Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Yet we’re not supposed to run multiple multi-stagers, right?

But I, too, think they work together SO WELL and I haven’t even run them. It just makes sense imo.

Hmm…is that a Qv2 recommendation? Or was it around here earlier? I don’t remember being warned off of the idea. And I’m not even familiar with the logic behind it. So, I can’t really comment very well.

It was a heavy stack, my 2020 stack, @AlexanderGraves. I’m definitely happy to be past it. The biggest downside of running multiple dense tracks is: slow results.

The essence of the advice/feedback that I did get was that you have to be at peace with things proceeding more slowly. I peace with it. So went ahead with it.

My stack of last year had 2 Terminus2 tracks (1 standard, 1 custom), 2 Terminus customs, and 2 Standard multistagers.

But they were definitely not all played every day. It was like fitting a whole bunch of carry-on bags into the overhead bin on an airplane. There was a unique and specific schedule for each element of the stack.

I found it to be worth it.

And now my current stack feels beautifully light. Well, “light” in the way that an LSD tab is light. You can carry the thing in your pocket all day without getting tired, but when you eat the thing…you will notice.

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Yes I might’ve phrased this wrongly.

You can, of course, run multiple multi stagers, dense stacks, etc, but the results are way slower which is why “it is not recommended.”

Then all is good. As long as you are aware of the implications :wink:

Quarantine time seemed like an appropriate time to apply a longer-term, slower strategy. That definitely influenced my decision.

One cool thing recently is that I looked back and realized that one of the really important manifestations/results of that stack actually happened about 2 months after I’d introduced Alchemist and Quantum Limitless (i.e., September 2020). It’s still growing and bearing fruit now. At the time, I didn’t even strongly recognize it; but it has turned out to be crucial.

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Fantastic to hear!

I feel like this will be even stronger with QV2 or Q+ going forward. It takes a bit to unpack, but the results are phenomenal!

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Not that you cant and it does work for alot of people but i have a feeling jumping to st4 for multiple multistagers in a custom might trigger the inner firewall if they havent done the necessary foundation with st1-3 like you did.Too much change all at once


I just read and responded to your post over on that ‘Gentleman’ thread. If we’re going to keep going back and forth about that, maybe we can do it over here.

I am aware of the fact that I did also belittle Prome by speaking for him. But I am fine with feeling entitled :wink:

I have a very different approach to these 9 Dark Traits (one of which is entitlement) and I, personally, think people are being WAY too sensitive these days. Imo it’s less a question of respect (some of @Prome 's questions were questionable yes) but generally, if I would’ve been approached like that I would’ve shrugged it off and thought about it.

Maybe I need Alchemist more than the Khan!
Or maybe not? Who’s gonna judge that, right?

I did, however, question my own approach of how I initially reacted to things that were said, but I still stand by my point that he wasn’t REALLY belittling him. If anything he was AFRAID to end up like JCast after 3 years (which is a lot of projection because all we know how he is doing is coming from a bunch of words on an internet forum).

Which is again, where I think the questions were legit.

It’s not always HOW you write questions, it is also HOW you TAKE them.
JCast could choose to be offended because he’s being “talked down on” or he could choose to see the message in there that something is indeed wrong with his approach?


Neither the legitimacy nor the validity of what Prome was asking was ever in question to me.

Long Ass Response from @Malkuth

His underlying concerns (which are ultimately about himself and his chances of success along his subliminal journey) are completely legitimate. I’m actually sympathetic to them. Feel them myself. This journey can be a very mysterious one. And we want to know that we have a decent chance of succeeding in it.

For me the issue is when he’s projecting those legitimate concerns onto the personal experiences and journey of someone else.

If I ask you to respond to my thought or my question, I am asking you for something. In essence, I’m asking you to do me a favor.

On top of that, if the thought or question for which I’m asking your response is about your personal life or private experiences, then the favor I’m asking of you is even bigger. Because that’s not anything you’re required to share. It’s yours.

I may have very legitimate or valid concerns that lead me to ask you for that response. That does not change the fact that I’m asking you for it.

In my mind and in my values, when one person asks a favor of another person, the person who is doing the asking should acknowledge that they’re asking, and should therefore proceed with respect for the other person.

Entitlement (and of course I mean ‘excessive or inappropriate entitlement’, not legitimate ownership), in my definition, is the result of combining two elements: 1) asking for something to which you have no right, and 2) lacking deference or respect in how you make the request.

I don’t like that. So I called it out.

But if either one of those two elements are changed, it’s no longer inappropriate entitlement.

If I borrowed something from you and then you demand that I return it to you. That is appropriate entitlement. The thing is, after all, yours. Now, would it be classy and considerate for you to be respectful in demanding it back? Sure. But if you’re not, well I’m still going to return it, because it’s yours.


If you’re asking me for something that’s mine, and you’re 1) respectful in how you ask it and 2) willing to accept it if my answer is ‘no’, then that’s not inappropriately entitled either.

So, meh. That’s my definition.

Actually, Prome expressed that he’s willing to be told ‘no. get lost.’ I respect that from Prome.

and Jcast is a pretty easygoing guy who has seen a lot and who can handle a lot. I don’t know if he’ll be offended. The point is that I was offended. Not about the questions (which are asked here every day). About how they were communicated. With insufficiently expressed self-awareness and respect.

Let’s be real, those questions from Prome are not groundbreaking. They are the exact questions that are asked here on the forum in about 8 out of 10 posts. Either it’s “(huff huff pufff) when is the next new program coming out!!!” or " (huff huff puff puff) hey! does any of this stuff actually work!!!" hahaha. Sometimes both questions are in the exact same post.

Thank goodness, I’m exaggerating and those are not the only two kinds of posts on here. But those
concerns probably do find there way into more than half the posts (at least). Sometimes they’re my posts. Not that often, thank goodness.

And that’s okay.

But if you’re going to walk up to someone who you’ve never met on god’s green earth and say “Hey, I’m watching you! And I’m seriously skeptical about your life’s journey, the things you’re saying, and the decisions you’re making! To allay my own personal doubts, I want you to answer the following questions!..”

Well, why the heck does the other person have to reveal their life journey to you, just because you happen to have trouble managing whatever your own self-doubts might be? Doubts which, by the way, you haven’t even been open and vulnerable about acknowledging.

So, if you’re going to ask, at least have enough perspective to be respectful in asking.

Asking someone else to share about their journey, but not sharing any of your own? Doing so, in a disrespectful tone? That’s what hit me as excessively entitled. So, I reacted.

But those two men will figure out how they want to interact with each other.

Sheesh. That was long.

But I don’t think it was a waste of time. (Hopefully, I’m right about that). It obviously mattered to me, or I’d never have spoken up on that thread in the first place. So might as well spend a little time to hash it out.

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I think I also reacted to the way the questions were posed because I think that the discussion forum works much better when people feel supported enough to be open about our experiences. If everyone’s trying to simply appear successful in order to avoid being critiqued, we’re going to lose a hell of a lot of important data. Then the quality of what is shared will degrade.

But also, challenges and questions are important. And should be explored.

I just respect that it can take a lot for people to be open about what we’re experiencing and what we’ve gone through. But individuals vary a lot. Some people don’t feel challenged or uncomfortable at all. That is awesome too.

Hey Alex, thank you for reading between the lines. I wish more people did that.
This was my exact concern.

I think I found subclub in march 2021.
I had been using YT subs since probably Oct-Nov 2020 till march 2021 and guess what… ZERO results… it made it sad that I had wasted so much time on these YT subs with no results… I am on some level concern that the same might happen again with subclub.

I don’t want any more lost time and this time money too.

I guess I could’ve framed the question differently…i have no intention of being an internet bully or alfa… i just wanted answers.

i hope @James thinks that as well.

Listen brother J, you’re a lot older and wiser. I didn’t mean to belittle you. I’m sorry if my words made you feel that way. That was not my intention.

I just don’t want to be here for 3 years is all and maybe your wisdom, experience and answers can help others as well. Thanks


I agree with all you say. I think we just have a different understanding of a general thing here:

I don’t know your relationship with JCast, but YOU are being offended about something SOMEONE ELSE says TO SOMEONE ELSE.
That is weird to me. Why? ->

I actually saw the initial response and responses prome got from you and Eric and I was already thinking my thoughts, but I didn’t think of joining that conversation initially because it “was none of my concern” and I literally thought “I am sure JCast knows how to defend himself/address this.”

I really only jumped in because I was seeing that no one got Prome right (TO MY estimation, could’ve been wrong (apparently it wasn’t)) and tried to get the conversation back to the direction of THE ACTUAL QUESTION.

But as always, if emotions are involved, people act a bit weird :wink:

With all due respect, this was exaggerated and not really what happened. This is you projecting onto it, isn’t it?
IMO I still think the initial question he asked was crystal clear. Sure, he could’ve used “nicer” words or left out one or two of the bolded questions, but in the same sense people could’ve just not be so sensitive and focus on the actual question instead of making this about HOW he asked, right?


Prome’s journey (and the lack of results) is well documented on the forum. Unless like you wanted him to link to that to make the point clearer?
Then again, maybe JCast’s journey is as well. Idk.

Not weird to me at all.

Perhaps we differ on this point.

I’m okay with that.

Looked and still looks that way to me.

I actually think you’re completely missing the copious projection in the original question.


Simply clicking on anyone’s name shows how long they’ve been here and how many posts they’ve created.

There’s literally a search window at the top of the forum that makes it extremely easy to view and read any forum member’s entire journey for anyone interested.

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One thing I did not do was to follow Prome’s journey. I did not have any personal context for his questions. It seems that this may also have influenced our different reactions to his questions.

I basically read his questions with only the context of that one post. (I think I may have a vague recollection of some other rude exchange with someone else, but I don’t really remember.) It seems that you are more familiar with what he’s been going through.

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I think this is the core of both of our misunderstanding.

I was more familiar with Prome’s journey, and you were more familiar with JCast’s journey.
Thus our different reactions.

Would make a lot of sense!

I know we are, that’s why I like to engage with you so much. Different viewpoints!

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And a thanks to you for being grateful for this and all that is good in your life!:+1:

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I do appreciate your grasp of Chinese. However the translation appears to be

“Three people must have my teacher”

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In other words, there’s something for me to learn from just about anyone.

Even if i see just three people walking along, there will be at least one among them with something important to teach me.

Zombie dream last night. Not many actual zombies in the dream. More the constant, imminent threat.

Had to continuously keep moving in order to survive.

And I keep leaping up/around/across mountain vistas (in different dreams).