My life feel pointless

Im working hard af at the gym, im getting stronger and bigger, im earning more money, im getting more respect but it just feels pointless


Sounds like a lack of meaning. Pursue meaning however you want.


How can i find meaning?

That is the question, look at your values as a start. Why you do what you do. Usually meaning is in the why.

This is what I started doing, along with questioning my beliefs. I’m not a wise sage or anything but pointlessness is Usually a symptom of lacking meaning in a life.


Do you have ADHD?

@Geoff is correct. You need purpose. I think RoM is the title for you.

You need a purpose that helps others and which also aligns with your interests. An example is teaching other men to be stronger. Or being part of a research organisation that is looking for a cure for devastating diseases. Something bigger than yourself and which can be done for the rest of your life.

It’s good to see that you have got a good handle on your physical and fiscal wellbeing. And now your mind is looking for a bigger challenge. Something that will excite you as you wake up. Something to look forward to.

You could take the advice of a wise mentor for this. Look for people you admire and pay them to mentor you. You will get loads of quality advice from them.

EDIT: Inner Circle would be a good idea for finding mentors.


You already have it.

Don’t make it or yourself into too big of a deal.

Life is beautiful.

And it’s temporary.

The vast majority of conditions in the universe support not being alive.

Improbably, miraculously, you are alive.

For a moment.

You get to be here for a little while.

Meaning is like your liver, your pancreas, your gallbladder.

You never think about them. But you already have them.

You don’t need to create a liver for yourself. You just need to take good care of the liver that you already have.

Taking good care of your liver does not involve sitting down thinking, “liver…liver…liver” For your whole day. That’s actually taking pretty horrible care of it.

Taking good care of your liver involves having good habits that support healthy liver function.

The same is true for your Meaning.

You don’t have to sit around thinking, “meaning …meaning …What’s my meaning?!”

You just need to have decent habits that support healthy meaning.


Wise words


All that little crisis of yours is probably stemming from the fact that you started working on the missing links to your ideal self that are far away from those that are the most immediate. To my eye, the most immediate missing link in your case, and in the case of majority of people, is a healthy and strong relationship with yourself. It’s difficult to succeed in other areas of life if that link is missing unless you were luckily born into favorable circumstances (high status, money) but even then you would be much “less” than you could be if that link was no longer missing. That’s why I recommended CFW to you as it was designed to foster the most important of our relationships that is our relationship to ourselves.


@Sub.Zero @Malkuth @Lion thanks a lot for the wise words🙏


I think i was diagnosed with soemthing like this as a child, i dont remember tho, why?

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Leave it, you don’t need any labels on the way to building a solid and positive relationship with your real self.

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Because ADHD, at least for me, feels like that. Like things can be pointless. Boring. Lack luster etc.


Feels relateble to me a couple of years back, most things that are seen as merit and cool in society just felt and looked boring all of a sudden. That’s why when someone just says do more, get more, and so on… it just doesn’t cut it.

For me personally it was the gateway into more spirituality, and what really helped me was getting back in touch with nature. I moved to a cabin in the woods for 6 months lol. You don’t have to be that extreme, but it did wonders for me.

Life is cyclical, and after some time no matter where you are in life, things just changes, and with that values and interest as well. Maybe now it is time for a period of deep introspecting?


I dont believe in adhd anyways


I actually really want to move away to a cabin alone foe something, i had the idea.

Dont know how i will manage tho

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Start to begin with incoperating more nature in your every day life to start with.


Also what you can do if you haven’t, is to look into your personality type, your cognative functions, communication style etc. It can give hints what your natural strengths and weaknesses are, and what to focus on.

When i did that I understood my past behavior and why I did what I did in different timespans in my life.


You mean a personality test?

Yes, I use as I like their tests. The map is not the territory, but it can give you great insights to how you tic and operates, and if you align with your natural and inborn tendencies, life flows so much better IMO.