New to Subclub - Khan ST1, Libertine and True Social

Hi all

I’ve been using subs from another company for several years with very mixed results. I’ve been reading a bit around this forum and it seems as if people are experiencing some good results. Hence, I hope I can get a bit of advice on what to run first.

I’m a guy around 30 who wants what a lot of people want: Success, money, girls, adventure, and overall feelings of confidence, fearlessness and freedom.

As far as I understand, it is possible to run more than one sub at a time. Hence, I was thinking about running The Executive and Primal Seduction: Iron Throne. Any thought on whether this will be a good combination or if there is something out there that might be better for me? Budget is not an issue.

One of the things that I didn’t appreciate with the other subliminal shop I’ve used is that the subs made me so tired and hungry all the time, so I don’t know if combining the Executive and Iron Throne will be too much.

Thanks a lot in advance for any advice :slight_smile:

You should be fine with those two.

Just know that primal seduction doesn’t have wealth scripting, it’s really geared toward your inner primal self. Also seduction and sex.

It really depends on your end goals. If you want to aim broader you could also use Khan which include wealth and social programming to cover your “wealth and success” needs.

Thanks a lot for the reply. I looked at Khan as well, but suggested the combination above since The Executive is newer. I don’t know how big the difference is in power level between the newest subs and subs that are a bit older. Could the Executive and Khan be combined?

I just read that Iron Throne is more or less and execution only sub (or at least that’s how I understood it). Due to Covid I can’t approach a ton of women ATM. Hence, maybe I should go for something that changes me more as man overall (more alpha, increased confidence etc.). Would that change your suggestion?

Actually Executive and the other two programs are on differents category.

The Executive is a Ultima product, which is a product designed to induce a quick state change in you.

Khan and Primal Seduction are both programs which will affect you over the long term (or longer term). They are more meant for growth of your beliefs.

There is no problem stacking both of them, in fact the two programs are meant for that! Ultima subliminals are meant to boost the results obtained with your regular sub!

So yeah, Ultima product line is newer, but has a different effect on you. By the way, the regular primal seduction is also on the store :wink: which includes more healing that the Iron Thrones version. The iron thrones version is developped to maximize action taking and manifestation, it’s a lighter script that the regular primal seduction because it has no healing. Since the script is lighter, you usually get results faster if you have a good foundation.

Khan and all the other programs are currently in Q version, which is the most recent version for longer term growth. SubliminalClub’s sub are upgraded when new tech comes out so they are no products that are “older generation”.

But yes, you can combine Executive and Khan, you can combine Executive and Primal seduction, you can combine Executive and Iron Throne, and pretty much every other subs, the only limitation is the brain processing power :wink:

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I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this.

It makes me want to throw as many subs into the stack as possible, but as far as I understand you, there may be a “brain processing power” issue if I put too much in there. Would Khan, Libertine, the Executive, Daredevil, Regular Primal Seduction and either Sanguine or Elixir be too much together?

Again - thanks a lot in advance!!!

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Khan alone is a massive subliminal…
You do the math :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah I’m trying to get a feel of what is possible and what people have used in the past, since I have no experience with these subs :smiley:

Go with khan…read the sales page it has many subliminals in it. Read the forum khan journals and i bet after you read them you will buy khan


Khan is already a mix of Primal seduction, daredevil, and emperor (for the alpha, dominant & money).

And with Khan you have the Khan St1 which is an extremely effective healing sub to clear the ground and prepare your growth. Stage 4 is purely action oriented.

@GoldenTiger & @pacman - seems like an easy choice then - Khan it is!

Would playing one loop of the Executive in the morning before work and one loop of Libertine before meeting women be ok/advisable in addition to Khan?

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I agree with what Hanpan said to think about ultimas as some kind of boosters however as for me and other people experienced @GoldenTiger, the only ultima that isn’t like a booster is BLU for some reason some people experience mild photographic memory from it like me and @Hermit.

You bet!!!

You could also throw in true social Ultima in your arsenal!!
But be wary to use upto 2 different Ultimas max in a day.

Could be, if budget is not a problem for you. Khan alone is strong enough for all sorts of things to happens.

Buuut, you surely can add one loop of libertine with that. Like I always say, there is no secret recipe. It’s all experimentation, trial and error. You can follow certain guidelines, which is do not stack too much, start with a lower subliminal exposure and rank it up or down according to how you react.

If you react well with Khan, then try to add one loop of libertine, if you don’t see any more benefits to it, then maybe Khan is already maxing your output or you haven’t finish processing everything.

Also, will you be doing the healing part of Khan? It’s pretty rough and usually you don’t have a lot of manifestation whencusing Khan St1. But if you use Khan St4 without a clean slate, or the proper learning, then you might miss out a lots of results…

But also like @mecharc said, you can basically stack anything you want :sweat_smile:

Yeah my plan based on the comments i’ve recieved is to use Khan from start to finish every day plus one loop of either The Executive (if I’m going to work), Libertine (if I’m going on a date or to a party) and Social Ultima (if I’m meeting friends or networking).

How rough is the healing part of Khan in general (I know it probably depends on the individual). I’ll still be able to function and do my work as good as usual, right?

Depends on who, I can still work, but damn I hate it, I usually tend to stay alone when I’m in my healing process.

Checkout my Khan journal if you ever want to

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It’s the most fucking amazing sub out there!

You’re gonna feel like shit!
You’re gonna feel worthless!
You’re gonna curse the creators of the sub!

But on the other side of the tunnel you’ll be a changed man! With your biggest limitations done and dusted.

I know, cause I’ve been through it.


I just know that I’ll be busy as fuck until january. Would it be possible to skip stage 1 and the do stage 2,3 and 4 with the Executive, Libertine and Social Ultima or should I rather postpone Khan until I’m ready to do the whole things?

Well, if you have enough healing done alreadyxon your beliefs. How are your relationship with woman right now?

Hmm. Guess neither fantastic nor terrible. Girls generally like me (especially when they get to know me), but I such at approaching. I’m ok extroverted, not weird, above average looking but do have some limiting beliefs around really hot and tall girls.

Is that only for stage one or for the entire four months?