Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

I was thinking of this:

@SaintSovereign @Fire have I made a very ill-advised choice? Help!! I just put my order in yesterday and I guess there’s still time to adjust it.


Paragon Complete Ultima Core
SPS: Endocrine System
SPS: Reproductive System
A/SPS: Organs
SPS: Respiratory System
SPS: Nervous System
SPS: Skeletal System
Health Codex
Fusion Optimized
Stop Porn and Masturbation
Inner Gasoline
Deep Sleep
A/SPS: Eyesight
SPS: Fat Burn
SPS: Muscular System
Male Enhancement
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Diamond Ultima Core
SPS: Digestive System
SPS: Integumentary System


Thank you, @RVconsultant, for taking the time to pay close attention to my intended program. :pray:t4:

p.s. I guess that one other factor influencing my choice was that at the time of those recommendations the subs were still in Qv2 build. I’ve had a different sense about what may be possible with ZP. I may be way off.


I don’t know. It’s a good question “Have the possibilities changed now that we’re in ZP”?

And, you might want to enter a support ticket.


I’ve already ordered it so either I cancel my order today, or the response to my support ticket will be too late to make a difference.

I’ll think on it and then move.


Woke up at 5:35 AM today for some reason.

Meditated from 5:50 to 6:50; once again with my Dragon Reborn - Paragon Healing playlist.

I think the gym to which I have access (in our housing complex) has finally reopened. I want to start with treadmill running and rowing in there. Treadmill running is lower impact and may be the bridge that I need to ultimately get me back to a 6-mile hillrun.

I’ve lost mass on my wrists and forearms. They were never huge but I’m noticing the difference. I’m okay with that but not with losing strength and durability. We’re looking at a long-term easing back into weights. Hopefully the place stays open this time.

And now I’ve got to figure out: do I go for a Healing custom with 11 physical shifting modules?

The physical shifters are:

Nervous System
Fat Burn
Muscular System
Digestive System
Integumentary System

That’s how I listed them in the post above and that’s also the order of priority from first to last. (If I could only choose 5, for example, they would probably be the first 5. Though I might move Eyesight to position 5.)

They’re all basically focused on aging-related concerns and areas.


Interesting question:

How many other people are going through something quite similar to the Special Thing that I’m currently going through?

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I’ve decided that I’m not canceling the Custom order.

But I will treat it as a (somewhat expensive) experiment. That will be my attitude around it.

And we’ll see how it develops.


I was thinking yesterday about the wealth-building programs, like RICH, Mogul, etc.

One user here on the forum asked for cases in which people had doubled their net worths or their monthly/yearly incomes. Not a bad question, but it doesn’t really completely fit my logic.

I think of it like this.

If you spend $50 on a program that is designed to attract and manifest money, and if the time invested in running that program is negligible, then, as I see it, all of the money that the program draws to you that is greater than $50 should be considered as a positive result. Because you’re essentially getting free money after that point.

I was thinking this because I just sent out an invoice for the services I provided in connection with opportunities generated by my (relatively brief) runs of Mogul, Ascended Mogul, and (I think) RICH.

Even if I add all of those programs together, the amount invested would be: 120USD

I invoiced approximately 14-15 times that.

I spent a certain amount of money, and it returned itself by 1500 percent.

That should be recognized as a good investment.

At the same time, yes, I want to remove my debt and revolutionize my wealth generation. And I am working with a combination of strategies and programs to help me to attain that. But, please, recognize the power in all of the wealth-building programs.


More Dragon Reborn shifts today.

Suddenly, I’m revisiting my budget and asking new questions.

For example, ‘Starting only from billable hours, how much would I need to charge per hour to double what I’m making in my current job?’

I don’t need to be impatient for Dragon Reborn to finish.

Dragon Reborn is working on the exact same issues that my future subliminals will target.

Achieve overall success in all areas due to the intense transformational effect of Dragon Reborn


Subliminal Day

Woke up at 6:16 today. But felt very tired and chose to get more sleep.

Eventually meditated from 9:01 to 10:01.

The playlist, as usual, was

60 minutes. Nice and easy.

That was about 2.5 hours ago. Now I’m starting to feel ready to accomplish some things.

Exercise really helps me with processing subliminals, but for the next few days, I may not have much time for it. I’ll get my 10000 steps in, but it usually works better when the exercise is more strenuous, and I’m likely to just be walking inside of my apartment. We’ll see.

At some point, my first custom ZP will be arriving.

I plan to play it for the first time on Thursday, if it’s here by then.

This is the custom in which I included a large number of physical shifters.

When I felt tired this morning, I wondered if my bodymind was anticipating running that custom.

Again, we’ll see.


Tomorrow begins my 9 weeks to completion of Dragon Reborn.

63 days.


I designed a DR4 custom and I think I may order that tonight and play it for the rest of these weeks.

I’ll then play it during my periodic subliminal Healing Retreats.

Here are the modules. (I went down a ridiculous rabbit hole with this. I’ll take a shower and look at it with fresh eyes, and then I’ll order it.)


  1. Dragon Reborn
  2. Chosen Core
  3. Divine Self-Image
  4. All-Seeing
  5. Faith Unyielding
  6. Virtue Series: Hope
  7. Virtue Series: Temperance
  8. Joie de Vivre
  9. Emotions Unfettered
  10. New Beginnings
  11. The Flow
  12. Sanctuary
  13. Foundation
  14. The Boundary
  15. Fearsome
  16. Fenrir
  18. Pragya
  19. Pride Unbroken
  20. Vortexdive Crucible

I see multiple healing modualities. Very creative, in a good way of course!

Would you please discuss your thoughts on Chosen versus CFW for this?

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And it just don’t stop. The song instantly found voice in my head reading this, lmao :rofl: gonna have to listen to it while I read to sate mah soul.


Interesting. I’ve never considered that. I wonder if the former (outward to self oppression/restriction) is a product of the human tendency to blame things outside of ourselves.

The latter (ignorant or self-denying discernment) rings more true, just based on everything that’s everything.

I’m also not well versed astrologically.

My answer would be perspective. I see choices as the key to unlocking the prison, or being cast further into the dark. Without keen perception as to what is going on with us/around us/for us/to us, how can we ever make a proper choice?

Walking around years ago with my head wherever, I realized that when I ‘pay’ attention to anything, I’m actually paying lol. This is a Malkuth journal so I won’t be going into the surface metaphysics of it but this is a cool reminder. :+1:t3:

Have you noticed that when your mind feels stuffy and your body feels burdened and your emotions aren’t really to be relied on, that journaling frees a lot of the crap? I haven’t seen anyone else mention it but I’ve noticed that since I’ve been using ZP, sometimes all I need to do is scribble whatever comes to mind in a flow and let it go and it’s like the sun comes from behind the clouds.

Just realized this reply is getting huge lol whoops



Reading this one actually gave me a bit of head pressure like playing mental Kung Fu with a koan would. And only in a good way, that’s deep. And it’s universally applicable.


There is no CFW module in the Q Store because it is an experimental program. But I’m still not sure that I would have included it even if it had been there.

CHOSEN itself was a last minute addition to this healing program. The original design had Dragon Reborn as the only major program core. Then I got a strong intuitive hit about Chosen. That’s actually the short answer.

There are times where I just follow the intuition and allow it to explain itself later. It always gets around to explaining itself eventually. It’s not perfect, but it has never disappointed me.


Higher level of stress this morning.

Confluence of smaller and larger gripes. (Guess that’s how it usually happens.)

Woke up this morning and attended a brief online workshop. Liked it and didn’t like it. Haven’t meditated yet.

Have a deadline for this evening. Seeing how far I can get with that first. Will probably meditate for lunch.

Bit of family discord looming.


Didn’t do my usual morning meditation due to attending a Zoom workshop in a different time zone. Multitasked between attending that and getting my son out the door. He’s old enough now that he’s pretty much good to go.

On the other hand, I did get in my 10000 steps for the day by 1:20 pm. That frees up more time for the rest of the day. I usually do the walking in the afternoon/evening and the meditation in the morning. Today’s just going to be the reverse.


More from the Island of Unfinished Songs

In Dragon Reborn 3 going into Dragon Reborn 4, my music composing almost completely dried up. Just no extra bandwidth, I think. Creative energy was all occupied. But I do have a couple of unfinished sketches. Going to put them below when I get a chance.

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Updated Versions of My Customs


Not sure what this will eventually become, but it’s a sketch close to the end of Dragon Reborn 3.

Something tells me that when I’ve finished Dragon Reborn, I’ll have a big boost in composing.