My life feel pointless

I will check this out, thanks


Not everything has to have meaning. Just live your life. Maybe run Sanguine

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You don’t find meaning. You decide on one. Literally, decide what you want your life to be about and go do that!


How long have you been feeling defeated? Is it something you * think * is pointless, or is it just a feeling you have? I’m not attacking you, I genuinely want to understand your thoughts and emotions.

Can you describe in more detail what it feels like to be pointless? It seems like you may not feel a strong emotional connection with yourself or others. Do you feel connected to others?

I also guess that you go through the motions of anger and that your range of emotions is limited. When was the last time you felt curiousity?

Even if you’re just going through the motions of your daily routine, like getting out of bed, eating, or going to work or the gym, it’s important to try to connect with those experiences on an emotional level. What motivates you to continue doing these things? Is there something you’re working towards, or a goal that you’re trying to achieve?

In general, people tend to be more engaged and invested in conversations that focus on emotions and experiences, rather than just facts. This is because ultimately, every conversation is about you and the other person, and it’s important to be able to relate on a deeper level. So, try to focus on how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing, and don’t be afraid to share that with others.

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Not at all.

I think itd limited, and i ddint felt curious in a long time.

Emotions are a doorway to the deepest parts of our being and a gateway to the subconscious mind, allowing us to connect with ourselves and others on a profound level. Often, we may find ourselves struggling to understand and process our emotions, leading to feelings of confusion and frustration. It is important to recognize that this is a normal part of the human experience and that seeking help to address our emotional barriers is a brave and compassionate act.

I understand that you’ve received subliminal advice, so i’ll refrain from that part. However i want to ask you to consider seeking out a therapist who specializes in body work and emotional healing. This will give you a safe and supportive space to explore your emotions and address the underlying barriers that are holding you back.

By delving deeper into your emotional landscape, you’ll discover a world of wonders that will transform the way you experience life. Colors will become more vibrant, conversations will ignite your curiosity, and you’ll experience moments of spontaneous laughter and joy. Your passions will come alive, and you’ll find yourself pursuing them with renewed vigor and purpose.

I want you to know that seeking help to address your emotional barriers is not only brave but also a compassionate act towards yourself. It’s a journey that requires patience, kindness, and self-compassion. But the rewards are truly worth it, and you deserve to experience the richness and fullness of life that comes with emotional healing and transformation.

Remember, emotions are a doorway to your deepest self, allowing you to connect with yourself and others on a profound level. With the right support, you can navigate your emotional landscape with ease and grace, and unlock the limitless potential that lies within you.


:point_down: Here brother

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Thanks a lot brother, i was always afraid of feeling emotions.

Since i rememver myself, the only emotion i allowed myself to feel was anger, i didnt want other people to see me feeling anyth8ng, not even happiness.

I remember a lot of year ago my friends threw me a surprise party, when i got in the house mu face lighted up with a huge smile, i immediatly ehiped off the smile and put on the blank face.

I was always like this, i took a mission upon myself and feel all my emotions and stop shoving them down, good and bad.

And lately there are a lot of emptions im just not used to, and its scary.

One loop of cfw already helped a ton today, i will right on it more in my journal.


After many… many years of searching… I have learned that…

Meaning cant be found… meaning is something that you create.


The same is true for finding out who you are, your identity. It cannot be found but it’s being constantly created, it’s a never ending work in progress.


One of my favorite books


Will rom help me find a higher purpose?


It does have scripting for finding purpose. Do check out the sales page.


I’m in a tough situation too, dude. I get that feeling. The only thing that’s saved me a depressive spiral is going to the gym.

It gives me a motivation to eat, and to eat right. My body looks good, but it isn’t the key to happiness. I thought it was in my early stages when I saw all those gym guys with abs flexing, looking cool, with their shoulder caps and awesome muscles. It seemed hard, but I’m there now. V taper and all that. I wouldn’t trade it in for anything, but it wasn’t some kind of happiness pill.

I enjoy reading sometimes, and I’m learning to play guitar. It just kind of feels like a sort of disenfranchisement. Like an “is this it?” I refuse to run to movies and TV shows to fill my time.

Maybe try meditation, cold therapy works great and you can start slow, maybe look for some nice friends. I’ve had to reevaluate the people I spend time with. At times a group of people can be more of a congregation of the mutually lonely and desperate, rather than people who care for each other.