On being an alpha

Well yes, you do move on and you shouldn’t force others to see things your way.

But that is not to say you stop getting your message out to a general audience it merely means you move on from that one individual you were interacting with.

You still keep on coming up with proof and evidence of how others benefit in the hope that the recalcitrant come round.

i support every “human” decision, i dont take anything that "commercial islam’ says because in my belief, theyre not seeing the real pure islam which i believe in, i dont care if you do anything in your life i actually go against not doing what you desire,

it is relevant, you dont have the truth no one has!! to judge people that their beliefs are right or wrong, youre not god or the universe to control what beliefs should be okay and others are dangers to society

human know so littlie to this universe and to this life and it secrets,

yes even if i dont believe in it personally or i think its wrong or not real, but who am i to judge?

as long as theyre doing no harm thats youre a free littlie bird even if you wanna act like a dog or transform into a flower, i really dont care you do you,

I have already pointed out that some people here in the forum including some in this thread cannot make progress with healing and would be stuck in healing hell forever.

So progress for them won’t actually be spontaneous, it will be non existent.

Treating the problem from its root is clearly not the best way to go for these individuals.

The best way for individuals to make progress is whatever works for that individual AS AN INDIVIDUAL because people are different and start from different points.

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Watches very carefully to see where this goes…


cmon, are you going to monitor peoples beliefs? this is kinda enslaving others

youre a part of society you dont have to worry about every induvial like youre god or something?

theres yin and yang in this world, you cannot delete the other by monitoring beliefs

beliefs aren’t scientific and experimental , its personal. who to say that some are good and you can believe in it, and the rest you cannot cause it goes against what i think of as right

yeah thats my thought about it and my opinion, i mean everyone can leave their opnion and what has worked with them personally and let the person decide whats good for them and what suits them best on their journey based on other people stories

I wish I could repost this :+1:


This is simply not true.

Anybody with interest access could start to read alt.sex.fetish.orientals or alt.seduction.fast in the exact same manner that they could access more mainstream stuff like uk.pol.misc for example.

A number of forums and blogs were available and open for anyone before 2005 when Strauss had his book published. Indeed Strauss himself joined the “community” before writing his book, obviously.

Men are interested in acquiring money therefore it is hardly surpassed that so many charlatans showed up. Just look at forex trading and crypto for a modern day eqivilant.

And guess what, other people with a different ideology also saw a chance to make money which in their case manifested as the _shock horror_isn’t this all bad.

But the methodology of game is still factually correct and no doubt is still evolving somewhere.

Why, its not his fault some other people in society don’t want the truth to be told. They have a vested interest in not upsetting the apple cart and don’t want to see other people doing well as this will impact their place in society.

This is not up to you, Saint or Fire.

Subs will never become mainstream in the same way that game or anything else won’t. It is not just society but individuals own inherent laziness and inability to think that will make sure of that. This is not to say that the shock horror something must be done brigade won’t get their knickers in a twist. They will, but their antipathy will fail as nobody can improve just by listening to affirmations of course.

I, for one enjoy your lengthy screeds.

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This rather depends on if the individual is ready for that or would get better results from doing something different.

Individuals tend to be like that, individual.

How do you know?

(Think about it).

well i know for sure :sweat_smile:

First you say:-

And then you say:-

You have just contradicted yourself.

So again, I say to you how do you know I’m not god.

You might have a belief I’m not.

You might follow an ideology that says I’m not.

Has god ever spoken to you?

How do you know that was not an imposter.

Are you thinking god can’t possibly be outing himself to me.

But think about it this way.

If I’m god.

I’m infallible.

Can I ask you to start using capitals at the start of a sentence.


everyday he does, and i speak back and connect

its because that i know youre not for sure. cause i connect and talk to god in my own way, thats why i know for sure that your no way near it :sweat_smile:

well for sure god dont have this behavior no where near, god is nothing but love to me

however “perception is conception”

“god”, or the "universe:. or “the field”, or “the source” many names, but one meaning.
youll find him just when you are ready , cheers!

actually i feel more comfortable writing this way

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Agreed. However, it would explain some things…

Difficult to say. I’m assuming that the stuff that made Total Breakdown great has been incorporated into later subs like Dragon. Which means most of Khan’s Stage 1 work has already been done.

I remember at the time we also stated that running through Alchemist first would create a foundation that made for other subs to be processed faster and better.

I will say that in the process of creating my custom I found out that Dragon does not deal with physical stuff, it’s about emotional healing. Maybe Khan deals with some other stuff as well?

I will say I am very grateful for your attempt at a topic change, but I am going to give this a shot, knowing that it is a very dangerous thing to do. But in a way, alpha behavior is reflected in how we handle something like this. And I want to see if we can all be mature and respectful about this. So let’s take a tiny - hopefully controlled - segway into belief…

Yes, but…

…there lies the challenge.

I love talking to believers, from religious to Flat Earthers to abductees. They may try to convince me of their point of view if they want, and if they are truly passionate I’ll give them time to try.

But don’t tell me what I should believe. Don’t force it on me. If I enter your house or house of worship, I’ll follow your rules out of respect, but don’t come into my house and tell me how I should live because I’m supposedly doing it all wrong.

But, as much as I believe this…

…this would be entering risky territory.

Are we just letting them know what we think, or are we - as you stated above - challenging them? Because challenging can quickly evolve into violence on either side.

And this I think is a point that can be made.

What if there is a new religion which pops up and believes they should sacrifice one of their followers every day. These believers happily drink the poison believing they will ascend to heaven. 98% of the world believes this to be wrong or evil. And yet they keep recruiting new people because they are protected by law.

What is the role of society or the individual in this? Do we as a society or as individuals carry a certain responsibility do protect these people from themselves? To prevent more people from believing? Does that responsibility start once 51% thinks it is wrong? Or is it our role to stand by and give them a Darwin Award?

I’d ask about abortions and physician-assisted suicide, two things which are highly individualized and yet heavily imposed on by society, religion and government, but that would be too inflammatory. So that’s still off-limits.

And finally…

…he makes a good point, Budewr.

Might it be possible that the creator of all that is walks among us? Might it be possible that it is you, me, or remarkable? If it is remarkable, maybe he’s testing your faith by constantly challenging it, your beliefs and the way that you think the world works? Speaking to you lovingly during prayers but challenging you as you go through life, so that you may grow?

Flat Earthers believe all evidence of a spherical world is fake and there only to deceive them. People that believe the moon landing was fake can look at the 6 flags on the moon and say these images are doctored. Religions that believe the world was created a few thousand years ago believe that dinosaur fossils were put there to challenge their faith.

The whole idea behind faith is… faith. You believe something to be true even if there is evidence to the contrary.

You are certain that remarkable is not your god because remarkable does not talk like him. And I admit, I doubt we’ll ever see remarkable speak with unconditional love. That might actually be one of the signs of the end times. :slight_smile:

But at the same time, you are unlikely to convince remarkable that it would be impossible for him to be god, because there is no evidence that he isn’t. And if there was, maybe he put it there.

I do wish to give you my compliments, Budewr. You appear to be quite composed and accepting. So thank you for that.

And remarkable, I know you can go much worse, so thank you for not crossing the line.

Now I’ll see if I just made this thing explode. If it does, I will immediately lock this topic or Saint will not forgive me. So please let’s demonstrate we can keep this civil.

In conclusion, none of this really matters, since the Universe was only created last Thursday and is about to be reset anyways…

Now, we were talking about alpha-behavior, right? :wink:


Already considering if I should delete the above message. So enjoy it while it lasts.

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Such a good posts about Khan. I’m just reading the Khan parts. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Keep going @DarkPhilosopher

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hahaha i cracked,

thats a cult hahaha :joy:

[DarkPhilosopher: I removed the off-limits part, sorry. I really can’t have people answer those questions.]

i have a lot of questions @DarkPhilosopher i dont have the answers yet, but im slowly exploring for the answers and im sure 100% sure that even if i dig deep deep, i wont know but 1% of this almight universe

i think the creator is where nobody excepted him to be , which is within ourselves. cause thats the place that no one would look,

i dont think testing is needed with what i feel between me and him , i dont see god this way, i always have an open mind about everything, was good to think about it and question it

of course, if things go uncivil i would immediately withdrawl, cause afterthat theres nothing but ego talking, and the diamond of the conversation loses its shine

thank u @DarkPhilosopher i appreciate your kind words :heart:


Many would argue that a cult can be a religion and a religion can be a cult. The differences are not as pronounced as you might think. In my example, this “religion” gets defined as a cult because it practices extreme behavior which is not accepted as “normal” by society.

And there you have it again. Because society as a whole defines them as having unacceptable behavior, it is a cult. We seem to happily forget that most (if not all) religions have practiced extreme behavior at different points in time.

So as a whole, society does assume a certain responsibility to keep everything from devolving into chaos. Not as individuals, but as a collective.

I can’t tell you if it is right or wrong to do so.

As the saying goes, the journey is the reward.

I myself am quite convinced I know how it was all put together and where all the parts go. But my challenge is how to actually apply that knowledge. It’s one thing to know how creation happens, quite another to reproduce the process.

But that is too off-topic.

Except maybe one billion people in India. Namaste! :wink:

Look at you going all poetic on us! I have never quite heard it like that before.

Now, I will of course allow remarkable to respond if he so chooses, but for me the segway is over. So, something more on-topic then.

I read this and thought: “What the heck is an Omega male? I only know Alpha and Sigma.”

So, I read up on it. I like these definitions:

alpha : you are confident and your own man. you do your own thing and have complete confidence in everything you do. you have your self doubts, but you don’t let it cloud your judgment and logic. you are well liked by almost everyone, and you just have an easy charm and swagger about your presence. women are drawn to your charisma and presence. you enjoy being social and having lots of people around. you are a natural leader

Definitely Khan. Stark as well, I’d say.

beta : you are kind of shy and introverted and not very confident in yourself. you are constantly plagued by insecurities and self-doubts and you can never commit to anything in the fear that you will fail in it. you are somewhat liked by people but they tend to look at you rather condescendingly and woman tend to friendzone you. you are nervous around other people and social situations because you’re always afraid that people are judging you. you are a born follower

That brings back memories. And nightmares. I think we found something we DON’T want a sub for.

omega : you are the polar opposite of the alpha male, but in a good way. like the alpha male you are confident, intelligent and have a sense of charisma about you, but unlike the alpha male, you are completely your own person. you do not need anyone, and you can even be emotionally distant due to your complete self-possession. you trust few people and foster even fewer intimate relationships. omegas do not care for leadership by others as they are perfectly capable of leading themselves

Sounds a bit like an eccentric artist. More Ultimate Artist than Renaissance Man though, because the latter does include the structured career making.

gamma male : you are sort of the “invisible” guy. there is nothing really spectacular about you. you are not a beta, but neither are you an alpha. your personality and presence usually blends in with the rest of the room and you’re just sort of…there. people like you just fine and you usually don’t have too much trouble with girls, but all the same, there is nothing particularly memorable or remarkable about you. you are not a born leader nor a inherent follower, although you can take on those tasks depending on the situation

If beta male brought back High School memories, this one’s college-memories for many. No wonder so many people wish they could get a do-over of their school years.

sigma male : you are a manipulative mastermind. you are a spider waiting to lay your trap. you possess a cunning, intuitive mind and can sway people to your will. you don’t have the casual swagger of the alpha or the omega but you do have a clever presence about you and people tend to be both wary and respect you for that. you can often be even more powerful than the alpha or the omega male in social situations due to your ability to persuade and manipulate them. you are neither a follower or a leader but rather a wild card

Well, Emperor (especially the earlier versions) and EoG probably fit this bill. PCC of course.

I love the description. Scary thing is I really identify with it. Wouldn’t be the first time people called me a wild card either.

I wonder if a sigma can also be an alpha. I suppose as a tool they could exhibit the traits of an alpha in order to manipulate people. Pretend to be an alpha in order to bring people’s defenses down, like a Trojan Horse.

I feel so sneaky now… :slight_smile:

So, as a fun little game, can you guys match other subs up to their class?


hahahahahahahha :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I usually just say, “Cool. I wish you great success with your endeavors.”

But the important point is to actually mean it and not say it from an elevated position.

I see this a lot, but it’s a fallacy. Everyone judges by the cover at all times. Simply because it saves mental capacity.

The brain is a pattern recognizer. Let’s say you go to a club and see 100 people with one gaze. Imagine your brain needs to evaluate everyone fully.
Overload af

Instead you put them in predefined drawers.

Are they most likely wrong? 99% yes.
Does everyone do it? 100%.

This, however, is your own entitlement. No offense, I know exactly what you mean until I realized my ego was at play.

I was part of the early Red Pill Community, before it was flooded with people on Twitter using Marcus Aurelius Profile Pics and post nothing but platitudes.

Back then it was a small community of men who understand the feminine and used for the benefit of both parties. Pretty much early PUA as well.

Much like what SC is now.
And seeing what happened to the Red Pill I wish back the olden days, until I realized that - even though - some individuals apply this total wrongly and are virtual “asshats” about it, overall it helped MANY men and their ruined marriages to bring life back into it, or at least help them overcome things.

The community got worse, which is what happens when the mainstream enters, but it helped society or the target audience as a whole.

This is where you need to pull back your ego.
I totally understand why you love this community on this forum, but if this forum goes to “shit” while the whole of mankind runs subs and thus we reach a new consciousness for HUMANITY, that is a good price to pay.