My life feel pointless

Thanks a lot bro, very informotive and helpful!


You are welcome, if anything was unclear remind me of it and I will clarify it for you :grin:

Will send you some peace doves :dove::grin::dove:


I am moving tho, i work a lot of hpurs at my job and interact with a lot of people and working out, but it just seems pointless.

Like why do i even do all of those things?

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I think there are organizations in my area which i can aply to

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You wanna slow down because emperor is kicking you in the ass and questioning why you are at a work place when you can own the damn thing :grin::wink::wink::wink:

But it’s a lil too much for you, be careful buddy!!!

To become an emperor you will also need some expertise, knowledge, to have some experience under your belt … Always take lots of action and keep the mental changes on the low…

The moment you feel even the slightest of friction you should probably tamper back

If you go too far over the edge you will experience what you now experience

Which is inertia, it’s still mild with you now so you can quickly snap out of it.


Yeah emperor really making me think those things while working lmao, but i dont know wgat to do instead

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Give it a try… you have been (or are being) inspired by the warrior archetype, and that’s the true purpose of being a warrior.
Unlike it is currently portrayed by media and most contemporary fighting stars

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There you have it.

It’s mental… it’s an accumulation of mental energy.

So to ways to go about it, one is to release it by writing/singing/talking to us (as you are now doing)/thinking at work LOL! / uhhh you can think away in many ways ;)))

Or two is to ground that energy

Nature and especially places with big nature stones are perfect for grounding

Or increase your mental power!!!

Maybe this all sounds a little farfetched I don’t know you but tell me what works

Figuring it out is what you must do because your conscious part of the mind is conversing with the subconscious part, it’s slipping through in your conscious part so much and this proces needs to be diminished …

Many many many ways about it but like I said I don’t know you so don’t wanna steer your in directions that might not serve you


I actually started having arguments with the supiriors and disagreeing with them more, but they still seem to like/respect me.

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I will give it a try, thanks a lot brother

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I started doing meditation again, 30 mins a day, will this help too?



And yeah slow down the changes it’s causing more harm than good right now.

Emperor is ruthless too, some love might give you more empathy to also look at their view in life (of your superiors) … You signed a contract follow to rules even if you think you are emperor hahaha

Respect your superiors, they are superiors under your circumstances which you signed to

I have to go best of luck!!!

Meditation helps if you can do it properly go deep within and if you still your mind long enough you will receive energy from your soul and the cosmos that will restore you!!!

Quickly typed this don’t mind the errors please my phone is dying have to go as well

Take care of yourself!!!


Thanks a lot for everyone, talking to you guys and venting alone really helped.

But your advice helped even more, thanks a lot!


Now apply it and see what happens :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Because emperors will go there own way anyway hahaha!!! Stubborn rulers they are :grimacing::shushing_face::green_heart:

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Why LBFH when probably he needs a lot of self love, wouldn’t it be better choosing Lovebomb?

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@Theacrobat @Leandros i actually did 1 cycle of lbfh + glm

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Chosen from Within and Lovebomb for Humanity

You need balance in all the Alpha titles you have run.

All the best to your Journey

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I haven’t read the whole thing, just skimmed through.

In my opinion the best sub to get you out of this is Chosen. Not Chosen From Within or Emperor.

This is a subjective take but CFW, at least the experimental title when I used it, ‘causes a lot of questioning. Emperor also questions you but in a way of pushing you to do more, which can be a lot of pressure if you’re not ready for both.

Using CFW, again - my own opinion and based off my own experiences, questioning you when you’re not in the greatest headspace to begin with isn’t a good idea. By good headspace I don’t necessarily mean you want to do something bad to yourself, but that’s where I was and the last thing I needed was more internal monologues from myself questioning my thought processes and pushing myself further down the rabbit hole.

I suggest Chosen because of the pure positivity. It may be more of an external sub but it has to internally run through you with positivity first before you can give it to someone else - in my opinion.

It’s the one sub I used before I planned on hurting myself or worse the day it came out. I remember saying to myself ‘if this doesn’t do anything/work/give me what I need then…’ you get the point…

It changed my life in one loop and I’m still here today and I will never not recommend Chosen for a positivity stand point. I think things like Emperor, CFW and whatever else that questions you is for more when you’re in a stronger frame of mind and can build yourself from the new thought processes - not when you’re already struggling with them.


Thanks a lot and happy to hear you are in a better place

I saw on the sales page that chosen stacks well with rm, i kight give this stack a try because rm can help me express myself which i never do.


Get f’n jacked out of your mind.

Get more sex, more status, more money, more skills, more networks, more everything.

Dominate everything. Become untouchable and unbreakable.

Sitting in the bed, doing what? You call yourself a Viking?

Ain’t no Viking who sits around in the bed.

Brother. We are savages. Our ambitions are aggressive.

You have been weakened my brother. It pains me to see you like this.

But alas it will be temporary. Grab your hammer and join me in the name of Valhalla.

Let this be a reminder of who you were… who are you are.


[I’m joking lol, you got great replies from other people]