New Stack Advice StarkQ + Social + Romance?

I’ll get with you in a few, hopefully by this coming weekend, maybe Sunday I’ll be done and alot more organized with everything from tabs to papers and of course questions about tech

@Vesper not me I assume

I’m confused what happened :joy: @Billions

Upcoming Eid festival for example (which is the first one in my country), and then after that we have the watches and jewelry exhibition (a Bollywood actress named Alia Bhat will be joining us for that), and then a couple little events here and there, then of course the World Cup.

Like I said, it’s less marketing and more coordination, but the reason I chose this field (it technically has marketing haha) is because I like the art of persuasion, and consumer behavior interests me (well human behavior in general does).

So I chose the one that would also make use of my high level of interpersonal skills + creative intelligence, and realized that the field is the most suited one for me.

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He replied to my comment saying he’ll come back soon with detailed tech questions.

I’m assuming that message was meant for you, not me

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Ohhhh maybe he meant you who knows;)

For his sake I hope not :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

“How do i fix my laptop Billions???”

“IDK, try resetting it???”

“How do I do that???”

“Well, have you tried unplugging it and plugging it in again?.”

“B-Dawg… it’s a laptop!”

“I don’t care if it’s a laptop or a toaster or a piece of toast, try unplugging it and plugging it back in again!”

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Unplugs it

@Billions my computer stopped working what did you do???”

“did you try plugging it back in?”

“oh no, let me try it…it works! You billion dollar magician thank you!”

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No you as well, just forgot to tagged the others

That does work sometimes. Though only if you’re connected to orks and believe in the WAAAH

Coordinator hmmm… honestly that sounds pretty fun.

Also your interest in persuading people…yeah it’s starting to make sense why project Invictus resonates me so much :sweat_smile::joy:

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Well project Invictus was just a prototype/base, and this is the end product (many modules changed)