Sage’s Rise: the Wanted Son of Lightning


Do you know if there is a results enhancer that causes the contents of the core to support the whole custom? Is that sorta what Mosaic is good for?

:notes: She said, “Do you ever miss being aloone?”

I’m like, “Hell naw, I don’t.”

I’m not a big fan of country but I find myself listening to it more lately.


My girlfriend and I had an argument about whether I wanted her the other day and I got frustrated and hung up. As soon as I did, this song came on my YouTube. Like I said, I don’t care for country usually, but as I was returning to cleaning, feeling frustrated between screaming or crying in frustration, I heard that part.

I stopped and listened, marveled as always at instant manifestations, and texted her that song, saying “He says it better than I’ve ever known how”, and she thanked me and said that was perfect.

So Jason Aldean got me out of an annoying place.

I actually didn’t come on here to post that, I remembered it as I was typing this update:

As I’m listening to LDU, I suddenly had the calm desire to delete any and all bookmarks of erotic material. It was rather easy at first, till I started realizing just how many bookmarked sites I had. And THEN, I started coming up the videos I saved awhile back with that ‘perfect girl’ or ‘ideal hell yeah sex’. I deleted them with only slight misgivings, but those feelings helped me understand myself more.

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Ya know, I haven’t observed this before but I’m pretty sure Dragon’s Tongue is showing itself in me…

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I think modules such as Mosaic, DEUS, and Pragya are supposed to do that. Check it out and see if it suits you.

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How so? (10 characters)

Hmm,do they work for that?So far the only one of those three that had a minor effect on that for me is mosaic but that was more for blending of cores.Havent figured out a way to make the modules in cores effect the whole custom yet

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Glancing at my recent posts and recent conversations with people.

Using the latter example, my natural humor and versatility with responses to just about anyone is on point. I generally can quip with the best of them but now, it’s integrated very well I think.

I only mentioned it cuz it was one of my modules that I hadn’t noticed anything happening with. That’s probably because it’s already part of who I am, though.

I’m still wondering how Mastermind will show, if it isn’t already.

I’ll submit a request on the Q Modules request thread later.

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Limit Destroyer is having a good impact on my work. I’m glad I followed my gut and got it. My work performance is definitely improving. I’m picking up things quicker, remembering things I learned but slip because I haven’t gotten them into my long term memory, and I’m working more efficiently.


I woke up this morning feeling good.

Not just any brand of good. This is a feeling I used to know well and live with day by day.

The feeling that I get when I’m on at least a 7 day No PMO streak. Seeing as I’m certainly not, my inner theory about Primal seems close to accurate; Primal has definitely been 'sharpening ’ my sexual nature. Whetting my edge removing blemishes, notches and imperfections.

My head is marvelously clear for the first time in awhile. I didn’t get to lay down last night until a bit past 2200 and I can’t say what time I fell asleep, but, after I put on the Kyballion, I only woke up once before my alarm at 0315.

So even though I didn’t get much sleep, I feel ready. I said this awhile ago in my journal - I honestly believe PMO is detrimental to results. (First edit: going too fast. I forgot to add that I don’t know whether edging has an affect, that’s what I’ve been doing rather than climaxing.)

Whether this is a limiting belief or rather limited belief or based on facts, idk.

I’ve been doing waaay better with porn lately, though. I didn’t even think to look it up last night and if I had to intuit what might have happened if I did, it would have been one of those stray thoughts like, ‘Damn, that’s a cool bird. I wonder if he’s related to a Pterodactyl… Oh, right. I was thinking about money.’ type shit.

Reading the ZP thread, my only thought is how badass Sage Immortal would be in ZP. I haven’t run SG (as I think the accepted acronym is? SI is claimed by Survival Instinct. I like SIM better, personally) but every single solitary day, I catch myself wondering if I could justify changing my stack to include it.


I don’t want to change my stack for a month or two unless it’s for a second custom. I have a custom that I am taking my sweet time with musing over every once in awhile, which will likely consist of Heartsong as a solo core or paired with two very complementary partners.

Dat Alexander’s Play, doe

My current custom is a bit more spread in cores but I have zero regrets adding AM, Primal and IC together. If I could go back and tell Ninjistic one thing to add into it, it would be to throw in Inner Gasoline.

Let’s see…

Yesterday, 9/22:

I played, in this order, LDU, HS, SoL, and Mind’s Eye (ME was ultrasonic last night, might be another reason for my mental clarity).

LDU felt fine with little fog. Heartsong, though. Fuck. I definitely considered backing down from playing it midway because of the head traffic I felt. RV was popping into my head, coaxing me to consider a rest day.

My adopted parents always said I have selective hearing.

I made it through HS and I was glad I didn’t give in cuz the next one to come on was SoL. What’s very interesting to me about yesterday’s loop of the custom was that I actually didn’t detect or sense that it had changed titles listening to the fade out and in of water sound, like I usually do.

I actually felt the difference IMMEDIATELY.

I recall it felt like going from a sauna at an uncomfortable heat to feeling refreshing, wonderful water trickling down from the top of my head down the front of my face and then flowing throughout my body.

Me, gripping my metaphorical toilet bar and holding on for dear life (I should be in a novela, I’m so dramatic) felt like a had been granted a pardon by the gods and relieved of my damnation and load.

It was truly amazing, and wonderful to realize that my brain is finally getting used to my custom. But yeah, I didn’t even know it had switched titles already and I felt a bit of elation thinking that HS had crested the 7% grade uphill and I was beginning to pick up momentum on the downgrade. But I checked, and SoL was about a minute in.

Either that, or getting shocked (no pun intended) feels pleasurable compared to your heart and feelings being run through on some next level quantum shit

Either way, I’ll have to consider either switching HS to the third play slot after SoL, or drop use of it to every other play cycle like I had planned with Primal Seduction.

Speaking of which. I know I had it in my stack all of one week, but for whatever reason, I honestly feel like I was drawn to simply use that title a couple of times because when I was prepared to play it the other day, I felt something deep within me strongly advising against it. I had my thumb frozen over the play button for about ten seconds that felt like forever, listening to the debate going on within me to see if I could determine if it was simply recon, but, I had the thought to review the list of titles I owned.

So I did. Obviously, Mind’s Eye is in the beginning of this post so this another one of those linear things I don’t need to finish the storyline of.

I woke up this morning with @Malkuth on my mental. Not sure what that’s about, but I feel like I had some pretty dope, intense dreams last night.

Uhhh… I know there’s more. A lot more. Wow. .

So my mind just opened and I had a flash of realization that I’ve been taking my journaling both too serious and being too laissez-faire about it.

Too serious in the sense that even now, three hundred and eighty something days later of having created an account, I wonder what to put and what not to put.

Laissez-faire, meaning I don’t, or rather haven’t been, taking the power of journaling serious enough. I know better. But, as I’ve heard…

Knowledge isn’t power. What is done with that knowledge, is

Definitely more later, I feel inner movement telling me a spiel is coming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol, somebody had to like a post near this one, reminding me of the ASCENSION days.


This same brother just texted me last night again, out of the blue. :thinking:



That’s when she got me!

Can somebody tell Sage Immortal to stop calling? I keep answering instead of letting it go to voicemail :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m probably going to keep alluding to my ‘seed’ post for awhile yet because I’m really feeling that shift within actualizing more and more and more every day.

Every day in every way, I Am Become…

I Am Become will be the name of my future spiritual custom. I feel that’s right.

On a tangent, Athena’s Tears may be the name of my Heartsong Custom. I never wanted someone to steal my idea so I didn’t post this next one nearly a year ago, but, do ideas belong to us anyway?

But yeah, I wanted to create a custom spiritual custom named “Higher Khansciousness” with Alchemist ST4 x Khan ST4, pero I won’t be running Khan anytime soon and I want to get the name out of my head already so it leaves me alone :rofl:

More later.

:notes: I always feel like somebody’s watching me
And I have no privacy (ooh ooh)

:studio_microphone:I always feel like somebody’s watching me
Who’s playing tricks on me? :musical_score:

Today it finally hit me. I used to use the concept of zero point when I was still on my extreme spiritual kick in order to manifest using the least amount of energy and action possible.

My mentor once told me that I sometimes forget my highest, soaring moments with Spirit because I constantly operate on a higher level and inevitably crash down (Law of Rhythm, I daresay), which makes sense with the things I’ve been through.

One thing I’m realizing with this current shift into a new paradigm is that old memories are returning, one of which was the zero point realization, started by the nice catalyst in Saint’s post above.

Cool stuff.

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My girlfriend sent me this a bit ago. Useful info.


I would like to see the image, but it’s not showing up.

yup. good principles.

How we use and relate to the act of mental projection. Our choice of which perceptions to emphasize. Definitely not all-powerful choice, but choice, still.

There’s a certain type of intensity and excitement, that can seem to decrease when we make these kinds of choices (because polarization decreases). Seeking out healthy polarization is the beginning of a new chapter of exploration.

But there’s a more mature relationship to the phenomenon of Cycle. Seasons of increase and decrease. As natural and expected features of life.

The embed did not work, but it can be clicked on.


It’s not showing on my end either.

This is deep. Thank you for posting this.

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