New to Subclub - Khan ST1, Libertine and True Social

Stage 1 breaks you down

Stage 2 builds you up

Both make you feel like shit.

The fun starts from stage 3


Yeah, if you have limiting beliefs… Unfortunatly you will probably have to get rid of them to continue on your progress…

It’s just that any action taking subs will eventually hit your own limitation. Rebirth usually makes you feel a lot better while healing tho.

I think I’ll just give Khan a go (with the Executive), and run fewer loops if it gets too much. From the post I’ve read so far, people on S1 of Khan listen from anything from around 1 to 10 hours daily. Many mentions 7. Does 7 hours of Khan while sleeping plus 1 hour of the Executive in the morning before work sound ok?

Bro most users of khan here (including me) started using khan last year. At that time recommend listening hours was minimum 6 hours daily, which was about 8 loops in the previous tech.

Since MID 2020, khan has been upgraded to Q platform, which is much stronger than the previous platform.

It is recommended that if you are just starting out, you start off with two loops and then build up your listening from there.


I’m just about to purchase Khan and the Executive. Is there an additional Ultima sub I can purchase if in order to “calm me down” if Khan pushes me beyond my limits and I really need to get my shit together for a specific task?

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Khan should be fine solo
Dont rush be patient. Dont try to do too much too fast. Give khan solo proper time and devotion.

Subliminals audio is a process of change not an event.

Rebirth can help with reconciliation.

I’ve done 5 loops of Khan the first two night along with 2 loops of Limit Destroyer Q throughout the day.

The 5 loops made me a bit tired after the first night, but otherwise I’ve been completely fine.

Can I add more loops?

Bro with khan ST1, I feel that limit destroyer Q is redundant

Fair enough. Should I then just additional Khan loops?

For week 1, My advice would be 2 to 3 Loops…4 if your adventerous. Too much might lead to heavy reconciliation or no results at all because it will be too much for your sub to process.

but if you are feeling really adventurous. Make the follwoing playlist

Khan St1
60 mins silent MP3 track

play this on repeat and then just move on with doing whatever it is other than subs

Make sure you add 1 hour break after every loop anyway.

Thanks man. That could theoretically mean 8 loops daily.

Is “silent” the same as ultrasonic?

I meant 60 mins break in between each loop… 8 loops might become too much! but you seem adventurous like me so what the heck… but it would be wise to just stick to max 4 loops the first week with 1 hour breaks after each loop

Thanks - I’ll try to give it a shot. However, I get interrupted with so many phone calls from work throughout the day, so I’ll probably end up playing 4 loops in a row at night and the maybe an additional throughout the day.

All right. I’ve been running 4-5 loops of Khan throughout the night plus 2 loops of Limit Destroyer throughout the day for the last 3 days.

No big effect so far but didn’t expect that this quickly. Khan has been very smooth so far. Feel a bit tired in the morning and maybe a bit more focused and calmer. Too early to tell whether this is just a coincidence.

I plan to run Khan stage 1 and 2 for at least 40-45 days each, since I don’t expect that I’ll be able to go out a met a lot of girls on this side of Christmas due to Covid.

However, an extremely attractive girls invited me to a party in about two weeks, and I’m very interested to see what some of the attraction subs can do.

Hence, I was thinking about taking out Limit Destroyer for the next two weeks and maybe add Commander U and Libertine U.

Any feedback on whether this would work together with Khan for my little experiment in two weeks?

After having a very fun experience for 10 days with Iron Thorne, Libertine and Truly Social, I’ll go back to Khan tonight.

Can I still play 1 loop daily of Libertine or Truly Social to maintain the benefits from these programs, or will they work against the purpose of Khan stage 1?


Interesting to know the results of Khan ST1 + a social sub.

Right now I’m Khan ST1 + Elixir, I don’t have any push to socialize… I guess I’m still on the process of healing.

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I can definitely feel the effects from Libertine and True Social when I’m out. I have two other big events (this Saturday and Wednesday) where I would love to see how it performs.

After that I might do ST1 + Elixir to get the most out of the healing from ST1.

For how many hours do you expect to run ST1? I’ve seen everything from around 50 hours to 400 hours on the forum.

I already run KhanQ ST1 around 2020 May for 30days but also had EFQ ST1 and QLQ ST4 at that time.

For this month I decided to just focus on healing… 11/02 to 11/27 KhanQ ST1 and Elixir Ultima only.

KhanQ ST1 x3
Elixir Ulitma x3

Rest day

I also have Libertine but haven’t touched it… still on social distancing and work from home protocols :sweat_smile:

For me stage 1 is a stage were i can do what i want…

  • raise my voice at people…
  • try gyimg when im tired…
  • do a 20hour fast…
  • phone a random person and ask him to buy my services.
  • approach any lady…even a friend and try something sexual…

Reason behind all this is i want fear an failure to come up and stage 1 to clear it…
For me stage 1 feels smooth if im not doing anything…

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