Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Both are needed depending on the situation

Some things only matter if they don’t matter; chief among these: Pleasure.

I don’t discern any need for the former; for convincing oneself that one has answers that one doesn’t have.

It might be because I interpret those two differently than you meant it.

But when I hear Fake Confidence, I have the main figure of “Catch me if you can” in mind:

One of the greatest challenges in this life is to develop some means of identifying your own blind spots and perceptual limitations.

This is also one of the greatest sources of hope and resources.

We are always sitting on top of a metaphorical mountain of gold and unaware of it.


After reflecting on a post that I read by @JayFlex, I decided to make a change that I’ve been considering.

I’ve decided to make a slight switch to my stack. I will allow PATHS, my Ecstasy of Gold stage four Custom, to rest for a while.

I ran PATHS in Terminus Qv1 for about 11 months. I then built a Qv2 version of PATHS and I’ve been running that since May for about 3.5 months.

I do not yet have a real business, though I have some fledgling, seedling activities going. Instead, my productive activity is still largely focused on my paid job.

For now, in the position in my stack that is usually occupied by PATHS, I will play Mogul and then Ascended Mogul.

So my stack is:

Dragon Reborn
Mogul/Ascended Mogul


This made me rethink aswell in the other direction.

I do have a business so I would be better off with EoG instead of AM.


Well not “better” but maybe more cleanly focused.


It’s something you have to decide individually by reflecting on the descriptions, on where you are, and on where you want to go.

I think I’m glad that I worked through the stages of Ecstasy of Gold, and now it feels right to move to Mogul/Ascended Mogul. Then it will be right to return to Ecstasy of Gold again.

And, somehow, Dragon Reborn also seems to play a role in all of this. That is one interesting program.

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As to play schedule:

I’m still sticking to the ‘3 day per week. 1 loop of each program’ schedule.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays are my play days.

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This morning after meditation an insight came to me.

Contrary to how we usually discuss it, egocentrism is not selfishness.

The reason is that the ego is not the self.

The ego is an avatar that we create for navigating the world. That avatar does not include most of the Self.

Egocentrism and narcissism do not merely ignore other people; they also ignore you.


Today was my first day not listening to my wealth custom PATHS of Wealth. Instead, I played a loop of Mogul.

It was interesting to find how much my mind still desired to play PATHS. I tend to get an energized, optimistic, stimulated feeling while playing it. The two primary cores are Ecstasy of Gold Complete and Stark. My mind enjoys it.

During and after playing Mogul, I spent time thinking about my plans and practical actions regarding wealth projects. My plate is full right now with work projects. We’ll see how things develop and what makes sense to me.

But I did notice an immediate effect.

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My wealth subliminals pushing me towards action right now:

Me in 2022:


Lol :rofl: :rofl: I can totally relate to that.

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That is a fantastic revelation!

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One of our greatest magickal superpowers, that most of us don’t even realize is a magick power, is the ability to Normalize

Faced with mind-blowing mysteries and cosmic miracles, we have the amazing and bizarre capacity to place an atmosphere of normalcy on all of it, and to approach everyday life without being overwhelmed; even feeling bored.

The briefest objective regard of everything (or anything) here reveals that miraculousness and mysteriousness are everywhere and fundamental. It is normalcy that is truly odd.


RECON just feels like life.

I’m in the midst of a subtle phase of it right now.

It doesn’t feel like RECONCILIATION.

It’s an enhanced awareness of and sensitivity to things in the environment that are legitimately irritating. But the subtle, invisible part has to do with my own internal capacity to tolerate or to maintain a higher sense of wellbeing.

I’m in the midst of a 5-day training that goes from 7 am to 11 am, Wed to Sun. I’ve been getting up to meditate at 5:45 so that I can do it before the training. Thankfully the training’s on Zoom.

I think the lower sleep makes it easier to see the systemic challenges that are going on in my mind.


Less patient yesterday and today.

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Dread and Fearful Anticipation are like the speedbumps of imagination.



Shift happening today.

As with the previous two days, mashallah, I woke up at 5:30 am or so, to get meditation in before the training. I felt irritated by various things, my son didn’t want to wash his face, I didn’t like how the training leader was sometimes criticizing alternate views and approaches. I didn’t have time to shower before the meeting and I was also sleep-deprived.

Generally just felt a little like Bill the Cat.

Somewhere after the midpoint of the training, internal shifting happened. I became Aware of Good.

Got inspired. Felt appreciation for the same people I’d been annoyed with earlier.

And the wheel ever turns.

Today has been a rest day. Just one booster loop of my custom Ultima Jet Stream B.


Did you see the Wheel of Time trailer?

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