On being an alpha


I usually just say, “Cool. I wish you great success with your endeavors.”

But the important point is to actually mean it and not say it from an elevated position.

I see this a lot, but it’s a fallacy. Everyone judges by the cover at all times. Simply because it saves mental capacity.

The brain is a pattern recognizer. Let’s say you go to a club and see 100 people with one gaze. Imagine your brain needs to evaluate everyone fully.
Overload af

Instead you put them in predefined drawers.

Are they most likely wrong? 99% yes.
Does everyone do it? 100%.

This, however, is your own entitlement. No offense, I know exactly what you mean until I realized my ego was at play.

I was part of the early Red Pill Community, before it was flooded with people on Twitter using Marcus Aurelius Profile Pics and post nothing but platitudes.

Back then it was a small community of men who understand the feminine and used for the benefit of both parties. Pretty much early PUA as well.

Much like what SC is now.
And seeing what happened to the Red Pill I wish back the olden days, until I realized that - even though - some individuals apply this total wrongly and are virtual “asshats” about it, overall it helped MANY men and their ruined marriages to bring life back into it, or at least help them overcome things.

The community got worse, which is what happens when the mainstream enters, but it helped society or the target audience as a whole.

This is where you need to pull back your ego.
I totally understand why you love this community on this forum, but if this forum goes to “shit” while the whole of mankind runs subs and thus we reach a new consciousness for HUMANITY, that is a good price to pay.

You cannot - by any stretch of the imagination - know this for certain.

Yes, you should mean it when you say it. In part because otherwise your mind isn’t letting it go. If you genuinely wish somebody good luck when you walk away, you’re subconsciously releasing whatever attachment you have to them.

I often do this with people I really dislike. I wish them all the best of luck and hope they’ll find whatever happiness and fulfillment they seek in life. But stay out of mine. Live and let live.

Also very much correct. Our brain works contextually, it uses the first impression to place everything it receives as input into a little box describing what it is and connects that box to related boxes. This helps us consciously cope with all the information that comes at us at all times and speeds up subconscious processing.

It has a lot of downsides as well of course. This process also uses information that comes in from senses other than our 5 primary ones. It also notices all non-verbal communication. It notices everything and then stores it away in a box without asking you if you actually want to.

This is why we have to tell it what we actually wish to be informed about consciously. And it will start showing us those things that have always been there but which we’ve never noticed before. Hello, manifestation!

That said, Budewr did not say thou shalt not judge, he said it’s not our job to judge. And that in most cases is true.

Just because our first impression tells us that we’re meeting a person we don’t want in our lives, we don’t have to accept that. We still have the capability to consciously act against that instinct.

It is our ability to act against our primal response which allowed us to stop living in barbarian tribes and clubbing people over the head and move into this thing we call civilized behavior. Unfortunately most people fail to realize that under that “civilized” facade still lie our primal instincts. And we need to acknowledge and appease those in order to reach our full potential.

I think one of the big qualities of an alpha male is his ability to do the above. To be in touch with his primal side and let it come out to play in a controlled fashion. It makes him radiate that attractively dominant and dangerous vibe and allows them to listen more carefully to those invisible factors that the brain uses to put people in boxes. It makes them more intuitive.

Boy, the amount of amazing relationships I’ve missed out on because either I or the other person failed to see the signals we were sending each other…

Umm… Saint, can I get a raise? :slight_smile:

Actually, I know very well it’s my personal beliefs getting in the way here.

But as stated above, I will see the bad parts while others will see the good parts. That’s just the boxes I’ve trained myself to be alerted to. I was devastated last time, so my mind has become extra keen on recognizing the signs happening here.

Other people will only notice the good things.

Keep in mind I followed it up with:

What’s that part of the Serenity Prayer again? Give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change?

I got that down quite well. Is it within my sphere of influence? No, then I let it go, I got enough to deal with in my life.

Doesn’t mean I won’t get on my soapbox every so often. But only when my SubClub hat is off. I soapbox incognito. :slight_smile:

Whatever the case, that particular post was indeed highly subjective and will be for all of us, which is why I didn’t engage remarkable when he replied to it. Everybody will see those events in a different context because… full circle… that’s how our brain works.

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wow :open_mouth: i didn’t know Saint and Fire were together :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol jk jk

edit: pls no ban :c

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I’m looking forward to taking action with my custom that has Ascended Mogul, Primal and Inner Circle soon :slight_smile:

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Thing is , is that unless long term healing is accomplished there is always going to some upheaval or whatever you want to call it when an inner game or status sub is run first. I have a friend who I have known for close to 25 years that is either ten or eleven years younger than me (I’m 53) who is in mental state where he would rather focus on the affection of a woman with serious issues of her own than get his shit together. He sent me screenshots of some of what he texted her recently and it’s sad and pathetic because he sounds like a heart broken teenager who just broke up with his first love
I was a total fucking idiot when I was in my teens and most of my twenties. Thankfully with age and more recently with the help of Dragon Reborn and Elixir I am gradually becoming less of an idiot but at a slightly faster rate. I often feel that so many things and situations are or have become unnecessarily complicated . I told @Dare2fly recently that he or she is fucking needy. It wasn’t meant as a joke at all . It was stating an opinion based on my own experience. I used to be one of the neediest and clingy guys you will have ever known. My immaturity and insecurity thankfully played a huge part in destroying most of if not all of my previous relationships prior to meeting my wife. I say thankfully because looking back I didn’t belong with any of those girls or women in the first place.
Honestly my only regret at this point in my life is how I allowed my immaturity and insecurity to take from me the life I had that I always wanted but wasn’t mature or self aware enough at the time to realize it.
I could be very wrong but I honestly don’t think any guy on here in their hearts of hearts believes that getting the attention of women or men if that’s what you enjoy should be their entire focus. I feel most guys want to live their lives and do their own thing. For the guys that wants the attention of higher quality women you must become the level of man that will attract those women. Most if not all of that can be accomplished running Dragon Reborn and Elixir long term. Then run a seduction sub if that is really what you want. Become and embrace being a big boy , avoid drama at all cost , don’t overcomplicate shit , and just live your life



Very very well said!!

I, too, was a a card carrying member of the Needy Club for many years. I’ve still got some remnants of that, which reflects my current sub usage, but man it was bad.

Exactly 7 years ago, I was wallowing in the pits of despair over the end of what can only be termed an “it’s complicated” with a girl I was utterly infatuated with. To her, I was… a distraction? an experiment? who knows. But without the benefit of subs to help me, I did a manual cognitive reboot. Lots of vodka, including waking up on bathroom floors more than once (thankfully none in public… usually my own, or a friend’s house). Eventually my mind said ENOUGH. Done with this sh*t!

It’s been largely gone since then… but I still remember all too well what it’s like, and while being told I was needy did sting… eventually being metaphorically slapped hard enough in the face with that realization is the only thing that truly snapped me out of it.

But seriously dude, awesome post. I wish I could like it twice. :+1:t2:


Thank you :metal:

One thing I meant to include is that with neediness is that it tries to force a relationship or whatever instead of allowing one to grow or not organically . You can’t force a relationship with someone who isn’t into you.
The reason women seem to be attracted to bod boys or so called " assholes " isn’t necessarily because the guy is that way unless he truly is an asshole which opens up a completely different discussion but because the guy is focused on himself and living his life. Hopefully not to narcissist levels but you get my point. It took me a long time to really realize and understand that. Once again it has to be an organic process through increasing maturity and self awareness. Anything else is as @DarkPhilosopher stated " fake it until you make it " which never really becomes a genuine part of who that guy is. I’m a bit surprised at times to be honest because I don’t understand why Dragon Reborn and EOG aren’t emphasized more . Dragon Reborn for obvious reasons but I feel it takes a special type of person to accumulate long term wealth
As I stated before I am focusing on EOG and R.I.C.H. because I want to become that type of person I mentioned. It’s working because I even briefly considered cutting my hair to potentially be taken more seriously but was talked out of it when reminded by a friend of mine that I would not only instantly regret it but it’s not necessary
One more thing. Back to the friend I mentioned in my previous post . He admitted to me maybe a week or so ago that he was never in love with the women he was married to for several years who divorced him less than two years ago. That blew my mind because I don’t understand how you can marry someone who you aren’t in love with. After reading the texts he sent this person he is pining over now I did bring up the possibility of being infatuated with her and he instantly got defensive


Agree with you about Dragon Reborn and EoG @James. Four stages are no joke, it takes time and dedication to stick by something that is chopped up in smaller pieces. Other smaller programs shines brightly and appeals to the “I want it now, and damn quickly part of the mind!”

Healing is the foundation for everything in the future to come. So many years spent doing the opposite of healing, so it will take some time but is so worth it. The less you are dragged in all different directions from all the commotion of the world, the more at ease you become. If you are triggered by just anything you are a part of it and feeding it energy.

Follow the middle way.


This thread has really got me thinking about various things related to whats an Alpha. Outside of maturity that I mentioned previously I feel guys who are Alphas take not just responsibility but also accountability for their lives. The other is purpose. Something that drives you that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and work late. Women can by a side effect of that but they can’t and shouldn’t be your purpose. The one real genuine relationship I had besides my Wife ended over thirty years ago not just because of my immaturity but also my lack of ambition. I was stuck firmly in my comfort zone and stayed there for a few more decades. I was extremely lazy and changed jobs continuously. Quitting randomly without considering the consequences. All of them being either temp work or minimum wage. What woman with an ounce of integrity or self respect wants to be with a man child?
I have repeated this to the point that people are probably getting tired of reading it but running Dragon Reborn and Elixir is the best thing I could have done. Every shitty thing that has happened to me in the last ten plus years is my fault and could have easily been avoided. I feel that as someone grows from running Dragon Reborn they start to become increasingly self aware. How you see yourself and how others see you.
Don’t confuse that with people pleasing. It’s more about believing you’re a natural comedian when no one laughs at your lame jokes or that you’re the the nicest guy around when in reality people think you’re a douche canoe. That’s a technical term.
And as @Tobyone stated the four stages are no joke and are there for a reason. People don’t go to the basketball court , shoot free throws and think they’re going to the NBA. It’s not realistic and totally voids the process. Programs such as EOG aren’t about how much wealth you accumulate but about who you become in the process. Have the goal but focus on the process


You have achieved more wisdom since running DR!

I’m very happy for you!


As for this idea that Ascension is “less than” Khan, please think about where you are and where you want to get to, and what you need to do that. That will likely be much more helpful than wanting to grab the keys to the Lamborghini when you are still working on mastering how to walk.


I totally agree with you. Sincerely dedicating to a multi-stage will provide much more profound results as compared to a single title provided to spend lots of time on each stage. Running 1stage in my opinion is too less or little. A four stage title iny opinion is like a life time dedication. Each stage from 1-3 spend atleast 1 year on it and stage 4 can be or must be run like 5 years or more. Yes a single title will work much faster.

Well actually I can.

I’m god remember, I know everything there is to know and a great deal more besides. Plus I’m infallible.

However, speaking as remarkable it is clear I don’t know this for certain as I can’t see into the future.

However I can use my knowledge and experience to make logical deductions about the future.

What do men want?


(And also money with which to get sex).

And the knowledge of how to get sex has percolated around society, people have been exposed to the idea it is possible to learn, to get better etc.

So why isn’t game mainstream?

Its not just because the woke part of society and the powers that be look down on self improvement. It is the inherent laziness, stupidity and damage to the individuals ego that will keep it excluded from polite society.

The same will happen with subs.

Mark my words.

Maybe in your own delusional mind. Being overly critical doesn’t warm you up to anyone but given what you have posted previously you most likely don’t care


Are you religious?

Not even spiritual. Why? Trying to convert me?

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Why does this matter to you?

I honestly don’t think it will really go to shit, hence why I put it in quotes.

But it will definitely be more annoying.

More people asking the same questions, and making mistakes that could be avoided by reading the instructions.

Which BTW not many seem to do.

So yes, you deserve a raise.

Tbh it’s really just a label. Personally I hate labels because they are a cage for your mind.

I’m not alpha. I’m me. I am.

That’s it.

If I put on a label, I am what someone else described prior.

Still it’s generally a good keyword because many men want to be respected and admired.

There’s your fallacy.

Men only want sex because they don’t have it.

If that “need” is taken care of, they strive for higher things. I saw it with myself and other men I coach.

This is why I keep saying once you laid a bunch of hotties you’ll realize it wasn’t what you were searching for.
But me saying this does nothing, you need to experience it yourself.

I thought so for the longest time. Bad outlook on people and society.
Until I ran stage 1 of Khan funnily enough, and realized that people are able to do way more than we give them credit for. If they have the right incentive.

Current society doesn’t favor this at all, I’ll agree. But huge changes are imminent. The future is bright.