New Stack Advice StarkQ + Social + Romance?

Hey @Ingress, so I decided that I’m gonna stack the three. You said Wanted is dense, so how would you recommend I listen?

PS + Stark
or some other variation? Should I listen to Wanted on the solo sub day, or stack wanted?

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Yeah, Wanted was a little heavy for me, so I put it on a solo day. You can look around and see, but I think most people placed it on a solo day. Yeah, that listening pattern is good. However, I would personally listen to Stark first, then PS, but you can do it either way.


That makes sense, I’ll try that out.

StarkQ + PS



Ay good luck and No problem!


is an order of running titles play important thing?

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100% agree, Wanted is a bit heavy since it’s been maxxed out for seduction so I would recommend as @Ingress mentioned to have it on a solo day to possibly make it easier for you and to possibly reduce recon. Not sure if it’s just me but I noticed then when I drink green tea it seems to make me easier process Wanted and reduces recon. Might be a cool thing to try tagging @GoldenTiger as he might like this:)

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Green tea? I’ll give that a shot!

Yeah aha the idea came to me out of random when I found out that green tea could potentially inhibit covid so I give it a shot for fun: The green tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection - PubMed

Did it help? No clue but it definitely helped with processing and recon that I had from my current stack of Stark + HoM and a multistager

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Hey, whatever works right? Green tea has been a thing in Eastern medicine for eons. What multi stager???

Quantum Limitless I just say multi stager for the suspense hehe

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I’m gonna wait…BUT I’ve been eyeing that Sub for a while…lol

It depends tbh. I use @Invictus method for sub usages. He should have it explained somewhere in his journal (I’ll try to find it again). But in general, I always keep the second sub as the most impactful one.


Wouldn’t nootropics help with subs? Also are you in the tech sector by any chance?

Depends on how much you expect nootropics to help with subs. Helping with recon? Yes, I’ve found Green Tea to be a very good “nootropic” that basically get rids of recon for me. Yes I am how about you?

That and building neural links to boost speed of mental processing for results.

I’m currently in EVs looking for any and all skills that anywhere from 5 to 6 figures a month so I can escape

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Building neural links, you mean the device by Elon Musk or something else?

Marketing or tech might be good to make 5 to 6 figures. You can ask me anything tech related and my favorite genius billionaire marketer @Invictus for anything marketing related:)


Building neural links like what limitless and QL talks about. Some people suggest some type of mushroom, can’t remember the name.
Though inventing stuff is certainly on my mind, maybe a few trading bots first.

We talking a month? If so stark me bl and limitless all need to be in custom :joy::joy: cuz I’ll only stay at this job for so long, especially with all this micromanaging trash

Also thanks for the offer, let me think of some questions, I kinda screwed myself by having like thousands of tabs, some old though, on my phone and gotta Speedrun them. Funny you mentioned @Invictus since I was looking at his project Invictus thread and most if not all of his goals for his custom resonate with me. Did not know he was into marketing.


I coordinate major events in the country, and market them :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t4:
But coordinating and organizing are my main “duties”, marketing is just a side thing I do when I feel like the main campaigns team is lacking :eyes:


okay okay okay I finally get it now. Jeez. I couldn’t figure out what you did


What major events we talking about :smirk::smirk::joy::joy:

And how did you even get into marketing

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