Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

How are you doing with exercise, sleep, and nutrition?

These can really help to give additional support with processing. They don’t remove pain, fear, or sadness, per se. But it’s almost like those emotions are a powerful river coursing, and putting those elements reinforces the banks and the bed of the river. The water still flows, but the structure around it becomes stronger and better able to handle it.

I don’t know enough to presume

scratch that, you just added some more very useful details.

Okay, I would say, yes. You’re heading for multiple breakthroughs.

Based on other people’s experiences, a great addition to your stack would be Sanguine.

People have reported that it really helps with the emotional- and mood-related disruptions of subliminal processing. (Haven’t tried it myself, but have seen a lot of positive reviews and reports).

Let me re-read what you’ve added in, and think some more.


That is a beautiful custom.

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I added Deep Sleep because I often wake up tired, nutrition is great, I’m rebuilding my physique and exercise. I went for a run this morning but the reconciliation caused a lack of strength and perseverance.

Normally, I can easily run half a marathon without feeling tired.

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As for the upheaval you’re experiencing, I’d connect it back to (possibly) I AM, Blue Skies, and (maybe) Emotions Unfettered.

But it’ll be worth it.

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This Custom is obviously a massive change and I have to admit my life was standing still a little bit.

I’m going through grave grave healing lol!

It is a mixture of so many emotions.

It will pass and I’ll have a major identity shift.

I’m about to do two loops before sleep tonight.

I was listening in the mornings but it caused a lot of exhaustion and in the evenings I could not sleep because of the execution.

Thanks for the help @Malkuth

Okay, what I really wanted to ask is do you suggest another rest day or that I run the loops tonight?

When I run loops the reconciliation is gone but on the rest days it reconciles and integrates…?

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LOL, I was beginning to think this custom had ZERO POINT… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Jep that lasted a few hours, lol! It suddenly all faded… Song of Joy hitting strongly. I can answer my own questions now. Thank you for holding me hand during the tribulations! :innocent:


No need to pack it in so much with ZP.

If it’s still processing, you can actually wait longer. Adding more loops won’t necessarily make things happen better or faster. (I’m not yet understanding this part.) I play one loop every other day. But some people play just 3-5 minutes of a loop, and play that twice a week, and they may have more immediate results than I.


The Sketches Continue

My work break just now transformed into this.

Maybe I’ll try to create 1 sketch for each of my 5 processing days. Not sure if that’ll be doable.

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The package :package: gets unpackaged at an immense speed with ZP… this would be phenomenal evidence for scientists in quantum fysica.

Leaving one reality behind… collapsing the wave, perceiving another one and the wave reconstructs.

Is the world ready for such redecoration? I believe so.

I see you love to use computer or technical analogues so to make each understand… with ZP my laptop (mind) goes into blue screen and gets a software update… no windows explores during the download, installation and runetime…

You temporarily go into overdrive and the processors of the mind speed up… need cooling (breathing) or water for cooling (drinking)… reason people get thirsty and breathless.

After the download is complete such symptoms dissipate as @Sub.Zero has shared with us.

I hope this was understandable… :hugs:

And the Faith… Spotify

The beauty…

The stunning Flourishing Glamour of Life returns with all the new FEATURES OF WINDOWS ZP!


Moved :slight_smile:

@Malkuth any thoughts?


Yes. 10 tags? Let’s move this over to your journal.


I don’t think he was saying remove the tags I think he was saying he doesn’t want ten people popping into his journal :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Indeed :rofl:

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I agree with you completely. But that usually seems to be the case these days.


I would say in…80% of your posts :thinking::rofl:


In human life, it feels like the truly compelling parts are those attributes and features that are being worshipped (i.e., the status, the looks, the bank accounts, the fame, and so on); in fact, what’s actually compelling is the worship itself.

That’s the part you need to understand:

The Worship Itself

Slippery, Elusive, Understated, All-Powerful

This, by the way, is one of the reasons that attainment of any of those Desired Attributes is usually accompanied by a certain emptiness or even a species of disappointment.

It was never really about the attribute, you see.


Life Projects, First;

Subliminals, Second.


Okay, so the little game that I’m playing for the 5 days of processing:

in the minutes before bed, I make a quick sketch and, whether I like it or not, I save it and post it up here.


Day 3 of 5 Processing Days

9 AM meeting today. Thankfully on Zoom.

Was fortunate to be able to wake up early enough to meditate before son’s getting-to-school process. (6:25 to 7:25).

pre-pandemic the school bus time was 6:50 AM. That was always fraught. Am really glad that changed. There is almost no universe in which a 6 AM waking time for teenagers is going to bode well.

Contemplate the human life cycle

Not just the broad strokes

Try to attend the nuances of the whole thing

Explore the context of experiencing

When you ask a woman to be with you

Consider what you’re asking her to do

Psychoenergetically, it’s sort of the equivalent of an organ transplant




I experienced some choppy ‘recoil’ yesterday and going into today.

By recoil, I mean when a program that has launched powerfully seems to produce a momentary backwards movement in the exact area that is being worked on.

I’m running SPS: Respiratory System. Yesterday and today, I experienced a bit of bronchial irritation. It was noticeable.

I also noticed a bit of recoil related to Integumentary System and Eyesight. Partly mental and partly physical.

I’m running a Dragon Reborn Healing Custom that has DR, Pride Unbroken, Divine Self-Image, and others. Yesterday and today I found myself experiencing thoughts and perceptions of insecurity and self-doubt.

None of this ‘recoil’ was powerful enough to completely knock me down, but it introduced an insidious undercurrent quality of self-doubt. “Will this feeling be permanent?” “Is this just who I permanently am?” Those kinds of thoughts.

Just wanted to post this in case one day someone is reading my journal and might be helped by it.

And whoever that future person might be reading this, you’ll be able to just skip ahead a few days/weeks and see what came after this ‘recoil’ experience. In contrast, I’ll have to get to the future the old-fashioned way, ‘one minute at a time’.