On being an alpha

Not for me. I always want more sex, and with hotter girls. Even when I fvcked the only 8 I ever got, I still wanted more and different girls.

hahahahhah bye eric i wuved u by now buwy bwy

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i totally agree, there is other ways to feel fulfilled other than ejaculting

which not many will see until the time is right and they realize that,

there is a true feeling of fulfillment that is so pure, that you dont need anyone for and its your job is to find it, your dharma, or your purpose
thats when your heart leads the way

but if youre still following your buddy downthere and letting him decide for you and only thinking about women i dont think you will find it anytime soon :smile:


I really hoped we’d moved past this stage. Guess not


different opinions :man_shrugging:

I really enjoyed a book about reacting by Osho: most actions/words are just repeated patterns from the past, not evaluation of the present. This is just another reason why we shouln’t get offended on public forums.

Here’s a great little article about reaction vs responses: https://projection-of-consciousness.blogspot.com/2011/03/habit-of-reaction-osho.html?m=1

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Once your dick is in her pussy, you really don’t care about her face. Yeah, it’s nice to walk around with a hot girl and see men staring at her, but what else? I’m not saying beauty is not a criteria, but I would choose any day a 6 that adores my dick and licks my ass over a 10 that just lays there like a bag of potatoes waiting for me to fuck her.


Note to self: do not go to bed, your thread may implode.

I can say one thing about remarkable. He doesn’t doubt himself. :slight_smile:

Our male genes crave variety. Or rather, genetic diversity. Biologically we need to make as many babies as possible with as many healthy gene combinations as possible.

However, they do have certain standards. They will prefer the aesthetically pleasing female form because it has a higher probability to create aesthetically pleasing offspring, which then has a greater chance of bearing offspring as well.

There is even a theory that through pheromones or similar methods we are able to pick up all the things the other person’s immune system is programmed to beat and we’ll be more attracted to those that have immunity to things that we don’t.

So we are quite selective when possible. It is only when we perceive scarcity that we “settle”. This is true for men and women.

Maybe you’re correct. Maybe once you’re committed to intercourse it no longer matters. But for me, I won’t even get there with somebody that doesn’t meet my standards. I set high standards for myself because I believe she deserves the best version of myself that I can offer, but I expect her to put in some effort as well.

She doesn’t have to be a model, but she should at least show that she takes care of herself. Her health/fitness, clothes and personality. And physically, I do go for a fit athletic type, not only because it triggers me biologically, but also because I have a hard enough time staying fit and living/eating healthy myself. I want to do yoga together, or run a 5k together. Or learn how to cook keto together. And I want our kids to follow that example.

It is scary to see how many obese parents end up with obese kids and how many fit parents end up with fit kids. And it’s not just the parenting, but also the kids following the example their parents set. If they have fit parents, they subconsciously want to be fit themselves.

Obviously you could say I’m overthinking and that if a girl strips down in front of me it won’t matter. And maybe it won’t, but I do know that I do exhibit conscious control over whom I have sex with. It’s easy enough to do one thing that immediately gets me friendzoned, so if I don’t feel that attraction I can easily make her see me as a friend before her clothes come off.

But all this is likely still reliant on whether we perceive scarcity or abundance in sexual partners. Our biological need to procreate will always take precedent over selecting with whom we procreate.

I have to wonder about one thing though. Do we perceive that scarcity/abundance on a conscious or subconscious level?

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I can’t help it so I’m smiling like a moron looking at how differently we talk about sex. I just love contrasts.

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The flaw here, by the way, is the same that usually runs rampant in conversations like this (whether those conversations are somewhat tongue-in-cheek or not):

Failure to adequately define terms and first principles.

You both have made very interesting and even inspiring points, but, it’s, nevertheless, pretty much guaranteed that you’re talking past one another since you haven’t bothered to check whether you’re using terms and language in similar enough ways to allow conceptual comparisons.

It’s the irony of debate: In order to prove that you actually disagree with someone (not to mention that your particular point of view or argument might be the more accurate), there first needs to be an agreement (of how to understand and use concepts).

In other words, to properly disagree, you must first agree.

Otherwise, we easily end up in the territory of:
person A: ‘this is water’,
person B: ‘no, this is agua’,
person C: 'no, you’re both wrong. This is 水."

Defining and agreeing on first principles is so laborious and, frankly, so boring, that I doubt anyone here is going to do it to a sufficient degree to even allow a somewhat conclusive debate to take place.

So, just accept that, rhetorically speaking, you’re not really proving anything, you’re basically just expressing yourself in front of a group of people.

That can be nice, too.


On another note, thank you to @remarkable for teaching me the word ‘screed’. I’d never encountered it before. (I can sense the potential joke coming from that). Anyway, pretty cool. Thanks. :pray:t6:

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I just want to fly like Superman… and occasionally have sex with women while at it.

“Look it’s a bird; it’s a plane; no it’s Suup… Wait what is this milky fluid that just dripped on me?” :rofl:

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You, my friend, have a way too fertile imagination.


Maybe it’s just me, but the more you try to clearly define “alpha” the more you get stuck in some rigid roles. Personally the description of Ascension on the sales page sums up what’s really important to me. Having a confidence and unshakeable core self that lets me move through the world doing what I want to do. Idk maybe that’s just me. I’m actually learning lately how my assumptions of what alpha is has distracted me from the really valuable lessons I could be learning from AM. A lot of bad ideas picked up growing up that served as more of armor to protect myself than genuine traits that help in life.

Osho :slightly_smiling_face: :green_heart:

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One of the favorite human pastimes is arguing over what qualities can or can’t be contained within the same phenomenon. We can’t help it. Nature gave us these powerful imaginations and if we can’t find something useful…. well, we’re still going to use them.

Smart people can’t be good at sports

People who are talented at flying planes can’t be afraid of heights…or flying in airplanes

Rich and beautiful people can’t be unhappy

The dude who bullies me can’t himself be getting bullied, terrorized, and victimized

Heavy things can’t float or fly

It’s endless and, honestly, it’s kind of our bag.

To make matters worse, we actually get it right sometimes. And that 3% of getting it right is all the justification we need to keep churning out 97% bullshit. Okay, bullshit is harsh. Let’s say 97% creative writing. (We’re excellent at that too.)


Exactly, you have not got a selection of 10’s available at the drop of a hat.

You have not yet satiated that particular itch.

Well he is wrong.

I put it to you most men will never have the amount of the type of sex they want with the women they want.

Hence, must WILL be unable to get past that stage of being driven by sex.

Neither you nor Budewr have produced anything to negate that.

So where does that leave us?

You not liking me pointing out the flaw in another thinking.

Explain how that moves the discussion forward and helps people?

I think what he doesn’t like is that you are stating your opinion as fact. By doing so you yourself are slamming the door shut on the discussion and nobody moves forward.

Sometimes discussions with you remind me of that first presidential debate between Trump and Biden. Every time somebody else puts forward their opinion, you plug your ears, going “la la la I can’t hear you” and then proceed to tell them that you are right and they are wrong.

I may be wrong about your intent, but that’s how it often reads to me, like the only counterargument you will ever accept is your own. That’s not a discussion, that’s a monologue.

In the end we go round and round without ever reaching any kind of consensus about anything. It goes on until somebody gets so exhausted by the futility of it that they walk away. And that somebody is rarely you.

Please explain how that moves the discussion forward and helps people?

I mean, how hard is it to simply say “I believe he is wrong” or “I think he is wrong” or many, many other ways of stating that you’re expressing your opinion and not demeaning somebody else by pretty much calling them ignorant?

EDIT: For the record, you definitely make valid points on numerous occasions, and I’ve had times when I’m explaining to others why you make a valid point. But because of your delivery those valid points don’t come across right. And that’s a real shame.


Numbering women like a 4, a 6 or a 10 seems odd and very seldom men gets numbered to my knowledge.
Do men number themselves as well?

Any thoughts on alpha women?

Actually I do doubt myself.

I regularly review my knowledge and thinking on a subject.

I learnt this from reading about Richard Feynman, the physicist.

Has anybody come up with any reasons or evidence that my thinking is incorrect in this matter?


Which whilst clearly not being conclusive proof does tend to indicate I am onto something.

Think about it this way. Combinations of our genes push, prod and induce us to find certain attributes attractive and to want to spread our seed into them.

The so called DNA tug.

Other combinations of genes together with society and culture temper the DNA tug with limerence and other allied phenomena.

However, lets get back to basics. When the DNA tug hits you want to use her body as a masterbatory aid.

But lets move on. Once one finds they can actually get the quantity and quality of females they desire what happens then?

Well, as with most male hobbies, interests and pastimes some men decide to take it as far as possible. Hence we get the inclination to same day lays, anal, lesbianism, bdsm etc. and finally soul collection where for want of a better term you get her addicted to your cock.

After that, there really isn’t anywhere else to go, the females merge into one as you no longer remember their names or faces.

Remember the truism about not wifeing up a woman who has had too many sexual partners. Anything over 4 and statistically the chances of divorce rise dramatically.

The phrase used is that love is like sellotape, the more it is used the less sticky it gets.

And guess what the same is true for men.

The rather underrated actor Rupert Everett has made much the same point, and with 5,000 sexual partners he should know.

So yeah, too many sexual partners is bad for you but men can have more than women without ill effect.

But because one can do something doesn’t mean one should.

And people don’t settle because of this reason.

They settle because that is the easy option, the socially approved option.

It is what it is.

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