New female to even out the ratio of this boys club

@xkjwx A warm welcome to Sub Club.Enjoy your adventure and most of all be patient. For some of us it takes awhile.

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Haha Thank you - I’m a mental health therapist - patience and understanding is my strong suit.


Blown away by your answer Brandon - Thank you, it’s exactly what I needed to hear. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. <3


Welcome. You sound like you’ve got your stuff pretty well together already so it’s going to be interesting to see how much higher you can go with these subs. I suspect you’re going to have a very interesting ride.
I encourage you to journal as much as you are comfortable despite the attitude that some have toward women.
A lot of the guys here, myself included, have had some very bad experiences with women. It took me a while to go from bitterly generalizing about women to realizing that I was the common denominator and starting to figure out why I was repeatedly attracting the same type of woman.
Your perspective could be very helpful both to women looking for a means of self improvement, and to guys who don’t understand women very well.
I’m looking forward to hearing more from you.


Now my following advice is usually for men I coach, but it works here regardless.

If you switch subs/businesses/partners ANYTHING in your life constantly, that is because you haven’t found your true self. Who you are, what you WANT to be.

I started 12 businesses before I was successful with my current one. People will then say you “throw shit at the wall until something sticks” but I discovered that the current business is just EXACTLY WHO I AM deep down.

It’s not trying things until you make money. It’s trying things until you find your passion.

With help of the subs I discovered this. I removed all societal layers, etc.

So for you, I would recommend trying a bunch of subs to see how they feel. ZP will show you subconsciously anyway what you need to work on and guide you towards the subs. But you gotta start somewhere.
Sure, all the research beforehand is great, but your conscious mind might just heavily misguiding you.

Understand that your current programming is making you choose subs.

The key is to being OPEN to whatever you subconscious mind brings you.

Maybe you will discover that you only try to run businesses because society told you to be a strong woman. Maybe you will discover that you LIKE to be the Empress or Pepper Potts kind of woman.
Not trying to be sexist or indoctrinate you here. The exact opposite, you need to be OPEN to whatever comes.

For me this was tough, because I was taught by the Red Pill to be the tough, stoic, ruling with the Iron Fist kind of guy. But this is NOT AT ALL who I am. So this brought some tough feelings and emotional traumas I worked through. But NOW, I am freer than ever.

So, TL;DR:
Start with an Ascension Title and EoG (imo Stage 1 is just to remove money indoctrinations, never a bad sub. You don’t have to run all 4 stages) and then figure your path out along the way.


I think your journals were the first I read all the way through from start to finish!

You are very correct on most points. After Saint’s comment this morning about Emperor, I have been reading about it and thinking… f…k it… maybe just go all in and be the first female tester. Ruffle some feathers. hahaha

Some of the business’s I have had - I have absolutely loved! I used to own a nightclub at one stage with my ex-husband, but he was an addict (gambling and drugs) and we lost everything and had to declare bankruptcy. So yeah I would own a nightclub again in a heartbeat BUT I need a substantial amount of capital to do that.

My current business in the mental health field drains my energy, I just want to move into something without so much sadness and trauma if you get what I mean. I specialise in Bipolar clients because I am medically termed as “in remission” myself for many many years. Not allowed to use the word cured. I am highly sought after in my industry and bloody good at what I do - but… I’ve lost the spark behind it that I had a couple of years ago.

I also used to love being in the Adult industry but that had its time limit as well. It was also very draining. I used to love the creative side, of thinking of unique video ideas and scripting them - I need to have a creative outlet.

So one of my new ideas is to help on the other side of the fetish industry by helping them overcome their fetishes. I know a lot of my ex-clients used to be ashamed of what turned them on and it caused issues - they would do anything to get over it and not have it anymore. So … yeah - Adult addiction/fetish therapist.


@xkjwx welcome to the club :rofl:

Maybe @SaintSovereign and @Fire could make a sub on overcoming fetish addiction ?


Stop it - you are taking my clients away before I even start! hahahahahaha


all the mental therapists will be jobless :rofl:


Journal started - because I had some stuff I wanted to note down.


That’s what I do (sort of). Now I wasn’t doing porn myself, but I was addicted to it, now I help guys get over this life-killing addiction.

So, you’ve been everywhere.

What do you think of Astrology? Specifically the natal chart to figure out your BASE personality without societal indoctrination?

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I did say… I get bored easy. Variety is the spice of life right !

I’m not really into astrology. I was many many years ago - but after learning that it’s a label and we adjust our personality to suit labels, I kinda went off it. But sure if you want to do my chart and advise I would be open to hearing it.

In saying that - I am an INFJ down to a tee.


I’m betting $100 you have a lot of Gemini placements just like I do. Because this resonates a lot lol

Sure, send over your EXACT birth date (to the MINUTE if you can) and location and I’ll check it out when I find the time.


Very interesting to meet a fellow INFJ woman on the forum. There are a couple of male INFJs here (maybe 3 or 4 of us total) but I think you’re the first one of the femme version of us. But then we INFJs are pretty rare so there’s that.

As much as I don’t like labeling others or myself, I do find the labels useful in helping navigate life. I understand it is limiting but it also helps us understand concepts.

Don’t be too concerned about what men say about women or what women say about men. I know I get triggered by some things and I have also triggered others by the things I have said. But this happens since we are trying to express ourselves in our journals, sometimes affirming some beliefs, sometimes throwing away some old beliefs and many times being challenged by each other on the forum to learn new things.

Fortunately the co-creators SaintSovereign, Fire and the co-admins RVconsultant and DarkPhilosopher keep this place a safe haven to be ourselves while at the same time help us to grow. So that’s a good reason to journal aside from having all your thoughts and feelings in the forum under an anonymous name will help keep things private while at the same time help us and others to see our own growth. Which is damn inspiring.

I have views about men and women that some might feel are prejudiced. But that’s not coming from a place of hostility rather than from a place of trying to understand how the world works. Specifically how men and women operate. But am always willing to listen to others and mull over things. We are all wrong in some things but we learn and change.

As an INFJ, our empathy is a super-power and a curse. We understand people deeply but at the same time it drains us (and as as therapist, that must be affecting you deeply even as much as you enjoy your work). Which is why it is a good thing to be among people who encourage us.

And you will get plenty of that here. A warm welcome to you.


@Lion I am also an INFJ and I felt that CWON is excellent as it makes the other people much more empathic towards us. In fact it turns the other personality types into INFJ :rofl:


Going on my ninth month in Sub Club, it took me at least 5 months to really let the subconscious lead. Since, I haven’t changed subs almost every three weeks and have stuck with Dragon for 3 months.


Welcome to the forum. This community does not discriminate between genders, race or sexuality.We have one goal to support each other.

Everyone is equal here whether your male, female, white, dark, gay, straight it does not matter.


I’m a female too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Welcome to the club lovely!

I’m fairly new myself…


Occasionally I miss things. If you see something like that in the future, please flag it, or tag me with a link to that post.

If you know where that specific post is, would you please flag it.


We need to be more vigilant as a comunity.

@RVconsultant i appreciate you cannot be here all the time. We have cool guys like Lion who reports any anomalies. Lets work together as one community to prevent any of this behaviour.

Men, women time to unite !.