New to forum UA/Seductress

Thanks for the advice yes I thought it would be a good idea to be as attractive as possible for my youtube channel as well give off a strong aura of beauty and love. Wealth is number 1 priority i thought everything would flow together to help me reach my ultimate goal.I understand 1 step at a time.:pray:t4:

That is something I had not considered. There is another option, but it might slow your results.

You could chuck Mosaic in there with a few attractive/beautifying modules.

However ever as I read your thread, I’m wondering if time is of the essence, which is why I would encourage you consider 1 objective with your manifesting modules.

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01/02/2022 My apologies to everyone I just realized I’ve been posting in the wrong place most of the entries on this intro thread should be in my journal :woman_facepalming:t4:

Thanks for your reply @RVconsultant I just want to make sure I understand your suggestion correctly to have a better focused custom for example include the manifestation modules such as Fortune’s Favorite, current invoker, Jupiter and divine will and since my focus is wealth keep
R I.C.H. I’m really not to worried about the physical beauty aspects of things right now but I am working on confidence and self esteem.
Should I keep my other 2 programs U/A and Seductress? or do you believe those will slow things down because of focus. I’ve never experienced fatigue while listening to all 3.Well there was one situation which was a while ago but i don’t know what I was thinking I listened to 3 loops of each I took a midday nap almost woke up late to get my daughter from school I was in a deep sleep(i never take naps ). I will never do that again I’m good with 1 loop of each and lots of water.

Good questions.

If I understand you, you want to make money with art.

If so, I would encourage you to keep UA and focus your custom on manifesting plus wealth.

Does that clarify?

@RVconsultant Yes it does thank you.I do have another question for you. Currently I am not financially equipped to build another custom, until I get there would continuing Mogul zp and UA give me similar results. A few members suggested mogul zp vs. R.I.C.H for my situation so I went with Mogul. I know everyone is effected differently as I mentioned before i have R.I.C.H in my custom and noticed more money manifestations but it could have been the other modules i had in there or the combinations any thoughts on this. I know patience is key and I’m only 6 loops in on mogul zp.

If money is an issue, and you would like to make money via art, here is an option:

RICH + Mogul + UA

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