Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Enjoy the ride

If you don’t enjoy the ride then you’re a freaking idiot

Find a way


More on healing.

I can’t tell exactly what it is in my stack but, like I said, I think it may be Pride Unbroken.

Healing is relative man. For a person with extremely broken confidence, Ascension may give them the same experience that you would get in Dragon Reborn.

For me, there’s something in my current stack, possibly combined with the ridiculously high-octane magick of Qv2, but, just now…

I just spent about 2 hours processing past pain.

That in itself is not so wild. I’ve mentioned on here that I journal and walk. But, I found myself going farther than I usually do. Remembering different details. Unpleasant ones, but ones that were important to process. Slightly different angles.

This didn’t happen for me in this way when I ran Regeneration, but I think that something in Naissance is ‘hitting me different’, as they say.

It’s got to be Pride Unbroken because I keep remembering past humiliations and shames.

After I processed them, I felt lighter, and I sat down and finished four tasks at the computer very quickly. And that tells me that my frozen-on-ice issues that I don’t always think about are taking up space and slowing me down.

And this is just from processing about 1/2 of 1 percent of what’s in there, I think.

At the same time:

This may well be true as well. I’m a pretty sensitive individual. It’s possible that what’s gentle for some may actually be pretty intense for me. I don’t know.

On the other hand, some of the past subliminal input that has given people trouble, I have found to be not difficult.

I suspect that’s not about strength, but just about each of our specific doors and the specific keys that may happen to open them. I don’t know.

Anyway. Just wanted to note this down.

These days it seems that I have more ongoing processes to share in my journals.

I don’t know what’s coming next.

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Finishing up 1 loop of Paragon then I’m heading out for an evening hike.

I have two planned loops of Paragon (so there’s one left), and will probably run the 2nd one as I’m going to sleep tonight.

When was your last extended break of 7+ days?

June 2 - June 13

There’s a tendency to talk about Saturn as a malevolent or stern external force that creates problems for you and limits your life.

I’m thinking that another way of understanding Saturn in the birth chart is that it tells you where you are more likely, through unthinking laxity, to create problems and limitations for yourself.


My own Saturn is in Gemini (in the 12th House) and I have a long and hallowed personal tradition of creating problems, limitations and missed opportunities for myself by postponing or neglecting communications.

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Well, Saturn is the Planet of Cycles, Boundaries and limitations.
But a cycle is a cycle. It means it is a back and forth. Up and down. End and beginning.

People always only see the negative in something ending. Or in something being limited. Boundaries give you frame. A picture frame in which your personality can be expressed. If there was no frame, it would just be color on a wall.
The frame is what gives the image the edge.


The frame.

This is helpful.

Saturn, God of Frames.

The limitations that give life meaning. Bedtime. The final bite of food. The rolling of the credits.

It somehow also makes me think of the tree. A primal symbol of life and growth, yet remaining rooted in one location for the duration of its existence.

Very Saturnine, yet very much alive.

Hmm…a lot there to be learned. We’ll see.


Naissance is my flagship, or crown jewel, custom.

And the crown jewel of Naissance is The Alchemist (or Alchemist Stage 4).

For me, Alchemy refers to the power to use mind,(intention, will, imagination) to create (to shape, to navigate, to align, to harmonize) experience and reality.

This for me is the role of The Alchemist.

The establishment of internal sovereignty, intentionality, and self-determination. Creative. Vital. Joyful.

I experience the power to craft visions and to birth visions into reality through the mediums of my mind, my life, my experience, my world.

I can express that through my creative projects, through my life goals, through my dreams and aspirations.

The Alchemist is also, for me, about deep engagement and alignment with my deepest values, my soul, my nature.

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Quantum Limitless is, for me, high-powered, optimized mental processing.

Applied where I want it and where I need it.

This can be expressed as Learning, as Understanding and Insight, as Performance.

I’m thinking more on this point @RVconsultant. I re-read @SaintSovereign’s article on Speeding Up Results with Subliminals, and it’s added a bit more structure to how I’m (audio-) journalling today.

I first conceived of this Naissance custom back in June 2020 when the Q store first opened.

It’s meant to address the core issues and limitations that I’ve dealt with and lived with in my life. It’s my own Reborn/Rebirth subliminal. Even the name expresses that.

I’m reflecting on it today.

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I keep reading such stuff about Alchemist and it makes me wonder if it isn’t one of the first subs someone should run.

Just to get control over their mental state, mind, and will which seems to be the BASELINE to get the best out of the subs and life.

I planned to run Alchemist as the last stage of my 4 Elements, but it was a tough decision to not put it first…

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I think one thing to remember here is that we’re all walking with different wounds and capacities.

For me, personally, Alchemist is one of the best programs to run initially. I think this is because my capacities and my directions in life are highly aligned with internal engagement and internal frames of reference.

But I believe that there are many doors that can lead to a well-balanced thriving life. Many people will follow more externally-oriented paths. And this (i.e., an approach based on focus on external changes and conditions) will be what works best for them. Because, for them, it’s solid, it’s real, it’s immediate. For them, that’s the path of integrity.

I think there are people for whom, just adding a dash of Awakened Perception or The Flow (or even Blue Skies or Love Bomb) to a largely externally-focused subliminal will be enough. Just to give them enough of that felt sense of systemic integration, but without really needing to steep in it and soak in it.


Eventually I’m going to be creating a Hypnosis subliminal. Originally, I thought it would be an Ultima (and who knows, may be).

But two modules that it will have to definitely include:

Eagle Eye
Way of Understanding

In addition:

Storyteller (originally was Dragon’s Tongue; may include both)
Mercy Protocol

And beyond that, we shall see.


Is that to maximize your Magick? I assume you practice this at least to some extent, and thus the self-hypnotization would certainly help?


The Yi Jing (易經) is just miraculous really.

I, as may be clear from the above entries, have been journaling today and thinking about action and how to support (faster, more, stronger) results. I went through the 20 modules of Naissance and revisited what they mean to me and thought about some of the results that I’m cultivating with this subliminal and with each module.

Then I asked the Yi Jing a few questions:
What is the guidance of writing more statements of intent (a kind of manifestation practice)?
困, line 4
(Exhaustion. Not good.)

What’s the guidance of consulting the Yi Jing for appropriate actions for each of my modules.

漸, line 3
(also, not good.)

By this point, I’m getting a clear ‘you’re doing too much’ vibe.

At which point, I changed tacks and asked about ‘not worrying too much about helping the subliminals right now, but just focusing on living my life (since I’ve chosen my customs to be aligned with my life)’. I got this:

Once again, the Yi Jing with an incredibly specific and relevant response.

But interestingly (for anyone who’s interested in this), it’s not saying that action is bad or inappropriate. It’s saying that right now is not the time for vigorous action. When that time comes. I should be ready. So my idea was partly affirmed. It’s time to be patient right now. But not indefinitely. Allow the situation to develop until the blockage has progressed to a point of openness. The subliminals will facilitate that. Then at that time be prepared to go all out.


It will be used therapeutically with others.

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Such a cascade of insights into my self and my past these days. It’s kind of wild. Don’t know where it will all lead. But it’s safe to say that the subliminals are activated and firing.