them, or if i would be okay with working out with them.

Wanted (1 loop instead of SG)

  • will keep it simple here, listening to it just once ended up with a random drive-thru girl giving me her number on the back of my receipt after talking to me and asking me questions like where am i from and my age, seems like the loop kickstarted the “wanted” aura within me that i accumulated during my time listening to wanted.

Sage Immortal

  • okay so I got no clue what to say about this anymore except the fact that it’s basically an audible joint (inner calmness and joy) with some psychic level intuition (support also confirmed that aura perception and feeling them is part of SG’s results) and google maps for brain (guidance with everything you do)

In addition to fat, there is also water.


Yeah that’s what I concluded, as I did mention I looked leaner, but now it’s back to 15.2 so I’m happy :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

Did you drink water? More salt? Maybe a bit of carbohydrates? Those can all add to water weight, if I remember what little I know about body building.

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i actually tried to think about it and i believe that one day, i didnt measure my arms properly :sweat_smile: :joy:, because I barely have fat on my arms, and while yes it could have been water weight, but the thing is that I measured at night, so that possibility is out now, its getting good growth so far and even when im out with people and they post stories with me on snapchat, I look much bigger, in fact I think gloryseeker is also doing good job since not only am I growing nicely, but people now approach me and ask me for tips and try joining me during my workouts.


so an update on everything (and some changes);


  • I honestly feel like this is the best I’ve looked in a long time and it’s certainly gaining attraction and head-turns everywhere, I’ve even been getting approached more at the gym as people keep asking me for advice and ask me to train with me. my face is also looking much better like i don’t know what it is, but something definitely shifted.

Sage Immortal;

  • been noticing A LOT of synchronicities, like both me and my girlfriend noticed that a lot of the things I just mention as “what if” situations are becoming true, like just a while back I was with my sister, driving back home, and she asked me about my girlfriend and her sister, 5 mins later my girlfriend’s sister was driving back home from work and was suddenly ended up next to us, and that’s just one of the many things happening constantly.

Inner Circle;

  • while i feel like i needed it and it was manifesting people for me, i think it was mainly SG doing the work, as that’s what’s been manifesting it, and honestly i’m happy with where i am and honestly i feel like i already was, as most effects i thought were coming from inner circle were actually from the gloryseeker module + SG + my conscious intentions, so it’s not something I’ll listen to anymore, SG is good enough.

as a result of this, one spot for a major title is now open, which means my second favorite sub is now back in stack baby :muscle:t4: :heart_eyes:


So what’s it like being a sex symbol?


ahahahaha you really flatter me, I wouldn’t say that about myself :sweat_smile: however, I must say that I haven’t ever felt this good about myself or had this much of an ego boost from getting checked out so often, which actually motivates me so much more to work harder towards reaching my dream physique and competing, and now with WANTED back in the mix, not only will the increased appetite help me bulk up even faster, but it will also boost everything, since I recall someone mentioning that the physical shifting tech in WANTED are the S/APS modules, which if true, then I’d be getting double the exposure to HERO physical shifting tech-based modules, so i’m looking forward to that.


Crazy that you’re throwing wanted in the mix today, when I literally first thought about Wanted today as a possible add to my stack, and your journal was the confirmation to my inspiration. Great results so far man! Im working out too but really only care about wanted’s effects on people.

How has wanted made your interactions with men different?


Well there are three different reactions I get;

  • first one is from guys with girlfriends; they act cautious, often giving me the feeling that they feel threatened by me :joy:.

  • the second type of reaction come from the envious dudes, I even once got a text from a guy in Uni saying that if he ever had a girlfriend then he wouldn’t want her to meet me. Another dude also texted me once when I posted a pic, saying: “leave some :cat:for the rest of us” :joy:

  • lastly, the “normal” guys treated me with more kindness, respect and admiration, often giving me things for free and stuff like that.


Quick update;

  • SG has been very “unusual” lately, I’ve noticed more and more often that anything someone mentions to me or if I mention something random, it happens. It’s been tripping me out quite often and while I don’t mind it, it’s kinda weird how I can just mention something innocently and it happens, an example of this happened yesterday, I was on the forums and told my girlfriend about how there’s a new module pack that should have been released this week according to “calculations” and observations of the forum members, there was nothing at the time on the forum, so I went to the bathroom and came back, and I see that the new module pack is out 2 mins ago :joy:

  • OnlyGains + WANTED is just a different kind of a beast when it comes to physical shifting, I’ll just leave this here and you tell me why do you think they are there :wink:

The marks only appeared on Wednesday (was a listening day and the day I added wanted) while Tuesday was my shoulders workout :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

Seeing this, I’m going to put SG on hold for now and put all my focus on physical shifting :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


This one is hilarious. I am laughing hard. Now tell me what was the reaction from your gf? SHe must have a sharp eyes on you. Is she reacting wierd lately? If you are so attractive that might not be good for your gf :joy::joy: she is literally dying inside because any girl will do a black magic(nonsense techniques tbh but people mention it again and again) to get you :skull:.

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Hahahaha I know it might seem like those things might make my girl uncomfortable, but it’s actually the complete opposite, she loves seeing the attention I get and then tells me how lucky she feels because no matter how much other girls look, she’s the one who gets to enjoy me :wink:


Turue love

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Today’s been a very weird day, I’ve been feeling very… i don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like I’m grieving for the loss of someone extremely close, like a wife, child or a parent, the reason this is weird is because I haven’t ever felt this way, even when I lost the closest friend I had in a car accident, I couldn’t feel anything, yet today feels like all the grief I was supposed to feel in my life is coming through…
Or it could be (doubt it) related to this sentence

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