My top 3 subs, reviewed :D

Wow! im new here and hope you dont mind me asking some questions. If its too much that im asking just ignore me lol but ill ask anyway with quotes…

Firstly this, how has the sub done this and what I mean was how long did you listen to it for and when did it start making those changes? When did you yourself feel the urge to take action during your listening, was it you started taking action immediately upon day 1 of listening or later? what actions did you take?

They approach you with what or say what or how? can you be a little more specific? do they come over to you and say come take me to bed you bad boy lol ?

you have an aura you can somehow direct and throw onto someone to be into you?

what is the halo effect?

Again sorry if I jumped into your thread here and hijacked, didnt mean to just very eager to know more. Thanks.


Hi :hugs:

Did the cores in a custom execute any different compared to the store programs for you?

How about the scripts both modules and cores did they become stronger and stronger with time?

By the way @Invictus I notice you have great awareness and connection to others.


I don’t think I ever faced that specific problem.
I do feel somewhat extra tired on emperor after a few days/weeks on emperor though, but that’s a discussion for some other time, as I discovered why I felt that way.

I’d say I listened to it for around 10 months or so, last 3 months were scattered though, like I had a couple cycles without WANTED.

As for the changes, ZP subs work for me as I listen to them, and at most they’d take an hour max, to show some big effects.

I can’t exactly say this because I started WANTED since the first day it was released in Qv2, and then I also ran it during the private test, and after that I just kept going on and on with it, but I generally am taking any and all kinds of actions all the time (except on social media, but I should start soon :stuck_out_tongue:).

They don’t directly say that.
Firstly, know that around 90 to 95 percent of all communications is non-verbal, and then learn how to read body language.
What I mean by approach is they straight up come to me to “pick me up”, as if they were some pick up artists, and I’m their prize.

In fact, today something happened (due to my secret custom with WANTED; I’ll talk about it soon when I feel like journaling my current 2 customs):
I was out with my girl, her sister, and a mutual friend of ours (also a girl), and at one point the friend and my girl were checking some stuff out in IKEA, while I was seating on a sofa, and that’s when my girlfriend’s sister came to me and sat next to me (the OGs reading this know exactly who this sister is :wink:), and made suggestive moves, with some low key flirty sentences, and then “accidentally” missing a step while standing, causing her to trip and end up with her ass on my lap, as if I didn’t know what she was trying to do :eyes:.

Then at another instance, after they all left, I went to a smoke shop to get some tobacco, and a girl came to talk to me while I was smoking, first she asked for my lighter, then started to chat, asking me things like where I’m from and what do I do for work (I guess due to what I was wearing), and then the following conversation happened:

Her: you come here often?
Me: nah, usually just pick my stuff from the other branch.
Her: so you live in that area?
Me: is this an interview?
Her: hahaha no, but it could turn into a first date.
Me: awww that’s cute, hope you find a good guy.

And I dipped afterwards :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, but it’s more like a presence that I guide, and in a way it’s an influence.

I’d call it an “influential presence:stuck_out_tongue:

A phenomena that occurs due to human conscious bias towards everything that is “attractive”, due to the human brain having a subconscious belief that those who are attractive are “superior”, causing their social value to be much higher than the average person.

This effect can benefit an attractive person in many ways, from getting free gifts and services, all the way to getting random job offers and/or promotions.

Customs hit much harder and stronger, due to two reasons:

  • when you’re making the list of modules, your basically consciously guiding the custom to execute in a certain way, which allows your conscious mind to also align with your desires, making the connection between what you “want” and what you “manifest” much stronger.

  • your name is embedded in the script, making it much more personal and stronger that way, as it makes the script even for more “realistic” for subconscious, and easily executable.

Thank you very much :pray:t3:
I’d say that my self-awareness is probably my biggest gift, and it was only enhanced further with Mind’s eye, because of which I can always be aware of my inner reality, and keep a stronger grasp over my external one.


Picturing you making a Stark peace sign with fingers before peacing out :rofl:


Here’s the thing, the remake to King ZP arrived today, and I listened to it before going out,
And guess the 2 cores :eyes::rofl:

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Smoking is bad for your health :slight_smile:

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I like to live dangerously :sunglasses:

The motto of James Bond :slight_smile:

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And where is your recommendation on how to build a proper custom as you have promised?

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mystery intensifies

Please remind me tomorrow :pray:t3:
I’ll make a thread and help out with whatever builds people have in mind :sunglasses:


legit waiting for @Invictus to spill the secret sauce

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Your time has come :).

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Soooon :wink:

After my date bro :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Click here

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Did you feel you could conquer the world or were you pushed to the mindset of conquering the world?