New Guy from UK with questions - im lost :(

@AjUK Greetings and welcome to the Sub Club family. Great people here giving great advice. Enjoy​:+1::100:


@TheSunlightCaller haha thank you!! I appreciate the welcome and support!! Ive started my journal too so feel free to join in if theres anything you wish to :slight_smile:


Yes please.


Thank you @RVconsultant sorry I saw this late. I had asked in my journal the question. it was regarding how to listen after the 21days + 5 days break.

What others have told me is to take the 5 days break and then to restart the cycle exactly the same way again for another 21days+5 and repeat again. So each cycle is 21days +4/5days break.

I have asked other questions in my journal too so if you want to please feel free to chime in with any answers you feel you can. Thanks.

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21 days and 5 days break to be precise

You count your day 1 of 21 when you start listening to your first loop so in total you should have 11 loops in and the day right after your 11th is yours first day of ‘’ washout’’

After the 5 days washout your good to restart the exact same cycle :wink:


Ah thanks @Melior yeah my day 1 was when I started so by checking you’re right my last listen is day 21 and then I will have 5 days break which i realise is called ‘washout’ as you mentioned. So im learning.

Awesome thank you for guiding me, much appreciated!

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