Official Listening Recommendations for Single Title Posted

I’ll be trying to push it forward after the break. Two loops every other day and see how it goes.

where is the commandment of the stack!!??

My mind and experimentation has proofed insufficient
I yield to a higher power
I want to follow official dogma and stop trying to figure it out.

(looking for article on official stacking recommendations and stack rotations if my sarcastic dogma did not translate over text.)


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Looking for the stack recommendations too. If anyone is running Ultima + 1 sub (regular or custom) then that is a stack. In that sense, almost everybody on the forums is stacking :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, my stack is StarkQ T and Rebirth U and I’m not sure if I can use Rebirth U on my days off for StarkQ T.

My seductive aura expands throughout the cosmos…

I am the Emperor of my reality…

I quit porn and masturbation for good…

Women love me for who I am…

Ah shit, where’s the dishwashing liquid refill?!?!!

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Doesn’t seem so flat or subtle to me, it’s really just a belief that you’re reinforcing on yourself. Other then that you do seem a very grounded person, so that surely has an influence as well.

Anyhow there certainly is a relation between your Mushroom experience, Tensor Technology experiences and Subliminal use, perhaps you’d want to look into that a little further.

If you say so. Part of me is skeptical. Yes, I am doing things that are on my list of things I want to do. But is that the subs? There’s no harm in believing the subs played a part, so I do. As for the other things, I am certain the psychedelic experience changed me, since the ideas from it are still with me. I haven’t fully internalized them though. Tensors, still no idea. Maybe they do something, maybe not.

Anyways, yesterday I finally had time to listen more reliably, so I managed to get two loops in during the day and one at night. I’m no longer wiped out during. But because of the “flat” thing, I did not experience elation either.

I’ll probably take the weekend off, see what happens.

I am still curious about the difference between waking and sleeping exposure to subs.


For those who don’t know, I speak to this man almost every day and in depth on some days. From the outside looking in, you were changing long before the psychedelic experience. Some people just really get sucked into this notion that “subs don’t work for them” out of a fear of losing control of one’s agency.


How much of the “subs don’t work for me” stall progress? Is it a minor thing or is it a bigger issue? Obviously reconciliation happens but I often wonder how much growth is going on underneath vs how much those mentalities block things.

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I believe with enough exposure the sub will def remove all blocks…hence why they say to stick with a sub for a long period of time…
just my 2cents

This is where Action is paramount, in my opinion.

If you’re engaged in traveling to the places where you wish to be—especially if you’re really locked in—questions of work/don’t work just feel irrelevant.

They’re sort of irrelevant distractions at that point.

The question comes from that part of the mind that is busily preparing reasons ‘Why It Didn’t Work’. For some reason, that part of the mind is just so damned hard-working.

But sometimes you find a place in your life where you can get into that ‘Fuck It’ mind space. It’s not optimism. It’s ‘I’m doing this and I don’t give a fuck’. Yes, I know it might not work. I don’t care. I’m doing it anyway. Because it’s worth it.

That mental space is so different. You’re too busy judging distances and reacting to objects and making adjustments. There’s no time to think about ‘Why It Didn’t Work’.

Like a baby learning to stand and walk. They just keep falling on their ass again and again. Until they don’t.


And lest that above post come off as empty, motivationalist, bravado, let me say: My ass is slow as hell. I experience doubts. And I often don’t live in the zone I described.

But I’ve been there at times. And I know that when I’m there, that’s how it feels and that’s how things work.

You can potentially completely stonewall yourself with this attitude. @DarkPhilosopher is in a bit of denial, because the subs are most certainly affecting him, lol. I’ll just leave it at that.

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Ya i have noticed when i had that attitude it really fucked me up lol, but i realized that i have to put in my mind that they are working no matter what happens.

The thing about reconciliation is that nobody is certain how exactly it manifests. Headache? Must be reconciliation. Super tired? It’s reconciliation. PMS? Well… :slight_smile:

Since results = subs + action, I can’t very well say it was all the sub’s doing. So I’m saying I’m fine with believing they played a part. I’m certainly not knowingly working against them anyway.

What frustrates me is that I don’t get the dramatic shift some people here experience. Everything is subtle.


I get it same.
subliminal experience is strictly subjective. like gaming with elemental weapon there is Damage and Damage Over the Time. same with sub Change and Change Over the Time . With almost every new sub I can see/feel/experience short surge of
change but I usually go flat pretty soon and most of change I can observe from gradual and slow Change Over the Time. Sub are not for me kind of Gummiberry Juice with instant results.
If you ask me about subs here - yes, they working , but mostly I can judge them from slow Change Over the Time.
BLU,LU,LDU are not what I expected them to be. But thats me

Post Scriptum : I had strong reconciliation on Khan ST1, ST2, and ST3 was mostly energy ride . ST4 I went more grounded and flat
since then I dont have dramatic changes, but I can see them when I compare myself to younger me

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Any thoughts on using theta waves with these subs to make the mind even more suggestible?

Let me Google that for you…

Also check out the links for the other threads (shown at the bottom of the first post).

I have seen this thread before, as evidenced by my comment there (which is the last post as of this writing) :slight_smile:

The question still stands—I believe Saint/Fire have thoughts on this as they have generally been wary of combining SubClub stuff with other things.

Which is why I referred you to the other posts. I believe that scalar wave thing had some buzz. As for the official word, I think one of the guys said something about it once. In the end the issue remains that it’s not the best idea to walk around with brainwave entrainment on all day long. So when would you use it? During the sub’s playback? Afterwards? For how long. In the end, will those one or two hours of theta really have much of an impact?